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Dean laments deterioration in pharmacy practice


Worried by the sharp decline of professionalism among pharmacists, particularly those in the hospitals and communities, Professor Isa M.Hussaini, dean, faculty of pharmacy, University of Maiduguri, has called for an urgent intervention of the two umbrella bodies of PCN and PSN to rescue the profession from further deterioration.

The dean, who spoke with Pharmanews in an exclusive interview, expressed his displeasure with the way and manner in which some pharmacists operate today, as against the novel practice that existed in the seventies and eighties.

“Pharmacy practice has deteriorated immensely, compared to 1970’s and 1980’s.  The decline is more apparent in retail (community) and hospital pharmacy practice. Most pharmacy practice in these two areas needs major surgical intervention. There is an urgent need for the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN) and Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) to save the profession in these two areas of practice,” he stated.

He went further to suggest that some of those facilities should immediately be closed or heavy fines should be imposed on them, if they refuse to improve on their practice. He noted that the storage facilities and environments where they operate are very filthy and hot, which definitely contribute to the deterioration of the active ingredients in the drugs.

The don, who has just been appointed a fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Science (NAS)  also listed major areas in the health care industry that need to be improved upon in 2013 to include: preventive medicine (vaccination and environmental hygiene), diagnostic medicine (radiology and pathology) and pharmacy practice (retail and hospital pharmacy).

Speaking on the link between academic research and human development in the society, he said academic research is the vehicle that drives human development in many societies. He noted that the two go hand-in-hand, and any society that ignores academic research is doomed to fail and will continue to depend on other countries for survival.

His words: “Any society that ignores academic research is doomed to fail and will continue to parasitise on other progressive countries and societies. The main reason why countries such as the United States of America (USA), Japan, Germany and Britain, just to mention a few, are developing very fast is due to huge investments in academic research.”

Urging Nigerians to follow the good examples of other developed countries in the area of academic research, he said the US spends over $50 billion on academic research through the National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation. He stated that the returns from such investments are new and improved products that advance the lives of US citizens, and they export the technology/products to developing countries that lack capacities to do research but spend money on finished products.

As regards the activities of the committee set up by NAFDAC to verify the curative properties of some herbs for various terminal diseases, he said it is a welcome development which may save the lives of Nigerians and reduce astronomical cost of cancer therapy, but should be done with caution.

“The committee constituted by NAFDAC should only recommend herbs that have been scientifically validated to be effective in terminal diseases before recommending the use of such herbs. Toxicities of such herbs should also be established with LD50 values before patients are given such preparations. We had tested over 54 herbs that are claimed to have anti-cancer efficacies. We could only confidently confirm the robust activities of eight of such preparations in Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) and breast cancer cells.”


Assessing the performance of pharmacist students, he described it as excellent, considering the prevailing situations in our universities and country, in general. He said just like before, students are willing to work hard and assimilate new materials and the state-of-the-art techniques. “Most of our recent graduates are doing exceptional well in hospitals and pharmacy schools.”

“My advice to pharmacy students is to endeavour to be honest, hardworking and graduate with the best grades possible. I expect them to do their best and the sky is their limit. They have mentors, role models and heroes in their faculties and in pharmacy practice outside the universities.”

“To my registered pharmacy colleagues and friends, I advice them to be of the highest integrity and protect the image of our novel profession. We formulate, manufacture and dispense the most important substance (drug) known to mankind. I advice my colleagues to store this drug in a clean environment at the right temperature, respect our client, the patient, with outmost respect and perform pharmaceutical care with the best professional integrity. Our knowledge of drug information and physical appearance should portray the importance and value of our noble profession.”


Coffee, caffeine and headaches: Exploring the relationship between Caffeine and headaches


The consumption of coffee has been linked to reduction of headaches. This article seeks to explain some common terms often associated with coffee and headaches i.e. withdrawal headaches, weekend headaches and fasting headaches, and their possible association with caffeine use.

What is meant by the term “withdrawal headaches”?

Caffeine withdrawal headaches are headaches that occur when regular coffee drinkers discontinue coffee intake abruptly. This sudden cessation of regular caffeine consumption may result in headaches among sensitive individuals. The headache generally resolves within a few days or at most one week after consumption has stopped.  In addition, the headache disappears when caffeine consumption is resumed. It is important to note that caffeine withdrawal headaches are not experienced by all individuals; prevalence figures vary between 0.4 per cent and 50 per cent. Caffeine withdrawal headaches can easily be prevented by reducing caffeine consumption gradually in the days before cessation of consumption, for instance in the case of religious fasting or a surgical procedure.

Are “fasting headaches” related to caffeine consumption?

Fasting of food is an important precipitating factor of headaches, generally, and the probability of onset increases directly with the duration of fasting. In fact, some authors have mentioned the use of terms like “hunger” headaches often used when individuals have not had any food for some time and experience headaches associated with their hunger. Fasting headaches are one of the most common forms of secondary headaches, but much remains to be explained about the underlying patho-physiological mechanisms. Hypoglycaemia and caffeine withdrawal are suggested as potential triggers although fasting headaches may occur even when there is no hypoglycaemia and in individuals who do not normally consume coffee. Other factors like abstinence from water, genetic makeup or cultural factors may also contribute to fasting induced headaches.


Are “weekend” headaches related to coffee consumption?

Some individuals may experience headaches particularly on weekend mornings. Different explanations are proposed for this so called weekend headaches. It might be related to the changes in stress levels, or sudden disappearance of stress during the weekend. Changes in the pattern of sleep have also been suggested as an important cause or missing the usual early breakfast on weekend mornings or avoidance of caffeine on weekend mornings.

Does the occurrence of weekend headaches indicate that coffee is addictive?

The common sense use of the term addiction is that regular consumption of a substance becomes irresistible and that using it creates problems. Caffeine use does not fit this profile. Its intake does no harm to the individual or society and caffeine users are not compelled to consume it. Though cessation of regular caffeine use may result in symptoms such as headaches and lethargy, these are very moderate, compared to those induced by drugs of abuse. In addition, they are easily and reliably reversible or wane with time.

In summary, coffee has many beneficial health effects and has been shown to reduce symptoms in certain kinds of headaches. Understanding the science behind some types of headaches that had been hitherto associated with regular coffee intake will help individuals prevent some of these symptoms and fully enjoy the health benefits of coffee consumption.



Coffee and health information bureau.Coffee and the brain.Stmiocommunicatie&presentiatieTiel, Netherlands. April 2011.

Nehlig A. Caffeine and headache: Relationship with the effects of caffeine on cerebral blood flow. In Nehlig A (ed) Coffee, Tea, Chocolate and the brain;CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, floroda: 2004;175-186

ScherA  Caffeine as a risk factor for chronic daily headaches. A population based study. Neurology, 2004; 63: 2022-2027

Shapiro RE.Caffeine and headaches. Current pain headache rep. 2008 12:311-315

Torelli P et al Fasting headache: a review of the literature and new hypothesis. Headache, 2009; 49:744-752

Coutorier EGM Weekend attacks in migraine patients: caused by caffeine withdrawal? Cephalaga, 1992; 12:99-100

Being appointed a Fellow is highest honour in pharmacy profession – Pharm. Jimi Agbaje


Pharm. Jimi Agbaje, managing director of JayKay Pharmcy, has described being appointed a Fellow of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) as one of the highest honours that can be bestowed on a member of the pharmacy profession.

This much was revealed during the just concluded PSN presidential inauguration ceremony of Pharm. OlumideAkintayo and investiture of 25 eminent pharmacists,which took place at the Muson Centre, Onikan, Lagos, on 24th March, 2013.

Also in attendance were Pharm AzubikeOkwor, immediate past president; Pharm. Ade Popoola, chairman, PSN Board of Fellows (BOF); Hon. NdudiElumelu, chairman, House Committee on Health;Foluso Phillips, president, National Economic Summit Group (NESG); Dr. Nelson Uwaga, PSN past president;Dr Joe Odumodu, chairman, Standard Organisation of Nigeria (SON) and Mazi Sam Ohuabunwa, a PSN Fellow.

Speaking on the theme “Repositioning the Pharmacy Profession – Role of Fellows,”Agbaje, who was the keynote speaker, said thatFellowship is an honour which recognises those individuals who have attained distinction in particular aspects of their pharmacy career.

“Since majority of fellowships are based on nomination from the State branches, and in few cases from members, it signifies the esteem in which a member of the Society is held by his peers. Fellowship is an honour that all members should aspire to,” he said.

Explaining further, the former Lagos gubernatorial candidate noted that,after about four decades of existence, the PSN decided to start honouring deserving outstanding members of the Society with the award of the Fellowship of the Society (FPSN).

The first to be so honoured was the late AzariahOlusegunRansome-Kuti, posthumously, in 1971. However, the number so honoured up to 2012 stood at 431, out of a registered pharmacists’ population of about 17,000, making them the creme-de-la-creme of the profession.

While lauding the virtue of the incumbent PSN president, Pharm. Okworsaid that he believed he is the best man for the job.

“The PSN is meant for those who can be president and I can assure you that OlumideAkintayo fits that bill. It is my pleasure to hand over to someone who can carry on with the splendid tradition of the society,” he remarked.

Foluso Phillips, chairman of the occasion, also challenged pharmacists at the gathering to define the role they have played so far in the society and Nigeria as a country.

“At times like this, it is always pertinent to ask what key performance indicator we set for ourselves. What are the advocacy platforms you have in the society? Where’s your voice in roll back malaria andpolio programmes in our country?

“Aside key performance indicators in our various professions, we need to seek alignment in playing our major roles. Today’s Nigeria is compelling us to remain firm, accountable and determined,” he stressed.


SKG pharma rewards trade partners, launches Novalyn Linctus


As part of its activities to retain customers’ loyalty, SKG Pharma Limited organised a trade partners conference, to celebrate the patronage of all their customers across the country, as well as reward them for the businesses transacted with the company for the year 2012.

The conference, which was held at the De-renaissance Hotel, Ikeja, Lagos, also witnessed the launch of a new product, Novalyn Linctus, a herbal cough medicine for both adults and children.

Speaking with the managing director, Mr. Okey Akpa, in an exclusive interview at the event, he said the trade partners’ forum is an annual event where they appreciate their clients for being in business with SKG Pharma, and also get reasonable feedback from them about the performance of the company, as well as that of its field force.

“The first thing we gain from this conference is customers’ loyalty; celebrating our customers every year is part of our scheme to retain loyalty. For us, loyalty is a two-way thing; we remain loyal to them, and they are loyal to us.”

“The second thing is quality feedback because they are the bridge between us and the rest of the channels, right down to the consumers. Speaking to them enables us get quality feedback, without which the business is at risk. So, we see this as a very important occasion where we interact, and chart the way forward for the organization.”

Speaking on the launched product, the SKG boss said the cough syrup has natural ingredients, which contain honey, purified natural oil, lime oil, lemon oil and glycerol. Another advantage it has over competitive products is its non drowsiness.

“As a company, we don’t want to be seen in one mode, either as a herbal company or anti-herbal company. We are a holistic pharmaceutical company, and we are involved in research and development. At any time we are able to get a product that is going to get all the therapeutic values, and meet all the scientific standards, that allow it to be registered by NAFDAC and other regulatory agencies, we will be very happy to present it.”

The workshop facilitator, Mr. Lere Baale of Howes Consulting Limited, took the participants on the topic: “Accelerating Business Growth”. He said, for a business to survive in a global economic recession, it must see advertising and marketing as an investment, and not a luxury. Also, he noted that the organisation must keep away from pitfalls that can run the company aground, such as price reduction, let’s wait and see approach, withdrawal of advertisements, and non training of staff.

He further submitted that there is the possibility of growth through expertise, by recruiting the right kind of people, passing the values and cultures of the organisation to the staff, focusing on productivity and teamwork, and ensuring involvement and participation of staff.

The trainer urged the company and its partners to see opportunity in the health care industry, stating that if the health care delivery is not efficient enough, it is an opportunity to sell quality products to the patients, who are seeking quality health care services.

In his own contribution, the national president of the PSN, Pharm. Olumide Akintayo, who was the special guest of honour of the occasion, tasked the company on continuous improvement, in the face of new drug distribution guidelines, and the need to put in place a drug distribution system that will be respected all over the country.

The president also advised the customers of SKG to remain loyal and committed to the organisation, saying that since they have been promoted from the level of customers to partners, they should abide by the values of the company, in all ramifications.






KCI embarks on solidarity walk to raise awareness for renal disease


As part of events lined up to mark World Kidney Day, Kidney Consultants International (KCI), a not-for-profit organization, in conjunction with Leadway Assurance, National Orientation Agency, Abeokuta and Ogun State Ministry of Health, commenced on a long walk through the city of Abeokuta to draw attention to the plight of people living with renal problems.

The walk, which started at 10.30 am on 14th March, 2013, also had in attendance representatives of Federal Road Safety Corps, Abeokuta, Nigerian Police, Super Foods Abeokuta, Rotary Club, Nigerian Association of Nephrology and Pathcare Nigeria, a Lagos-based diagnostic laboratory, as well as members of National Youth Service Corps.

According to Mr. Adebayo Sokunbi, operations director of KCI, the purpose of the day is to educate the public about kidney disease and to call attention of health authorities, all over the world,to the rising burden of the disease and the need to make policies to reduce the incidence.

During the walk, fliers were distributed which contained educative/preventive information on kidney disease made for the occasion by the National Orientation Agency,Ogun State branch. There was a brief stop-over at the Olubara of Ibara’s palace, along the Omida axis, to pay homage.

After the walk, which lasted for about 1 hour 30 minutes, the participants were all seated at the garden of the Abeokuta sports club for the educative/preventive health talk on kidney disease and free screening that followed.

This segment of the World Kidney Day activities was flagged off by the operations director of the Kidney Consultants International, Mr. Adebayo Sokunbi, who gave a welcome address.

During his keynote address,Ogun State commissioner for health encouraged guests on healthy living and the need for use of drugs, based on prescription.

The lecture for the day on the theme:Kidneys for life stop acute kidney injury was taken by Dr. Osagie Otasowie, medical officer at the Kidney Clinics, Abeokuta Dialysis Centre. He spoke broadly on the human kidney, its functions, problems, treatment and prevention, as well as the health and financial burden on the patient, relatives and the society at large.

Bringing home the point, in relation to the theme, he emphasised that acute kidney injury is treatable and,in fact, reversible when detected on time and medical attention is sought. He therefore advised the audience on the need for regular medical checkups, healthy living and most importantly, to seek medical help as soon as symptoms are noticed.

After the lecture, one of the chronic kidney patients, a 22-year-old, who is currently having his dialysis sessions at the Abeokuta dialysis centre, relived his experience to a bewildered audience.

This was followed by a free screening by a team of Pathcare Nigeria and Abeokuta dialysis officials. The tests conducted include urinalysis and random blood sugar, as well as measurement of blood pressure and body mass index.

A total number of 68 persons were screened and those with abnormal values were seen instantly by the doctor for referral.


GlaxoSmithKline unveils New Sensodyne Toothpaste Variant


In addressing recurring cases of sensitive teeth, GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Nigeria Plc has launched a new variant of its Sensodyne Toothpaste – Sensodyne Rapid Action into the Nigerian market.

The unveiling of the product, which was held at Eko Hotel and Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos on 28th March, 2013 had several dentists, including Dr. A. C. Olojede (president of the Nigerian Dental Association), academic professors such as Prof. K. O. Savage (past dean of Faculty of Sciences in LUTH) and community pharmacists in attendance.

Speaking at the launch, Chidi Okoro, GSK Consumer’s managing director, explained that so many people are unaware of the available treatment options and are also under the perception that treating sensitive teeth can be a time consuming process.

“But with this Sensodyne rapid action variant, many will immediately experience quick and effective teeth sensitivity relief in the most practical way. This is because the product is formulated to offer relief within 60 seconds,” he observed.

According to him, dentine hypersensitivity is a common problem affecting 1 out of 3 people, yet many do not actively address it. People develop sensitive teeth when the soft, inner core of the teeth, becomes exposed. This can happen due to factors such as abrasion from tooth-brushing, acid erosion which dissolves the enamel or tooth grinding that causes the enamel to be worn away, leading to sensitivity.

Buttressing his view, Dr. Steve Mason, GSK’s global clinical director for Sensitivity and Acid Erosion, stressed that Sensodyne toothpaste has been clinically proven to relieve the pain of teeth sensitivity with continuous use.

While expatiating on symptoms associated with dentine sensitivity, Mason explained that sensitive teeth may be experienced by people aged 20 and above, and if left untreated, can infringe on the enjoyment of certain food and drinks.

“That is why people adopt all sorts of methods to avoid the pain of sensitivity, but the simplest solution is to use a brand of toothpaste such as Sensodyne Rapid Action that is specially designed for sensitive teeth,” he remarked.

Following a complaint made by one of the participants on the difficulty experienced in accessing the product in Osun State, Dr Bode Adesoji, GSK’s medical director for Anglophone West Africa, said that the organisation plans to set up warehouses in some of the affected states, to facilitate smooth distribution.

“I can reassure you that GSK will never promote quackery. Before any of our adverts hit the press, it is made to undergo rigorous scrutiny. Besides, we have a well structured distribution channel,” he enthused.

Sensodyne was first marketed in 1961 as the first desensitising toothpaste based on a strontium chloride formulation.

In addition to being a global brand, with over 52 years of proven pain relief heritage, Sensodyne is the first brand with its core equity built on dentist’s recommendation and it is the most frequently recommended in the desensitising toothpaste category.

Presently, other variants of Sensodyne toothpaste available in Nigeria include: Sensodyne Extra Fresh, Sensodyne Total Care F and Sensodyne Gentle Whitening.


In addressing recurring cases of sensitive teeth, GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Nigeria Plc has launched a new variant of its Sensodyne Toothpaste – Sensodyne Rapid Action into the Nigerian market.

The unveiling of the product, which was held at Eko Hotel and Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos on 28th March, 2013 had several dentists, including Dr. A. C. Olojede (president of the Nigerian Dental Association), academic professors such as Prof. K. O. Savage (past dean of Faculty of Sciences in LUTH) and community pharmacists in attendance.

Speaking at the launch, Chidi Okoro, GSK Consumer’s managing director, explained that so many people are unaware of the available treatment options and are also under the perception that treating sensitive teeth can be a time consuming process.

“But with this Sensodyne rapid action variant, many will immediately experience quick and effective teeth sensitivity relief in the most practical way. This is because the product is formulated to offer relief within 60 seconds,” he observed.

According to him, dentine hypersensitivity is a common problem affecting 1 out of 3 people, yet many do not actively address it. People develop sensitive teeth when the soft, inner core of the teeth, becomes exposed. This can happen due to factors such as abrasion from tooth-brushing, acid erosion which dissolves the enamel or tooth grinding that causes the enamel to be worn away, leading to sensitivity. 

Buttressing his view, Dr. Steve Mason, GSK’s global clinical director for Sensitivity and Acid Erosion, stressed that Sensodyne toothpaste has been clinically proven to relieve the pain of teeth sensitivity with continuous use.

While expatiating on symptoms associated with dentine sensitivity, Mason explained that sensitive teeth may be experienced by people aged 20 and above, and if left untreated, can infringe on the enjoyment of certain food and drinks.

“That is why people adopt all sorts of methods to avoid the pain of sensitivity, but the simplest solution is to use a brand of toothpaste such as Sensodyne Rapid Action that is specially designed for sensitive teeth,” he remarked.

Following a complaint made by one of the participants on the difficulty experienced in accessing the product in Osun State, Dr Bode Adesoji, GSK’s medical director for Anglophone West Africa, said that the organisation plans to set up warehouses in some of the affected states, to facilitate smooth distribution.

“I can reassure you that GSK will never promote quackery. Before any of our adverts hit the press, it is made to undergo rigorous scrutiny. Besides, we have a well structured distribution channel,” he enthused.

Sensodyne was first marketed in 1961 as the first desensitising toothpaste based on a strontium chloride formulation.

In addition to being a global brand, with over 52 years of proven pain relief heritage, Sensodyne is the first brand with its core equity built on dentist’s recommendation and it is the most frequently recommended in the desensitising toothpaste category.

Presently, other variants of Sensodyne toothpaste available in Nigeria include: Sensodyne Extra Fresh, Sensodyne Total Care F and Sensodyne Gentle Whitening.


OAU inducts 98 pharmacy graduates,17 bag distinctions


 It was a carnival like arena as parents, guardians, friends and dignitaries in their hundreds trooped into to the prestigious Oduduwa Hall of the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, Osun State, to witness the professional induction and oath-taking ceremony for the ninety-eight pharmacy graduates for the 2011/2012 set. The ninety-eight about to be inducted graduands, who were brimming with smiles, were already seated with their colourful academic gowns as early as 10am, when the programme commenced.

The induction ceremony, which was under the chairmanship of the vice-chancellor of Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Professor Bamitale Omole, who was represented by dean, Faculty of Arts, Design and Management and chairman, Committee of Deans, Prof Fadare, also had in attendance several eminent guests, such as Pharm. (Sir) Ifeanyi Atueyi, publisher, Pharmanews; HRM Oba Pharm. OlatundeFalabi, who was represented by Chief Falana, the Aremo of Ikireland; Pharm. Ade Popoola, chairman, Board of Fellows and group managing director, Reals Specialties, Lagos;Pharm. (Dr). Lolu Ojo, national chairman, National Association of Industrial Pharmacists and the managing director, Merit Healthcare Limited, Lagos, who was also the keynote address speaker; Pharm Olumide Akintayo, president, Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria, who was represented by the chairman, PSN, Oyo State, Pharm Lekan Fashesin; Prof O. O. Bolaji, dean, Faculty of Pharmacy, OAU; Mrs. Oluwatayo Omotoyinbo, director of Pharmaceutical Science, Federal Medical Centre, Owo, Ondo State; Pharm A. L. Akinbile, chairman, PSN, Osun State; Prof Adio Ogunbona; Prof Omolara Orafidiya; Prof Mrs.Ajarat Ibrahim, among others.

While delivering his speech, the vice-chancellor, Prof Bamitale Omole, disclosed that he was delighted that the programme came at a time when the institution and the faculty are still celebrating 50th year anniversary. “In the first instance, I am happy because it is the 50th anniversary of starting pharmacy graduate programme in the institution and I am also very happy to be identified with you people because you belong to a profession that is very important, because they are life savers. Without pharmacists, the whole world would have been upside down and a lot of people would have died of treatable sicknesses.”

He therefore urged the graduating students to always strive to live beyond mediocrity in their day to day activities and trust their instincts, when facing challenges. He also advised that they should continuously strive to work hard, as the scope of pharmacy profession has changed from what it used to be to an advanced level, hence the need for them to continuously learn and upgrade themselves, so as to give the best service in their field.

“I urge you to be compassionate at all time and also listen to people’s needs and concerns. As you become members of a distinguished profession like pharmacy, I urge you to learn more on how to improve parental care. Aim very high; after all, you graduated from the premier school of pharmacy in the country. Feel compelled to lead in your chosen profession. As you are inducted today, OAU is ranked among the ten best universities in Africa and presently, the number one in Nigeria, and we are ready to sustain this development.”

Continuing, he said, “We have quite a lot of challenges, especially in the aspect of funding. We need funds for research and infrastructural development, so we solicit for financial assistance from our alumni present. Meanwhile, the new pharmacy building would be handed over to the faculty in the next six months and contracts for the roofing of the old faculty building and purchase of a thirty-seater bus for the faculty has been awarded. This shows how much we value pharmacy profession in OAU, and we hope to do more.”

In his goodwill message to the inductees, Pharm. (Sir) Ifeanyi Atueyi appreciated the institution for extending invitation to him to witness such an occasion and to visit his alma mater once again, which according to him, makes him look younger. “Pharmacy is not easy and this is evident in the fact that it is not all that start that finish. Let me state that my experience is unique. No two persons are identical and so their experiences will not be expected to be the same. Our destinies are different; therefore, our routes in life are also different.

“This is my advice to you, before you engage in the practice of different aspects of the pharmacy profession, when you do what you love to do, money will definitely follow you. I also urge you to work in the area of your strength or competence, and as well aim at being and doing your best in all you do. It is also important for you to embrace integrity and honesty, which can move you faster than connections, influence and intelligence, and as well focus and concentrate on what you love to do.

“It is also important to demonstrate diligence in your work and also persevere, especially when facing with oppositions or difficulties. Your initial work may not be what God wants you to be doing. If so, you will not truly prosper. You may have to change jobs, when necessary, until you are in the area of your calling; endeavour to ask God for direction. It is also advisable that you maintain eating and drinking. Cut down your consumption of salt, sugar and products made with white flour, junk food and fats. These have been implicated in degenerative diseases like hypertension, diabetes, heart diseases, kidney diseases, cancer, etc which manifest towards old age. Finally, you shouldn’t make the mistake of leaving God out of your life or business. All your intelligence, money and accomplishments amount to nothing, without God’s blessing.”

Dr Lolu Ojo, in his keynote address titled “Professional Character, Relevance and Integrity” defined a professional as the one who willingly adopts and consistently applies the knowledge, skills, and values of a chosen profession; while he defined character as the combination of qualities or features that distinguish moral or ethical strength, capacity, position or status; also adding that it is a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something.

He explained that there is no reason why pharmacists should be inferior to other healthcare practitioners, especially doctors; adding that pharmacy is a precision science and any mistake from a pharmacist could lead to the death of so many people at a time. He also added that without pharmacy, healthcare has no substance and credibility.

He however lamented the drop in the education standard and low quality of university graduates. “When we were in school, they made us believe that, as pharmacy students, we have no time for social activities, and we adhered strictly to that; but the question begging for an answer is: what is the quality of the university graduates that we turn out today? Under what environment is the teaching taking place? What tools are we using to teach? How is the knowledge impacted and what do we teach?”

Speaking further, Lolu Ojo, who was one-time president of the Pharmaceutical Association of Nigerian Students (PANS), OAU, chapter during his university days, while congratulating the graduating students, also advised them that success in life is not about fame or acclaim, but a venture tried, a challenge met, and a future that they embrace, which is successful only if it makes the world a better place to live in.

“To the new pharmacists, these are the few success tips that I have for you: If you do not go after what you want or desire, you will never have it. If you do not ask, the answer will always sound like a no. If you do not step forward, you will always be in the same place. If you remain in the same place, you will never see what lies ahead of you. And if you do not know what lies ahead, you will never aspire.”

Earlier in her remarks, Pharm. (Mrs) G.O Abumere, the acting registrar, Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN), disclosed to the graduands that the attainment of a university degree in pharmacy by a student is the beginning of a great and bright future, as they would still have to undertake twelve months internship training, to expose them to practical applications of the theories they were taught and now equipped with. She added that they would now be provisionally registered by the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria, the agency of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, charged with the responsibility of regulating the training and practice of the pharmacy profession, so as to allow them practise.

She noted that the production of additional ninety-eight pharmacy graduates from the institution would again help to address the paucity of pharmacists in the healthcare delivery system of the country. “This number of pharmacists would definitely increase the circle of influence of the pharmacy profession. It is also hoped that these young graduates will go out there to halt the declining trend in the health indices of our dear country, Nigeria. I enjoin you to be good team players with other healthcare professionals, in the best interest of the patients and the society at large.

“I wish to bring to your notice that pharmacists have the obligation in ensuring the rational use of medicine and health commodities, helping patients achieve and maintain good health by optimising prescribed medications. The increasing availability of medicine and their de-classification from Prescription Only Medicine (POM) to over the Counter (OTCs) medicines bring to the fore the need to monitor, not only the efficacy of medicines, but their safety as well. This can be done by no other than the pharmacy professional. The work of the pharmacist includes but is not limited to: dispensing of medicines, patient counselling, education and information of patients, adviser to the medical practitioners, promoting rational and safe use of medicine, detection of known and unknown adverse drug reactions (ADRs), identification of predisposing risk factors to use of medicines, pharmacovigilance, molecular synthesis and development, drug discovery and research.”

While lauding the institution’s efforts so far, as the premier school of pharmacy, Pharm. Abumere further urged the graduands to set good examples of moral behaviour in their profession, home and social life, and as well discharge their jobs with sincerity and with all their hearts, adding that the code of ethics is indispensable for the practice of the pharmacy profession.

Is the provider reimbursement mechanism under the NHIS adequate? By Dr. Chidi Ukandu



The launching of the NHIS in 2005 heralded a change in the method providers are reimbursed in Nigeria. Prior to this time, providers were mainly reimbursed on a fee-for-service basis and salaries.

The NHIS employs capitation, fee-for-service and per diem as the major methods for reimbursing health care providers. The new reimbursement method has been raising a lot of furore, since its introduction. Providers (hospitals and clinics) with small numbers of lives have often complained that the capitation fee is too small, whilst other providers such as pharmacists, and laboratory scientists, insist that they should be capitated directly, instead of receiving payments from hospital and clinics (for primary care services).

This article examines various methods for reimbursing health care providers and recommends reforms, if  necessary (in the context of the advantages and disadvantages of alternative methods of doctor’s reimbursement).

To arrive at conclusions, firstly, an overview of payment systems is carried out, the predicted impact of the various systems on quality, quantity and efficiency of healthcare services is enunciated, and suggestions are made regarding possible reimbursement systems.

 Overview of payment systems

There are seven main ways of paying providers: Fee-for-service (FFS), Salaries, Capitation, Daily Payment or Per Diem (for hospital stay), Case Payment (per visit or admissions), Budget, and Bonus (performance based) payment.

 The FFS System

This involves the remuneration of doctors per unit of service rendered. It rewards doctors according to the amount of work carried out. It is commonly used in Belgium, France, Germany, U.S.A. and Canada.


  • Enhancement of Productivity or Internal Efficiency
  • Promotion of cost-effectiveness


  • Provision of unnecessary services (particularly when the workload is low, treatment options are ambiguous, and the fees are set at a profitable level)
  • Reduction in quality of health care services
  • Relatively high cost of administration


This is a method of paying health care providers or insurers in which a fixed amount is paid per enrollee to cover a defined set of services over a specified period, regardless of actual services provided. Capitation payment is used in Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Costa Rica, Indonesia, and in HMOs in the United States.


  • Reduction in health care costs
  • Incentive to promote use of preventive services
  • Lower administrative costs


  • Risk selection
  • Reduction in quality of care


Under this system, the physician is paid for units of time. Remuneration is independent of the volume of services and independent of the number of patients.  The salary payment to doctors is common in planned health care systems. For example, all hospital-based doctors in China and the United Kingdom are salaried. Doctors who take care of patients in outpatient health centers are often salaried in Finland, Greece, India, Indonesia, Israel, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the former Soviet republics, Turkey, and many countries in Latin America.


  • No incentive for over or under provision of services.
  • Makes health care planning easier. This is because the doctor’s salary is known in advance.
  • Lower monitoring and administrative cost.



  • Low incentive for productivity and cost effective care
  • Poor morale
  • Low quality care

Despite its many disadvantages, the salary payment is still the most popular payment method around the world.


The budget is a prospective payment method in which health care providers are paid an amount per given period (usually a year) for specified service provision responsibilities. It is presently used in Germany, U.K., China, Hungary, Israel and Canada, and is increasingly becoming popular. Budgets vary in their structure and implementation modalities amongst various countries.


  • Makes cost of health care predictable
  • Increases internal efficiency


  • Reduces quality of care due to transfer of all risks to providers


The bonus is a payment that awards the payee extra money for achievement in association with established indicators of objectives. Various types of bonus systems exist in U.K., U.S.A., Indonesia, Canada and China. Although bonus systems are becoming increasingly popular, few studies in the health sector have analyzed the theoretical and practical effectiveness of the system.


From the above, it is clear that Provider Payment systems have their advantages and disadvantages. The choice of the ideal payment method for any health care system will depend on the historical, socio-cultural, economic and healthcare structure within which they are applied.


Incentives through provider payment systems influence provider behaviour and ultimately healthcare outcomes. The current provider reimbursement systems adopted by the NHIS appears adequate.

But it may be necessary to introduce some minor reforms, such as setting a minimum enrolee panel size, where capitation payment will commence for some providers. For example, providers with a panel size of 49 and below may be reimbursed on fee-for-service basis only and capitation introduced, when the enrolee panel rises to 50 and above. In addition, the bonus system may need to be added and tied to providers meeting health prevention objectives such as compulsory annual physicals for all enrolees.




Delivering effective and efficient health care service is the role of leaders and managers in health care service systems. At every level of management, from top-level to junior level management, health care personnel are tasked to employ the best of their clinical, technical and management skills to ensure optimal service delivery. Continuous professional development is therefore required to further develop the capacity of personnel to meet present and emerging challenges. The Pharmanews workshop on Leadership and Management is designed to make this human capacity development possible.

For 20 years, Pharmanews Ltd has offered training and consultancy services to health care personnel in Nigeria. The company is accredited by the Centre for Management Development (CMD) as a management training institution. Our programmes have benefited pharmacists, doctors, nurses, medical laboratory scientists, pharmacy technicians, distribution managers, store officers, and other health care personnel.

We request that you please send us your nominations to the training workshop on the course below:


 Date:                  Tuesday 14th and 15th Wednesday May, 2013

Time:                  9:00am – 4:00pm

Venue:               Pharmanews Training Centre

                            8, Akinwunmi Street, Mende, Maryland, Lagos

 Target Participants: Doctors, Pharmacists, Nurses, Medical Lab. Scientists and other Clinical, Administrative, and Technical personnel in the health care and Pharmaceutical industry.

Course Content:

  • Leadership and Change Management
  • Financial Management of Health Care Services
  • Effective Service Management Protocols
  • Opportunities and Challenges of the NHIS

Course Objectives:

  • To equip participants with the requisite Leadership and Management skills required for achieving optimum health care service delivery.
  • To educate participants on the relevance of Financial Management in health care services and to develop their capacity to meet the gaps in the public and private sector.
  • To enable participants understand the Protocols for Effective Service Management.
  • To educate participants on the trends, challenges, and opportunities in the implementation of the National Health Insurance Scheme in Nigeria.


Registration fee is N47,000 per participant. The deadline for registration is 30th of April, after which N49,000 will be paid. On-site registration of N49,000 will also be accepted at the workshop venue.

Registration fee covers tea/coffee break, lunch, workshop materials and certificates ONLY.

Group discounts:  3 – 5 participants – 10%,    6 and above participants – 15%

Cancellation: For cancellation of registration fee, 90% of the fee will be refunded, if cancelled at least seven (7) days to the workshop and this information communicated to us by sms or email only using: pharmanews@yahoo.com or info@pharmanewsltd.net. There will be no refund if cancelled thereafter.

Method of Payment:

Participants should pay into Pharmanews Ltd account in Zenith Bank Plc A/c No. 1010701673 or Access Bank Plc A/c No. 0035976695 and send their full names and bank deposit slip numbers by sms or email to Pharmanews Ltd.

For more information, contact:

Cyril Mbata                               –   0706 812 9728

Nelson Okwonna                       –   0803 956 9184

Elizabeth Amuneke                  –   0805 723 5128

Ifeanyi Atueyi                            –   0803 301 5991








I really do appreciate your invitation to this induction ceremony. It is an opportunity to visit my alma mater once again.

May I congratulate the graduands and their teachers; you have all done well. As graduands, you now have the freedom to embark on a new phase of life for which you’ve been adequately prepared.

I know you would like me to share some thoughts and experiences with you on this occasion. Let me state that my experience is unique. No two persons are identical and so their experiences will not be expected to be the same.

Our destinies are different; therefore, our routes in life are also different.

My Uncle’s counsel


My uncle had groomed me for Medicine but I preferred Pharmacy. I quote here an extract from his letter to me dated March 3, 1961, before I entered this university in September of the same year.


‘… What I would have advised is Medicine, as first choice. But if you definitely dislike it … Many young people, in choosing a profession, look for that which brings most wealth or the highest social status, and they usually imagine that Medicine gives both. I hope you are aware that that is not my aim in recommending Medicine. As a matter of fact, I would strongly advise you not to place material wealth and social pomp in the forefront. Rather, you should pray to God to find you a profession in which you  will be a good Christian and, if possible, one that you will enjoy, not for the money or position it brings but simply for its own sake…’ (Emphasis mine).


After 52 years of my uncle’s counsel and 49 years of my practice as a pharmacist, I wish to pass on my own advice to you before you engage in the practice of different aspects of the Pharmacy profession.



  1. Do what you love to do. Do not look for where you will make more money. Look for what you will enjoy doing. Money will definitely follow you.
  2. Work in the area of your strength or competence. This is where your talents, gifts, skills and abilities can be fully utilised.
  3. Aim at being and doing your best in all you do. Cultivate the spirit of excellence. Aim at winning a prize, even if it is imaginary. It could be real. Realise that you are working for God and He demands high standards of performance.
  4. Integrity/Honesty: This can move you faster in life than your connections, influence and intelligence. Let your yes be yes and your no   be no. Shun cheating and stealing. They will destroy your character and reputation.
  5. Focus and Concentrate:  Nobody is created to be an expert in everything. There are other people to handle other things.  Therefore, focus and concentrate on what you love to do as your major. Any other thing will be ancillary.
  6. Diligence: Demonstrate diligence in your work.  Work hard but also know your limits. Slack hand leads to poverty.
  7. Perseverance: Many ventures fail because the owners lack the spirit of perseverance. Don’t give up at the slightest opposition or difficulty. Persevere.
  8. Your initial work may not be what God wants you to be doing. If so, you will not truly prosper. You may have to change jobs (when necessary) until you are in the area of your calling. This is where you have fulfilment, peace of mind and success. Ask God for direction.
  9. Maintain discipline in eating and drinking. I believe that cigarettes and strong alcohol are not for you. While still young, cut down your consumption of salt, sugar and products made with white flour, junk food and fats. These have been implicated in degenerative diseases like hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, arthritis, diabetes, cancer etc which manifest towards old age. Consume fresh fruits and vegetables which can keep away various diseases including cancer.
  10. Depend on God: Don’t make the mistake of leaving God out of your life or business. Make God your priority always. All your intelligence, money and accomplishments amount to nothing without God’s blessing.


  1. Thanks. 

De-worm the children, De-worm the nation (By Adebayo Oladejo)


According to the World Health Organisation, nearly 2 billion people worldwide are infected with soil-transmitted helminthes (intestinal worms) or water-borne trematode worms called schistosomes. Many of those affected by worms live in low-income countries and do not have access to clean water and functional sanitation systems. Worm infections, while not immediately life-threatening, can have a significant negative impact on a child’s cognitive ability and general health. For example, children who have worms are more likely to become seriously ill and less likely to attend school on a regular basis. Worms also present a barrier to increased economic development since children who have worms are less likely to be productive, as adults.

A number of prominent health organisations and experts have promoted the deworming of children in the developing world as a potentially effective public health and development strategy. Because of the relatively low cost of intervention, deworming has attracted the attention of public health officials, development experts, and others concerned with global health, with early studies suggesting positive effects.

Helminths or worm infestations refer to worms that live as parasites in the human body and are fundamental cause of disease associated with health and nutrition problems beyond gastrointestinal tract disturbances. Globally, over 3.5 billion people are infected with intestinal worms, of which 1.47billion are with roundworm, 1.3 billion people with hookworm and 1.05 billion with whipworm. School children aged 5 – 15 years suffer the highest infection rate and worm burden that attributes to poor sanitation and hygiene.


According to Pharm. Adeshina Bashir, head, sales and marketing, Shalina Healthcare, worms are very dangerous for children because its manifestation and symptoms often takes time before it become evident. Bashir further advised that every child must be dewormed at least once in every six months as worms consume nutrients from children they infect, thus retarding their physical development.


“Worm affects children basically the normal way they live their lives. Children, especially those from poor background likes playing on the ground, eating without washing and eating of uncooked food and these are the avenue through which they get infected by worms. Meanwhile, worm infection is totally different from other diseases like malaria and others because it is basically asymptomatic.”


Bashir however advised that, people should not only look at de–worming exercise from the aspect of de-worming once in six months alone, but rather find ways to prevent it as well. “To do these, parents should always ensure that their children eat well cooked food, they don’t walk about bare footed and they wash their hands whenever they want to eat.


Also speaking in the same vein, Pharm.PemiOladipupo, the Association of Community Pharmacists of Nigeria (ACPN), Lagos State chapter’s coordinator for Ketu/Ojota/Ogudu/Magodo zone disclosed that one of the advantages of school based de worming exercise for primary school children is to enable those who do not have access to good health care and proper sanitation to benefit from what the children of the rich are enjoying.


According to him, it has been discovered that majority of children who attend public schools and few private schools do not have access to proper healthcare. “In accordance with UNICEF and WHO standard, children and even adults should be de-wormed once in every six months, but due to poverty and other limitations, you would discover that majority of those children may not be de-wormed even once in three years.”


“De-worming is very important, especially at the early years of pupils. If there is worm in their system, it can lead to their immune system being reduced, infection can also come in, such a pupil would also experience malnutrition, it destroy tissues and organs, causeabdominal pain, diarrhoea, intestinal obstruction, anaemia, ulcers and other health problems. All ofthese consequences of infection can slow cognitive development and thus impair learning.


He also added that de-wormingschool children by anthelmintic drug treatment is a curative approach for expelling the heavy wormload. However, drug therapy alone is only a short-term measure of reducing worm infection and reinfectionis frequent. Control measures through improved sanitation, hygiene and de-worming areneeded to prevent infection and re-infection.

Speaking further on the dangers inherent in not de-worming children, he disclosed that there are a number of measures being taken to prevent infections caused due to the human parasites viz., hookworm, pinworm, roundworm, tapeworm and whipworm. He added that worm infestations often cause serious health problems and impact a child’s ability to attend and perform well in school.

Meanwhile, according to UNICEF report, researches have shown that regular de-worming can substantially increase school attendance and significantly improve a child’s ability to learn in school. Eventually the growth rate and weight gain of children who are regularly de-wormed is higher than those who aren’t. Hence regular de-worming is the best solution for many of the childhood illnesses.

The report further revealed that in most cases, de-worming once every six months is sufficient for children and adult. But, if one suspect that a child is getting worms more frequently, de-worming such a child or the whole family more frequently as deemed appropriate by one physician may be necessary. Except tapeworms (as in the case of pinworm or whipworm infection), a second dose may be necessary after two weeks or 73-75 days after the first dose to break the life cycle/to kill the migrating larval forms of these parasites. In any case, de-worming the whole family twice a year is important.

However in Nigeria, 45 percents of school-age children, totalling nearly 12 million, are estimated to be infected with parasitic worms. Nigeria has an integrated Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) control policy and plan, a school health policy and school feeding guidelines that all include school-based deworming, and within these frameworks, the federal ministries of health and education have all agreed to work in collaboration specifically on school-based deworming.

In respect to this, in 2011, Ogun State was identified by the Federal Ministries as an area of very high prevalence where pills were available and the State Government would benefit from a comprehensive technical assistance package to enable them to act on the federal policies related to school-based deworming. In response, a group called Deworm the World (DTW) assisted with high level advocacy within the State, which led to the convening of a school-based deworming working group. This group, in close partnership with DTW developed a program plan, targeting strategy and budget.

The State Government was then able to leverage funding for a pilot program that reached three Local Government Areas, trained over 500 teachers, community workers and health workers, and targeted over 100,000 children for treatment for STH and schistosomiasis. The pilot was carried out with financial support from UNICEF and was collaboration between State and Federal Ministries of Education, State and Federal Ministries of Health, the State Universal Basic Education Board, and the Rural Water and Sanitation Agency. While, DtW provided technical assistance and catalytic funding throughout, helping to lead the master training and supporting key components of the training and pill distribution cascade.

Also in November last year, over 23,025 million tablets of Praziquantel were donated through World Health Organization (WHO) by Merck to support the scale-up of treatment of Schistosomiasis, a widespread Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD). This was acknowledged at a ceremony in Abuja on 8th, November 2012 to highlight the collaborative efforts of Merck, the government of Nigeria and the WHO in the control of schistosomiasis in Nigeria. Schistosomiasis is a worm-like disease stunts growth and cognitive development that causes anaemia, and in pregnant women, and can lead to an increased risk of delivering underweight babies. In Nigeria, more than 30 million people, mainly children, were said to be at risk of schistosomiasis.

Speaking at the event, the Officer in Charge of the WHO Country Office in Nigeria, Dr Alex Gasasira said, the life-saving drugs will be used to treat school-aged children and adults who are most at risk, such as those in endemic areas, and with occupations involving contact with infested water – such as fishermen, farmers, irrigation workers – and women whose domestic tasks bring them into contact with infested water. He added that the treatment will also be complemented with health education. According to WHO, the therapy is considered the most effective intervention in the fight against the parasitic worm disease.

The Commissioner of Health in Ogun State, Dr.Olaokun Soyinka, last year at a deworming exercise programme in the state noted that the most disadvantaged children, such as girls and the poor, often suffer most from ill health and malnutrition, and gain the most benefit from deworming. “Regular desparasitation (deworming) will help children avoid the worst effects of infection, especially where there is no improvement in sanitation; with the overall effects on physical growth, cognitive performance, and improved school attendance,” Soyinka said in a statement signed by the Information Officer in the State Ministry of Health, Miss SeunOyelade.

It is therefore suffice to say that the benefits of deworming the children are immediate and enduring. It has been proven to reduce school absenteeism by 25 per cent, and with the low cost of treatment, regular deworming of children can also prevent the parents from spending unnecessarily on the health and wellbeing of their children.

Also, regular deworming of children can also leads to higher income and literacy as these children grow to adults. Children regularly dewormed are shown to earn over 20 per cents more and work 12 per cent more hours as adults, while those who remain persistently infected are 13 per cent less likely to be literate.

The effects of deworming the children are not limited to just those children who receive treatment. It also positively impacts their siblings and other children who live nearby. Children who were less than one year old at the time of being dewormed in their communities are shown to have large cognitive improvements equivalent to half a year of schooling.

Regular deworming also contributes to good health and nutrition for school-age children, which in turn leads to increased enrolment and attendance, reduced class repetition, and increased educational attainment. It also leads to greater earnings and workforce participation when these children grow to be adults. The most disadvantaged children often suffer most from poor health and malnutrition, and gain the most benefit from deworming.




Education crucial in diabetics prevention, treatment – Dr. Solana-Sodeinde


The best way to enhance the prevention and treatment of diabetes in Nigeria is to properly educate the care givers and patients on the symptoms, risk factors and diet issues as it relates to the health condition, Dr. Diana Solana-Sodeinde, has said.

Dr. Solana-Sodeinde, a regulatory management officer at the Food Drug Agency (FDA) Office of Generic Drugs spoke with Pharmanews in an exclusive interview during the 85th Annual National Conference of the PSN, held in Abeokuta, Ogun State, last November.

Solana-Sodeine, a member of the Nigerian Association of Pharmacists and Pharmaceutical Scientists in The Americas (NAPPSA) who presented a paper on the topic: “Living sweet with diabetes – the role of Nigerian Pharmacists in diabetes management” at the conference said that proper education is crucial to diabetes control and management.

“People need to know how to take menu that are low in calorie and less in carbohydrates.  People also need to know the health benefits of consumption of less alcohol, quitting smoking and doing regular exercises, she said.

She stressed that proper education is therefore crucial to enhance lifestyle medication that will ensure that Nigerians eat the right diet and do regular exercise.
Dr. Solana-Sodeinde lamented that Nigeria currently have about 3 million people living with diabetes, which makes the country the most populous African country with diabetes, adding that the WHO has projected that by 2030, the figure will increase to four million, three hundred thousand people. These figures, she said are very high.

She urged the government to get the mass media involved in educating Nigerians on this medical disorder.  “Just like it is being done for HIV/AIDS, people need to be informed and educated about diabetes and the government should do more an enlightenment,” she said.

She said that NAPPSA is desirous of doing more to help improve health care in Nigeria, adding that the association will continue to help in any way possible to curtail the spread of diabetes and other non-communicable disease and even communicable diseases like HIV/AIDS, malaria and TB.  “We will try and help our country,” she said.




Human Resource Management, our major challenge in community pharmacy –Pharm Afolabi


Pharm. Adetutu Afolabi, the managing director, Wellness Pharmacy and the financial secretary, Association of Community Pharmacists of Nigeria (ACPN), Ketu/Ojota/Magodo/Ogudu/Shangisha Zone is a reporter’s delight, any day. However, fixing an appointment with her is very difficult. She has such a busy schedule that one wonders how she copes with other things, aside from professional calls. In an interview with Pharmanews in her office at Ketu Alapere, Lagos, Pharm Afolabi spoke on some of the major challenges facing community pharmacists in Nigeria and equally addressed the challenges facing the practice as a whole.


Below is the excerpt:


Can you tell us what led to the establishment of Wellness Pharmacy?

We established Wellness Pharmacy because, aside being a pharmacist, there was a need to be available for our kids. Glaxo Smithkline was my former employer and my husband then was a staff member of Nestle Nigeria. There was a year we had to attend a sales conference at the same time. Meanwhile, we had a baby of about four to five months old and there was no one to leave the baby with.We had to find somewhere eventually to take the baby to. When we came back, we thought about it and concluded that we owe our children our time, so we thought about starting a business. That was how Wellness Pharmacy was established in 2007. But it became fully operational in 2008, when I resigned fully to manage the business.


Do you have so much money to start this business?

Except someone is giving you a lot of money to start your business, most of the time, what you have is never enough, and you just need to move on, follow your dream. We paid the rent in instalments, borrowed money from family and friends, collected stock from colleagues and wholesalers, paid the man that made the shelves in instalments.  We are happy we had the guts to start and we have been able to add value to peoples’ lives.


Tell us some of the challenges you have faced, as a community pharmacist?

One of the challenges that amazed me so much in Nigeria is that we have lost our moral value system. People come to your outlet to make dirty deals, to steal and to do all sorts of illegal things. You keep changing staff, not only because they are lazy or rude to your customers, but because most of them steal. In an outlet, where you have four to five staff, they could conspire to steal your money or the stock. Other colleagues could conspire with your staff to sell their products. Sometimes, they collect phone numbers of your customers to service them outside your pharmacy. So, one of my major challenges, as an employer of labour, is lack of human resources that are dedicated, honest and that have integrity. Gone are the days when females are preferred over the males because they don’t steal, but now everything has changed. Another major challenge is that we have some people, who registered as wholesalers and who are not supposed to sell to individuals, irrespective of the quantity. You would realise that an average person would rather prefer to patronise them because they sell at a very low price. Some would even come to you for consultation and still go back to those places to buy, so it is worrisome. But we thank God that those who value our products and services,because they know that they always get value for their money, do patronise us and we have been moving from strength to strength.


How lucrative is it being a community pharmacist?

Some people come in to community pharmacy practice and they get a shocker of their lives. However, if you are doing a business that affords you opportunities to live your dream, enjoy the basic things of lives and be a blessing to others, such a business is definitely lucrative. In community pharmacy practice, your needs can be met and the satisfaction you get saving lives of others is significant. What you want to achieve before you start your business is crucial.


How many outlets do you have now?

We have four outlets across the state and we are becoming a household name in the state. The most important thing I enjoy most in this community practice is service to humanity.


How would you assess pharmacy practice in Nigeria?

I will say pharmacy practice in Nigeria is still developing. We are not doing enough, in terms of manufacturing and effective distribution of pharmaceutical products.  We still have a lot we are battling with. I wonder why we are still unable to curtail the activities of the charlatans and the drug fakers. Our school system too is another major factor; we have so many pharmacy graduates who don’t know the intricacies of pharmacy practice. They do a lot of cramming while in school and when they graduate, they find it difficult to answer basic pharmacological questions.


How do you see pharmacy profession today, compared to when you started?

I will say we have only recorded a little improvement. I discovered that anytime issues concerning pharmacy are being discussed, those issues would still be those that have been discussed about eleven years ago. It is disheartening that those eleven years after I left pharmacy school, we still could not proffer solution to those issues. I am talking about issues like wholesalers and patent medicine dealer activities not being regulated, drug markets that are fake and substandard drugs are being sold.  They are the same issues over and over and we are unable to find solutions to them.


PSN conference now more interesting – Pharm. Olarogun



Asiwaju Joe Oyewole Olarogun is a fellow of the PSN and a past secretary general of the society.

In this interview with the editor, YusuffMoshood, during the last PSN conference held in Abeokuta, Ogun State, the senior pharmacist x-rays the 85th PSN conference and states that the annual pharmacists gathering is now more interesting and educative, compared to how it used to be in time past.

Below is the full text of the interview:

 How do you see this 85th PSN conference? Is it a success?

 If we look at the history of our conferences, it is clear that we have evolved from the old ways of doing things, to a very modern way of doing things. To me, this conference is one of the best, if not the best that we have ever held.

This is as a result of the fact that a lot of things have been reviewed to make the conference more interesting, more educative,and more enlightening and focused.


It is also great that we now have people who are invited from other countries and who have come to share with us their knowledge of things relating to health and pharmacy.

This has helped us. The organisation of the PSN conference has improved and I think this is very good.

I have been the secretary general of the PSN before, and at that time, things were not as developed as we have now.  I am talking about 30 years ago.  At that time, the secretary general was doing virtually many things in the conference.  The task of the secretary general is now divided and handled by so many people.  This has made the management of our conferences much better.  I am very happy with the improvement.


What are the areas of improvement that should be considered?


First, I think we can now see that the success of this conference is due to the involvement of the state government. This is an eye opener to other states planning to host the PSN conference. They should get the government involved. There is no way you can have a good conference without getting the government involved. Fortunately, the next state to host the PSN is my State, Kwara. We have learnt a lot from this conference in Ogun State and we are going to use it to make the conference in Kwara State a success and even a better conference. We are definitely going to get the government involved.


Although, there is now a change of baton of the PSN executives, the immediate past exco had a running battle with the former PCN registrar,which negatively affected the profession.How do we avoid such a thing in future?


I must tell you that things like that are bound to happen. When a society is developing and you have different people managing various areas, such conflicts are bound to happen.

For instance, somebody has even gone to court to argue that he was barred from contesting for the presidency of PSN during the last election. As far as I’m concerned, he is just fighting for his right.  It is a fair development. It is a development that can help us to improve our society and profession.

What is happening in our organisation is a reflection of what is happening in the larger society.  The only thing is that we still have to stay together and do our best to learn from issues like these and improve from such situations. As long as we live, we shall continue to learn how to live.


What is your advice for the new PSN executive? What should the new exco focus on to make the PSN and the profession better?


What the new exco should do is to improve on the efforts of the last executives. I know that we have two secretariats that we are working on in Lagos and Abuja. The new exco should complete those projects.

I will also advise the new leadership to try and improve the relationship between the society and government. This is very important.

Invest in the future, defeat malaria


Malaria is caused by parasites from the genus Plasmodium, which are spread to people by infected mosquitoes. There are five species of Plasmodium that can infect humans.

Statistics show that there are 250 million to 500 million cases of malaria each year in the world, causing up to 1 million deaths. Deaths are more common in children.

Although North America, Western Europe, and Russia are free of malaria, transmission still occurs in many other tropical and subtropical countries of the world. Disease rates are highest in sub-Saharan Africa.

The hallmark of malaria is fever. Initially, symptoms may mimic the flu. Fever may be accompanied by shaking chills and muscle aches. Anemia is common.

Severe cases may cause organ failure or death.

Causes of Malaria

Malaria is caused by protozoan of the genus Plasmodium. There are several stages in the life cycle of Plasmodium, including sporozoites, merozoites, and gametocytes. Sporozoites are the form that is injected by the mosquito into humans. Infection begins with a bite from an infected mosquito. After being injected into the human host by the mosquito, the parasite travels into the bloodstream and eventually makes its way to the liver, where the parasite begins to reproduce and develop into merozoites. The merozoites leave the liver and enter red blood cells to reproduce. Soon, new parasites burst out in search of new red blood cells to infect.

Sometimes, the reproducing Plasmodia will create a form known as a gametocyte in the human bloodstream, which is infectious to mosquitoes. If a mosquito takes a blood meal when gametocytes are present, the parasite begins to reproduce in the insect and create sporozite forms that are infectious to people, completing the life cycle.

There are five species of Plasmodium that infect humans:

P. vivax: Though it is most common in India and Central and South America, it’s found worldwide. Infections can sometimes lead to life-threatening rupture of the spleen. This type of malaria can hide in the liver and return later to cause a relapse years after the first infection. Special medications are used to eradicate P. vivax from the liver.

P. ovale: It is rarely found outside Africa. Symptoms are similar to those of P. vivax. Like P. vivax, P. ovale can hide in the liver for years before bursting out again to cause symptoms.

P. malariae: It’s found worldwide but is less common than the other forms. This form of malaria is hard to diagnose because there are usually very few parasites in the blood. If untreated, the infection can last many years.

P. falciparum: This is the most life-threatening species of malaria. Although present throughout much of the tropical and subtropical world, it is particularly common in sub-Saharan Africa. P. falciparum is resistant to many of the older drugs used to treat or prevent malaria.

P. knowlesi: Found in Malaysia, this species can cause high levels of parasites in the blood, leading to organ failure or death.

Common symptoms of malaria

In the early stages, malaria symptoms are sometimes similar to those of many other infections caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites.

Symptoms may include:







Nausea and vomiting

Symptoms may appear in cycles and may come and go at different intensities and for different lengths of time. But, especially at the beginning of the illness, the symptoms may not follow this typical pattern.

The cyclic pattern of malaria symptoms is due to the life cycle of malaria parasites camera as they develop, reproduce, and are released from the red blood cells and liver cells in the human body. This cycle of symptoms is also one of the major indicators that you are infected with malaria.

Other common symptoms of malaria include:

Dry (nonproductive) cough

Muscle and/or back pain

Enlarged spleen

In rare cases, malaria can lead to impaired function of the brain or spinal cord, seizures, or loss of consciousness.

Infection with the P. falciparum parasite is usually more serious and may become life-threatening.

Malaria Diagnosis

Many diseases cause fever in the tropical and subtropical world, including malaria, tuberculosis, yellow fever, dengue fever, typhoid, and cholera. Each of these is managed differently. Thus it is very important to make a specific diagnosis.


Malaria is diagnosed by seeing the parasite under the microscope. Blood taken from the patient is smeared on a slide for examination. Special stains are used to help highlight the parasite. Sometimes, it is possible to identify the species of Plasmodium by the shape of the parasite, especially if gametocytes are seen. Whenever possible, smears should be reviewed by someone with expertise in the diagnosis of malaria. If the smears are negative, they can be repeated every 12 hours. Smears that are repeatedly negative suggest another diagnosis.

Two types of other tests are available for diagnosis of malaria. Rapid tests can detect proteins called antigens that are present in Plasmodium. These tests take less than 30 minutes to perform. However, the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that these new tests be used in conjunction with microscopy. A second type of test that is newly available is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which detects malaria DNA. Because this test is not widely available, it is important not to delay treatment while waiting for results.

Malaria recurrences

Malaria caused by P. falciparum may come back (reocur) at irregular intervals for up to 2 years if treatment is not complete.

Malaria caused by P. vivax and P. ovale may reocur at irregular intervals for up to 3 to 4 years, but medicine can prevent relapses.

P. malariae can remain in the blood of an infected person for more than 30 years, usually without causing any symptoms.

Factors that increase your risk of getting malaria include:

Living or traveling in a country or region where malaria is present.

Traveling in an area where malaria is common and:

Not taking medicine to prevent malaria before, during, and after travel, or failing to take the medicine correctly.

Being outdoors, especially in rural areas, between dusk and dawn (nighttime), when the mosquitoes that transmit malaria are most active.

Not taking steps to protect yourself from mosquito bites.

Your risk of getting malaria depends on your age, history of exposure to malaria, and whether you are pregnant. Most adults who have lived in areas where malaria is present have developed partial immunity to malaria because of previous infections and so almost never develop severe disease. But young children who live in these areas and travelers to these areas are especially at risk for malaria because they have not developed this immunity.

Pregnant women are more likely than non-pregnant women to get severe malaria, because the immune system is suppressed during pregnancy.

In addition, pregnant women, young children, older adults, and people with other health problems are more likely to have serious complications if they get malaria.

Complications of malaria 

Malaria is a very serious illness which can be fatal if not diagnosed and treated quickly.

The falciparum parasite causes the most severe malaria symptoms and most deaths.


The destruction of red blood cells by the malaria parasite can cause severe anaemia.

Anaemia is a condition where the red blood cells are unable to carry enough oxygen to the body’s muscles and organs, leaving you feeling drowsy, weak and faint.

Cerebral malaria

Some rare cases of malaria can affect the brain. This is known as cerebral malaria and it can cause your brain to swell, sometimes leading to permanent brain damage. It can also cause seizures (fits) or coma (a state of unconsciousness).

Other complications

Other complications that can arise due to severe malaria include:

  • breathing problems, such as fluid in your lungs
  • liver failure and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes)
  • shock (a sudden drop in blood flow)
  • spontaneous bleeding
  • abnormally low blood sugar
  • kidney failure
  • swelling and rupturing of the spleen
  • dehydration (a lack of water in the body)

As complications of severe malaria can occur within hours or days of the first symptoms, it is important to seek urgent medical help as soon as possible.

The effects of malaria are usually more severe in pregnant women, babies, young children and the elderly.

Malaria in Pregnancy

Malaria in pregnancy is a major cause of maternal morbidity worldwide and leads to poor birth outcomes. Pregnant women are more prone to complications of malaria infection than nongravid women. Treatment involves antimalarial drugs and supportive measures. Prevention involves chemoprophylaxis and mosquito avoidance.

Record has it that each year, 50 million women living in malaria-endemic areas become pregnant; one-half of these women live in Africa. It is estimated that 10,000 women and 200,000 infants die as a result of malaria infection during pregnancy; severe maternal anemia, prematurity, and low birth weight contribute to more than half of these deaths.

Malaria in pregnancy increases the risk of:

  • maternal anaemia
  • stillbirth
  • spontaneous abortion
  • low birth weight
  • neonatal death

WHO recommends a package of interventions for the prevention and control of malaria during pregnancy.

  • The use of insecticide treated nets (ITNs) to prevent infection;
  • Intermittent Preventive Treatment (IPT) to prevent asymptomatic infections among pregnant women living in areas of moderate or high transmission of P. falciparum;
  • Effective case management for malaria illness and anaemia.



Malaria in pregnancy is dangerous for both the mother and the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women with malaria must be treated promptly with an effective antimalarial agent to clear parasites rapidly. Safety and efficacy data to guide management are limited . In general, the newer the drug, the more likely it is to be effective (in part because there has been insufficient time for resistance to emerge), but fewer data will be available on safety in pregnancy. Clinicians therefore have to make treatment decisions based on the clinical severity of infection, epidemiologic resistance patterns, and available data regarding safety of the drug or class of drug in pregnancy.

P. falciparum — Pregnant women with severe P. falciparum malaria should receive parenteral therapy; the intravenous route is preferred over the intramuscular route. Options for therapy include artesunate or quinine (plus clindamycin) . In nonpregnant adults and children with severe malaria, a mortality benefit has been demonstrated with artesunate over quinine. No trials have compared the efficacy of these agents in pregnant women.

Malaria in infants

Of the estimated one million annual deaths from malaria, approximately 80% occur in young African children.

Infants are vulnerable to malaria from approximately 3 months of age, when immunity acquired from the mother starts to wane.

In areas of intense malaria transmission, most cases of severe malarial anaemia, blood transfusions, and deaths occur in infants and young children. Severe anaemia probably accounts for more than half of all childhood deaths from malaria in Africa, with case fatality rates in hospital of between 8-18%.

Prevention is clearly of critical importance, and the targeted delivery of interventions to prevent malaria and anaemia in high-risk groups (pregnant women, infants and young children) would be an appropriate use of limited financial and human resources.

 Malaria Prevention

To prevent malaria, there is the need to avoid mosquito bites.

Guidelines to prevent mosquito bites include:

Stay inside when it is dark outside, preferably in a screened or air-conditioned room.

Wear protective clothing (long pants and long-sleeved shirts).

Use insect repellent with DEET (N,N diethylmetatoluamide). The repellent is available in varying strengths up to 100%. In young children, use a preparation containing less than 24% strength, because too much of the chemical can be absorbed through the skin.

Use bed nets (mosquito netting) sprayed with or soaked in an insecticide such as permethrin or deltamethrin.

Use flying-insect spray indoors around sleeping areas.

Avoid areas where malaria and mosquitoes are present if you are at higher risk (for example, if you are pregnant, very young, or very old).

Other steps that may be helpful in reducing the risk of malaria include using air conditioning and electric fans, wearing protective clothing, using aerosol insecticides in your house, and taking certain antimalarial medicines.

Compiled by Temitope Obayendo with additional materials from emedicinehealth; bodyandhealth.canada and www.who.int



By Pharm. Nelson Okwona

 The initial title of this article was “Endearing African Innovation: The Impossible is Possible”, for want of space, we have chosen the catch phrase above.

The phrase, “the impossible is possible” was meant to highlight my conviction and present disposition that Africa is ready and the time is now. We are ready for innovation, for break-through research, for development and for value creation. Against the backdrop of a dysfunctional system and an apathetic populace, Africa is indeed ready.

There are many reasons for this optimistic posture, my sojourn in the well-trodden pathof research and development in Nigeria is not a long one but has been quite revealing. It is said that ignorance breeds a certain level of optimism that is annoying, so I wish to state that my optimism is not borne from ignorance but rather from stark realism.

I believe my journey began with meeting Dr. Hadiza Nuhu, as a student at Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. She is a noble and dedicated lecturer with unparalleled commitment to herbal product development. From her, I learnt first-hand that the hurdles against product development from indigenous raw materials are enormous and that a certain level of commitment was required. Her work with Herb 25, an antimalarial herbal, product left a permanent impression on me. It left the impression that some things are worth doing and that responsibility is chosen.

The question then was how?  How many individuals are willing and capable of making such commitments to pharmaceutical research and development? It was a commitment that is not sufficiently attractive when one weighs the risks and the opportunity costs of doing so, the level of intellectual, emotional and financial commitments required were also daunting.The decision to join the ranks of individuals that would commit to research development and management was not a hasty one, it was one born from a certain knowing that this is the right thing to do. It certainly feels right to be the difference, though not necessarily easy.

Years later, on graduation from pharmacy school and after one year at the National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development, certain things became rather obvious– thatwe have the technical capacity, the human resource and the will to develop effective products from indigenous research. What we needed was a very good strategy, a strategy that would integrate the stakeholders in a win-win manner for a sufficient duration of time.

We needed to set up a chemical reaction, a reaction that was self-sustaining, one in which the products of the reaction could be taken away to allow for new ones, some catalysts that would reduce the barriers to change and ensure that useful outcomes emerge – outcomes whose demand must be sustained so as to achieve a self-sustaining reaction.

This strategy would channel the flexibility and the means of the private sector and the subsidised technical capacity of public research organisations. By public research organisations, I am referring to institutions like the National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development (NIPRD) and universities. The strategy would rely on the persistent actions of certain individuals that could sustain the passion for value creation.

Prof. Ramesh Pandey exemplifies the need for such individuals, especially bio-entrepreneurs who understand the language of research and industry. His role as the CEO of Xechem in NIPRD’s work with NICOSAN demonstrates the need for a multidisciplinary approach to research and development. I have met enough gallant researchers in Nigeria who have great potential products sitting on their shelves, as research publications. Sincerely, they have done great work. Given the circumstances, the missing link lies in aligning their interests with those of the industry. Though this may not be a total alignment, most research breakthroughs are borne from a deliberate alignment of interests.

I have written extensively on this and other issues in my book, “The Heart and Art of Innovation”. Other considerations like intellectual property protection and the development of robust financial structures underlie the need for a good team for any worthwhile development project to be successful.

I was very privileged to have met Prof. Charles Wambebe, the former Director General of NIPRD. His passion and commitment demonstrates that only a certain level of dogged commitment would create the results we desire.

I am optimistic because such commitment now exists and in sufficient quantity in the research, industry and public sector organisations. The journey may be rough and tough but the impossible is indeed possible. Africa can develop the cure for HIV and for malaria. It is not because we would suddenly achieve overwhelming technological advancement, though this is not impossible too, but rather because we have committed to a deliberate search – because certain men and women would continue to advance the cause of value creation, for innovation and for indigenous research.

I have always believed that discovery needs not be complex. Drugs like Quinine, the Fluoro Quinolones, Metformin, Digoxin and Paracetamol are mainstay that therapies could have been developed by indigenous researchers. The development of Nicosan demonstrates this sufficiently – thatthough the gifts of God are not always too apparent, as they are often hidden and do demand certain research commitments, the search is such that they are within the means of the seeker. The solutions can and would be found by us.

The rate of uptake of indigenous research by the Nigerian pharmaceutical industry has not been satisfactory and this has been attributed to many reasons, one of which is their perceived immaturity – most players in the Nigerian industry are content to market and produce generics. Well, not all are immature; some key industry leaders, some of whom I have met in person are very much keen on the infusion of indigenous derived pharmaceutical products. In some quarters, this has become a matter of necessity. These industry players have the motivation and the means to make things happen.

A new project, the West African Pharmaceutical Innovation Project (WAPIP) seeks to harness these optimisms and potentials to create a pool of indigenous research capacity in Nigeria and beyond.

WAPIP is a joint venture private sector driven initiative that is geared towards the development of active and effective linkages between the pharmaceutical industry and research organisations within the West African region. One of the goals of this project is to drive pharmaceutical research-industry partnerships in West Africa, via an issue based approach that will create ownership for Innovation among stakeholders and provide sufficient guidelines and motivation to engage in the much needed collaborative arrangements required for product development.

Led by champions of change in the pharmaceutical industry comprising leaders of industry, public research organisations, media, management consultants and authorities in intellectual property acquisition and commercialisation; this catalyst wouldchampion a project that would create a nexus for pharmaceutical development management and promotion.

It is from such an understanding and participation that I bear this overwhelming conviction that the impossible is indeed possible. This understanding that synergy is key; that passion exists; that potentials abound; that there are men who will not give up; that there are immense opportunities; that the challenges are not obstacles and that the whole is more than the sum of the individual parts; this understanding is that with the right mix of collaboration we could indeed create a miracle.

Thank you.


Improving primary health care centres in Nigeria


The Minister of State for Health, Dr Mohammed Pate, recently announced that the running of Primary Health Centres in Nigeria will soon become the responsibility of the State Governments.

The minister, who made the announcement during a one-day sensitisation meeting organised for commissioners of health and directors of Primary Health Centre (PHC) on Subsidy Re-investment and Empowerment Programme (SURE-P) and maternal and child held in Abuja, said that Primary Health Centres, which have been under the care of local government authorities have not been doing well, hence, the need to leave them under the care of state government.

To say that the primary health centres are not doing well is to say the obvious.  In some states, they (PHC) only exist in name because nobody visits the centres for treatment.

Granted that the local government administration is the closest to the people and having the PHC managed by the local government should transform them to properly monitored, coordinated and efficient service delivery centres.The fact that the local government is the weakest tier of government with limited resources makes it incapable of managing the PHC.

The attendant result of this is that, arguably the most important level of care, the first point of call for majority of Nigerians that are ill or/and in need of medical intervention cannot provide the expected succour.

Consequently, most Nigerians ignore the primary health care facilities. While some people,especially at the grassroots, resort to consulting quacks, majority of Nigerians go directly to the secondary or tertiary institutions for their health challenges, hencemaking nonsense of the referral system.  The effect of this is that the secondary and tertiary institutions are burdened by conditions that can and should be treated by the PHCs.

It must also be said that a major reason we have the unacceptably high incidence of infant and maternal morbidity and mortality is because of the poor state of the PHC.  Most cases of infant/maternal health challenges get to these centres first and because of the inability of the PHC to provide immediate quality remedy and/or interventions, more complications sets in.

To improve the quality of care at the PHC, the federal government has established the National Primary Health Care Developing Agency (NPHCDA).  The agency, however, has not succeeded much because it is not constitutionally empowered to implement programmes or policies at the state and local government levels.  The NPHCDA requires the cooperation of state and local governments to achieve its mandate.  Thus, it is our view that resolving some constitutional logjam is necessary to unleash the NPHCDA to perform and improve service delivery at the PHC.

We also agree that the local governments in Nigeria right now lack the capacity to ensure that PHCs deliver quality health care services to Nigerians and in full support of the state government taking over.  However, the involvement of the state government must be to ensure that the PHCs have the necessary financial, technical and political capacity to effectively provide basic quality health care delivery expected from the level.  Also, while managing the PHC, the state government must equally find a way to involve the local government, which is a very important stakeholder that the community can easily relate with. This is because with community involvement, the PHC stands a better chance of meeting the needs of the people at the grassroots.

However, beyond just transferring the management of the PHC to the state government, all tiers of government must recognise the importance of these centres and accordingly ensure they have the capacity to provide quality health care services to Nigerians.

How Medication Pollute Our Consuming Water


We count on our ingesting water to be germ free, however what about drug free? You most likely have not given it a lot thought…however new analysis is displaying our water is teeming with every kind of medication! Hint appears to be like at what that is doing to our our bodies and the setting.

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“All internationally, persons are polluting waterways with estrogen.”

“Exterior Drugs: Discarded Medication Could Contaminate 40 Million People’ Consuming Water”
“Though thousands and thousands of individuals flush unused drugs down the bathroom and discharge them in bodily waste, sewage remedy vegetation and septic methods should not required to take care of such contaminants.”

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“Dude, take a look at these European perch.”

“Medication Are within the Water. Does It Matter?”

“Residues of contraception tablets, antidepressants, painkillers, shampoos and a bunch of different compounds are discovering their manner into the nation’s waterways, and so they have public well being and environmental officers in a regulatory quandary.”

“Flushed Medication Could Threaten Stream Ecologies”
“Most streams that move close to cities and cities are laced with medicine that escape from sewage remedy vegetation or pharmaceutical factories.”

“One thing within the water”
“Medication have been discovering their manner into our water provides for so long as they’ve been in use, so ought to we fear?”

“Intersex fish Endocrine disruption in smallmouth bass”
“Intersex and irregular vitellogenin in smallmouth bass from parts of the Potomac watershed pose a menace to fish assets.”

“How one can Eliminate Unused Medicines”
“Most medicine might be thrown within the family trash, however customers ought to take sure precautions earlier than tossing them out, in response to the Meals and Drug Administration (FDA).”

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Inauguration ceremony of Pharm Olumide Akintayo as PSN President and Investiture of new Fellows


Pharm. Olumide Akintayo, PSN president and Pharm. Azubike Okwor, immediate past president of PSN, during the presidential inauguration ceremony and investiture of new fellows of PSN, held at Muson Centre, Onikan, Lagos, recently.

The fellowship ceremonies formed part of the inaugural rites for the induction of a new National President of the society, Mr. Olumide Akintayo which took place in Lagos, 25th March, 2013.

The theme of this year’s inauguration is “Repositioning the Pharmacy Profession: The Roles of Fellows”

Nigerian healthcare professionals have been called upon to discard the spate of competition, confrontation and distrust in the health sector and embrace the spirit of collaboration, consultation and cooperation among one another in the interest of the health consuming public.

President, Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria, PSN, Pharm. Olumide Akintayo, who gave the remark weekend during his inaugural lecture at the Shell Hall, Muson Centre, Lagos, lamented there was too much competition, confrontation and distrust in the health sector.

“Professions exist to serve Society, therefore our mission as pharmacists must address the needs of Society, our duty is to work and ensure that the added value we bring to healthcare and our potentials are taken into account and respected by policy makers and other health professionals. We note here that there is a lot of competition, confrontation and distrust in the health sector,” he declared

Recognising the position of pharmacists as experts in medicines, he said pharmacists have always been known as an accessible and trusted source of advice and treatment. “Today, our contribution to healthcare is developing in new ways to support patients in their use of medicines and as part of the clinical decision making across the range of ailments.

Further, the PSN President said the situation must give way for collaboration, consultation, cooperation in the interest of the health consuming public.

“We must open our hearts and minds to allow the team concept to rule our worlds in healthcare delivery. There is no doubt that the cost of fighting against disease and preserving health will continue to increase in spite of constant control and intervention.

There are manifold reasons and benefits for wishing to create a genuine cooperation between pharmacists and other healthcare providers. Pharmacists will therefore provide leadership to ensure unity among all the stakeholders in healthcare delivery.

Akintayo said in community pharmacy practice, practitioners will be encouraged to begin to exploit opportunities in maternal and child mortality, while hospital practice is stabilised.

“The feeling you get is that in Nigeria, we are loosing our sense of destiny. Nigeria is becoming Africa’s greatest contradiction while also the continent’s greatest hope and danger.My hope is that someday, even in my generation someone will emerge to harness the energy that makes Nigeria a potentially dynamic nation.

L-R: Award recipients, Pharm Lekan Asuni, managing director of GlaxoSmithKline (Pharma), Prof. (Mrs) Chinedum Babalola, professor & head, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ibadan in a group photograph with Pharm (Sir) Ifeanyi Atueyi during the inauguration ceremony of Pharm Olumide Akintayo as PSN President and Investiture of new Fellows held at the MUSON Centre, Onikan, Lagos on 25th March, 2013.
L-R: Award recipients, Pharm Lekan Asuni, managing director of GlaxoSmithKline (Pharma), Prof. (Mrs) Chinedum Babalola, professor & head, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ibadan in a group photograph with Pharm (Sir) Ifeanyi Atueyi during the inauguration ceremony of Pharm Olumide Akintayo as PSN President and Investiture of new Fellows held at the MUSON Centre, Onikan, Lagos on 25th March, 2013.
L-R: Pharm Jimi Agbaje, chairman, JayKay Pharmacy, Pharm Ade Popoola, chaiman, PSN Board of Fellows and Dr Ilori Temitope, commissioner for health, Osun State during the inauguration ceremony of Pharm Olumide Akintayo as PSN President and Investiture of new Fellows held at the MUSON Centre, Onikan, Lagos on 25th March, 2013.
L-R: Pharm Jimi Agbaje, chairman, JayKay Pharmacy, Pharm Ade Popoola, chaiman, PSN Board of Fellows and Dr Ilori Temitope, commissioner for health, Osun State during the inauguration ceremony of Pharm Olumide Akintayo as PSN President and Investiture of new Fellows held at the MUSON Centre, Onikan, Lagos on 25th March, 2013.


Embassy launches low sodium chloride salt, “Lo Sodum”


To ensure Nigerians continue to enjoy their favourite delicacies with enough salt taste and yet avoid harm to their hearts through ingestion of high sodium chloride present in common salt, Embassy Pharmaceutical and Chemicals Ltd, has launched a low sodium salt, Lo Sodum into the Nigerian market.

The launch of Lo Sodum salt, which has less than 50 per cent sodium chloride compared to the common salt in the Nigerian market took place at a colourful ceremony, attended by top cardiologists and other top health care practitioners. The event was held at Westown Hotel, Ikeja, Lagos, recently.

The event chaired by Prof. D. A. Oke, consultant cardiologist/CMD, Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), Ikeja, was also graced by the DG, NAFDAC, Dr. Paul Orhii, President of the PSN, Pharm. Olumide Akintayo; President, Nigerian Cardiac Society/Consultant Cardiologist, Prof. Solomon Danbauchi and other eminent personalities.

In his opening remarks at the occasion, the chairman, Prof. D. A. Oke, commended Embassy for introducing Lo Sodum salt. He said that with the introduction of the low sodium salt, Embassy was playing a pivotal role in helping to solve the problem of hypertension.

He said that there is sodium chloride in the staple foods aside the other processed adding that the fact that the new salt from Embassy has half sodium chloride compared to the common salt in the market makes it quite beneficial for people living with hypertension.

While making his presentation, Prof. Solomon Danbauchi, the guest speaker said that studies have shown a relationship between salt intake and blood pressure, adding that health professionals have always look for a way to ensure that people eat diet with low salt.

He noted that Low Sodum salt can thus help people with hypertension to ensure they consume low sodium chloride while still enjoying their food.

He stated that it is impossible to tell people to avoid salt consumption completely, adding that reduction in salt consumption is a easier gospel to preach.

He said that the low sodium chloride, Low Sodium can thus help both in prevention of hypertension and management of the condition.

In his presentation, Dr. C. Amadi, the keynote speaker said that man was programmed to take low sodium chloride, adding that there is a direct relationship between ingestion of sodium chloride in salt and blood pressure.

He noted that even though there is a genetic basis for salt sensitivity, studies have shown that the more salt we take, the more the blood pressure rises.

Dr. Amam C. Mbakwem, an associate professor/consultant physician and cardiologist, in her presentation, noted that hypertension remains a very high risk cardiovascular factor. She said that what perhaps should be done is to balance the sodium chloride and potassium content in salt.

The DG NAFDAC while also speaking at the event commended Embassy for introducing the low sodium salt. He said that Embassy has always been at the forefront of bringing in good products to Nigeria.

He also commended the company for bringing eminent physicians to educate guests present at the occasion on the issue of salt and health, adding that with his presence at the event, he is confirming that the product has been evaluated and approved by NAFDAC.

The PSN president, Pharm. Olumide Akintayo, while also speaking at the occasion noted that Lo Sodum salt with its low sodium chloride is good news for Nigerians.

He said that he is not surprised with the giant stride of Embassy because the company is one of the leading lights of the profession in Nigeria.

Also speaking at the event, Pharm. (Sir) Ifeanyi Atueyi, managing director of Pharmanews Limited, commended and congratulated Embassy for introducing the product, which he described as first of its kind in Nigeria and perhaps in the whole of Africa.

Pharm. (Sir) Nnamdi Obi, MD/CEO of Embassy while thanking dignitaries at the occasion for their presence and support, said that there is a nexus between what we eat and our state of health.

He said that his company decided to bring in the product, having seen the need for it in this clime.

He noted that based on the submissions of eminent health professionals at the event, it is very clear that salt is a very serious health issue.

Pharm. (Sir) Nnamdi Obi, MD/CEO, Embassy Pharm. & Chem. Ltd., speaking at the event.

Prof. Solomon Danbauchi, president, Nigerian Cardiac Society and guest speaker, speaking with journalists at the event.

“Why all feverish symptoms should not be treated as malaria” – Prof. Fagbenro-Beyioku By Adebayo Folorunsho-Francis


As the world celebrates Malaria Day, a professor of medical parasitology, Mrs. Adetayo Fagbenro-Beyioku, has taken a swipe at the manner in which some Nigerian doctors go about treating patients with feverish symptoms of malaria.

Speaking with Pharmanews in an exclusive interview, the malariologist explained that some doctors, in the course of diagnosis, often mistake Babesia for malaria, adding that the presence of fever does not always connote malaria, even if a test seemingly indicates so.

“I know this might come as a surprise to many people.We are presently taking a closer look at a recent study of specimen here in our laboratory. Do you know there are other blood parasites, such as Babesia, that share similar symptoms with Plasmodium Falciparum?” she quipped.

A former dean and deputy provost, Prof Fagbenro-Beyioku, is presently a member, governing council of the College of Medicine, University of Lagos.

According to her, Babesiosis is a malaria-like parasitic disease caused by infection with Babesia, a genus of protozoal piroplasm that is transmitted by ticks.

“Found mostly in animals such as cattle, it is also resistance to anti-malarial, as well as sensitive to quinine. That is why people like cattle rearers or close associates are said to be quite vulnerable. Presently, our postgraduate students are conducting an intensive study on it here in LUTH,” she emphasised.

While lauding the awareness campaign being carried out to sensitise the masses on incidences of malaria, the malariologist saidthe infectious disease has gone down tremendously.

“I think one of the major reasons why report of malaria parasite has reduced could be attributed to the fact that people are becoming enlightened,” she said.

She however conceded that if we are to fully eradicate it, Nigeria still has a long way to go.

“Majority of us going about have one form of malaria or the other. People are right, if they say stress contributes because, in truth, aside from mosquito bites and blood transfusion, stress also precipitates malaria in the body,” she explained.

The professor also observed how the parasites have become resistant to several anti-malarial drugs, including some artemisinin-based combination therapies recommended by the World Health Organization.

Although an advocate of Chloroquin, Fagbenro-Beyioku said that she does not prescribe it for others, especially her little daughter, adding that what works for one person might not work for others.

“Aside from Chloroquin, there are other different ones like ACT drugs available in the market. The fact remains that penicillin might work for one and fail in others because our bodies react differently,” she said.

Fr Adodo seeks partnership with Ghana to promote herbal medicine


For effective health policies formulation, Rev Fr. Anselm Adodo OSB, the director of Pax Herbal Clinic and Research Laboratories, has advised African governments to involve the private sectors and create a level playing ground for both conventional orthodox medicine practice and traditional herbal medicine. He said this during his recent visit to Ghana, on the invitation of the Ministry of Health, Ghana.

Fr. Adodo noted that the orthodox, conventional method of healing is not the only valid health system, adding that there are other ways of attaining health that are equally valid.

While welcoming Rev Fr. Adodo,Pharmacist Peter Arhin, the director of Traditional and Alternative Medicine, Ministry of Health Ghana, disclosed that in the spirit of brotherly entrepreneurship, the Ghanaian authority urged both countries to put in placehealth policies that will encourage large scale production of herbal medicines. He added that since the practice ofherbal medicine is the same in Africa and what unites us together are the plants, it is therefore imperative that we cultivate our medicinal plants and do it in such a way that the world will benefit from what we are doing.

Pharm Arhin further identifiedthe need to recognise our herbal practitioners, as well as train them to produce refined herbal medicines. “It is also important that the research aspect of our traditional medicine be developed, while we ensure that the intellectual property rights of traditional healers are protected”.

Also at the event, which included the facility tours of specific herbal hospitals and institutions in Ghana, among others, the patron of the Federation of Traditional Medicine Practitioners in Ghana, and Director, Association for the Promotion of Traditional Medicine (PROMETRA), PharmacistAloka Dabra, said that “what orthodox medicine has failed to do, African herbal medicine is doing”.

While commending the role of Fr. Anselm Adodo in herbal medicine practice and publications in Africa and thepioneering role of Pax Herbals in herbal medicineresearch, packaging and manufacturing, Pharm Aloka revealed that herbal medicine is being integrated into the Ghana healthcare policy, backed with appropriate laws.

“As a result of this development, there are presently 18 government approved hospitals where herbal and alternative medicines arebeing practiced in Ghana. The consultants at the herbal clinics in these hospitals are trained at the University of Ghana and the Kwame Nkrumah University with Bachelor of Science (BSc) degrees in herbal medicine. Meanwhile, Ghana presently has over 150,000 legally registered herbal practitioners”.

Pharm Aloka, who observed that over 66 universities are offering degrees up to PhD level in herbal medicine in China, with over200 patents, while similar progress is presently taking place in India, however  regretted thatthe whole of Africa has less than five patent rights.

The Ghanaian Traditional Medicine Practitioners Federation also played host to Rev. Fr Adodo and he used the opportunity to givethema motivational address on how to move the practice forward in Ghana. The practitioners therefore urged the management Pax Herbal to commence the importation of their products to Ghana for the health benefits of their people.

Other dignitaries at the eventinclude the former director of Traditional Medicine in Ghana, Osofo Pankama Quaram and Dr. Letica. A. Wiafe, the Municipal Director of health services, Ghana Health Services, among others.



Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria, NMA call for modification on the cure for HIV/AIDS … Says MAS project should be halted for logistics reasons


 Following the recent breakthrough recorded in the cure of a baby born with HIV by scientists in the United States, the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) Lagos branch has called for the modification of the discovery, stating that if the techniques will be extrapolated on adults, that the results might not be the same.

Speaking with Pharmanews in an exclusive interview in his office, chairman, Lagos State PSN, Pharm. Akintunde Obembe, hailed the researchers for the rigorous work and the accomplished feat. He said it is an improvement from the cases he had heard of so far, and also implored them to further research into the processes, so that in the nearest future, adult patients can be beneficiaries of such breakthroughs.

“But be that as it may, it is an improvement from what we can see, however, we still implore the scientists to further research this breakthrough, so that it can be extended to adults. I believe we still need to do some modification on this breakthrough,” he stated.

Also, the Nigeria Medical Association (NMA) has called on Nigerian governments and relevant institution of health, particularly the National Agency for the Control of HIV/AIDS (NACA), to invest more in research aimed at discovering a global cure for HIV/AIDS.

This was contained in a statement made available to news men by its chairman, Dr. Osahon Enabulele. The association praised the efforts of the research team responsible for the discovery of the possible “functional” cure for the pandemic, and called for the encouragement of similar research locally to enable Nigeria join the league of nations around the globe who are finding solutions to human difficulties.

NMA said it has already directed its research committee to study the findings of the US research team, with a view to repeating the same feat in Nigeria.

The statement reads in part: “The Nigerian Medical Association has directed its Research committee as well as its HIV/AIDS Committee to deeply understudy the research finding with a view to replicating similar research studies in Nigeria, in collaboration with relevant research institutions, Universities and the National Agency for the Control of HIV/AIDS (NACA)”.

Asked about his opinion, as regards the claims of Professor Isaiah Ibeh, dean of Basic Medical Sciences, University Of Benin, on a new drug he claims to cure HIV/AIDS, Obembe  said he monitored the incidence very well, and came to terms  with the Vice-Chancellor  for disapproving the claims, because it did not follow the scientific procedures for validating new findings.

He noted that the process the discoverer followed was not scientific enough; and that for any discovery to be generally accepted, it must follow the laid down procedures for verification. It is when all these processes have been followed holistically, that one can be sure of the claims of such discovery.

Obembe therefore urged all stakeholders in the health sector in Nigeria to throw their weight behind such noble achievements, by researching into the things that can improve the health of our people, which will thereafter lead to a healthy people and a healthy nation.

Also speaking on the issue of Mobile Authentication Service (MAS) project, he argued that the incidence of NAFDAC giving pharmaceutical companies an ultimatum to comply with the policy does not come into play, because the project is fraught with many logistics problems, which pharmaceutical companies have not been finding easy to deal with.

“Towards the end of year 2012, we were reliably informed that NAFDAC came out with a fiat that all pharmaceutical companies that are dealing in anti-malaria and antibiotics must key into this service with the time given to them expiring by the end of the year 2012 for anti-malaria, while those with antibiotics must comply before the end of March 2013”.

He further explained that any issue that has to do with drugs must painstakingly be addressed in the interest of the people, because more than 65 per cent of the citizens of the country attend clinics for malaria treatment.

“Being a common ailment, one would have expected the regulators to consider all that has to do with the availability, cost implication on the pocket of our people and all other associated difficulties that the manufacturers and importers of these medicines will face”.

The chairman has called on the government to intervene in the matter and instruct the regulatory agency involved to halt the process and substitute it with a better method of checking out fake products.

PMG-MAN, APIN, others call for partnership between Nigeria and Indian pharmaceutical manufacturers


PMG-MAN, APIN, others call for partnership between Nigeria and Indian pharmaceutical manufacturers

The need for a mutually beneficial arrangement between the Nigerian Government and Indian pharmaceutical manufacturers has been voiced again by some concerned pharmaceutical bodies at the just concluded Grand Pharma Expo.

The two-day exhibition, which was organised by India’s Pharmaceutical Export Promotion Council (Pharmexcil), in conjunction with the High Commission of India, took place at Federal Palace Hotel from 7th March.

In his address, Pharm. Ade Popoola, chairman of PSN Board of Fellows (BOF), explained that the Nigerian Government can learn from the grand exhibition by doing the same in Africa and beyond.

“However, everything still boils down to funding. Therefore, I will call for a partnership of sorts between the Government of India and Nigerian pharmaceutical manufacturers. We want a situation where our graduates can be recruited and intensively trained, so that they can, in turn add, value to our economy,” he said.

Buttressing this view, Pharm. Bunmi Olaopa, chairman of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Group of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (PMG-MAN), reminisced that the collaboration between the Indian Government and the Nigerian Pharmaceutical sector dates back to many decades. This has been growing in leaps and bounds, since the exit of the giant multinational companies in the 1980s, he said.

“It would not be wrong to say that at least 40 per cent of the dosage formulations and active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) in Nigeria today have their origin from India,” he said.

According to Olaopa, the balance of trade in the pharma sector is overwhelmingly in favour of India.

“This is not surprising and unexpected, bearing in mind the level of development of the Indian pharmaceutical sector. Therefore, we are privy to the fact that, today, many Indian pharmaceutical companies are showing greater interest than before in establishing their presence in Nigeria,” he noted.

Dr Lolu Ojo, chairman of Association of Industrial Pharmaceutical of Nigeria (AIPN), lauded the successful launch of the expo, adding that it was a welcome development.

He however lamented that rather than promote the cause of pharma manufacturing in Nigeria, what most pharmacists have concentrated on these days is strictly pharmaceutical trading.

While lauding NAFDAC efforts so far on the war against counterfeiting, the AIPN chairman opined that the quality of people handling the pharmaceutical distribution is part of the problem of counterfeiting.

Pharm. Nnamdi Obi, chairman of the Association of Pharmaceutical Importers of Nigeria (APIN), seems to equally have the same notion.

“Most Nigerians are alive today, owing to the integrity behind Indian drugs. Imagine running on generator in your home and business for 24 hours. Tell me, what will a manufacturer produce that can give him something in return?” he queried.

A record of 62 Indian companies displayed some of the latest range of pharmaceuticals products, including bulk-drugs, formulations, biotech products as well as herbals. This is the third time Pharmexil, in association with the High Commission of India in Nigeria, will be organizing the expo.

Exercise can reduce high blood pressure, obesity – Dr Awopetu


Dr. Adeyemi Awopetu, the associate professor of physiology at the department of Human Kinetics and Health Education, University of Lagos (UNILAG), has said that people who are inactive are more susceptible to hypertension and obesity.

Awopetu, who spoke at the breakfast Wellbeing Interaction Programme held at the MUSON Centre, Lagos, recently, recommended regular exercise for everybody, especially top corporate executives and high profile civil servants, who hardly have time because of their busy schedule.

Awopetu said sedentary lifestyle or physical inactivity, which comes with occupying high office, has been confirmed to be the reason for several ailments such as high blood pressure and obesity, which constitute health hazards. He recommended what he called ‘Desk exercises’.

This, according to him, are exercises that could be done while sitting. “Desk exercise can be used for transportation purposes, while at the same time used to keep fit. Apart from that, the other form of exercise is stretching. Stretching is a natural exercise.”

Director, First Cardiology Consultant, Ikoyi, Dr Kofo Ogunyankin, who took the guests on wellbeing talk, listed a few health hazards such as tobacco intake, physical inactivity; alcohol abuse, which he added poses danger to the genetic encoded life expectancy of 125 year, as against what is obtainable in the country.

Chief Executive Officer, Corporate/Leisure, Biodun Jaji appealed to the guests to take out time to recreate.

He said: “What Nigerians do when they travel abroad is not leisure. Going to stay in a sister’s house, brother’s house; that’s not leisure. Corporate/Leisure are the people who give leisure experience, so you just need to work with us. Please take some time out to recreate. You can go on tour, cruising, safari.”

Ms Inge Cross, an international cruise consultant, CI Services Africa, representative of Royal Carribean and Celebrity Cruises for Africa, said a cruise is great way of holidaying.

She said: “It’s about relaxation and there is no better way to do this than cruising. It is ideal for family, couple, children and all ages. It’s full of great benefit. And you can cruise all year round”.

She identified misconceptions about cruising such as being stuck in one place for the duration, sea sickness, nothing to do, too expensive, dress code and too formal.

Mrs Cross gave a surprise cruising package to one of the lucky guests, Dr. Charles Akindayo.

At the event was the special guest of honour, Deputy Governor of Lagos State, Mrs Adejoke Orelope Adefulire, who was represented by Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health, Femi Olugbile; Head of Civil Service, Lagos State, Mr. Segun Ogunlewe; permanent secretaries from Ministry of Women Affairs, and Youth and Development; Chairman, Lagos Pension Commission, Tunde Dabiri, among others.



Fish oil, aspirin are cure for arthritis, says study


Fish oil and aspirin could be the key to beating a host of devastating chronic diseases, according to new research.

Researchers from the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston found that the two work together to combat the inflammation responsible for a host of illnesses, including heart disease, cancer, arthritis and Alzheimer’s.

Both aspirin and omega-3 fatty acids from fish are known to have an anti-inflammatory effect on their own, but the research shows that, when taken together, they can control the overactive immune responses associated with long-term illnesses.

Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury and foreign bodies.

When something harmful or irritating affects a part of the body, there is a biological response to try to remove it, and the symptoms of inflammation show that the body is trying to heal itself.

But if the person suffering has a high-fat diet, too much body fat or is a smoker, for example, they may not be a break from the irritants, so the immune system can lose control, increasing risk of disease.

Long-term, inflammation can become chronic, which can then damage heart valves and brain cells, causing strokes and promoting resistance to insulin, which leads to diabetes.

It is also associated with the development of cancer.

Aspirin is used by millions of people to keep heart attacks and strokes at bay. The drug is used to thin the blood, which reduces the risk of clots.

It works by helping to trigger the production of molecules called resolvins that are made naturally by the body from omega-3 fatty acids.


Fish oils have long been heralded for their beneficial effects on the brain, bones and heart

These resolvins ‘resolve’ the inflammation that underlies the health conditions which blight the lives of millions.

Omega-3 is found in oily fish, particularly salmon and sardines, as well as chicken, nuts, kale and spinach as well as vegetable oils.

One resolvin called D3 was found to have an especially long-lasting anti-inflammatory effect.

The researchers said: ‘In this report, we found that one resolvin, termed D3 and from omega-3 fatty acid, persists longer at sites of inflammation than either resolvin D1 or resolvin D2 in the nat­ural resolution of inflammation in mice.

‘This finding suggests that this late resolution phase resolvin D3 might display unique properties in fighting uncontrolled inflammation.’

The researchers also confirmed that aspirin triggered the production of a longer-acting form of resolvin D3 through a different pathway.

The team were able to produce a pure form of both resolvin D3 and aspirin-triggered resolvin D3.

When administered to human cells, both of these showed highly potent anti-inflammatory actions.

The research was published in the journal Chemistry & Biology.

ICT: Everywhere but not for everybody…


Emerging from Isolation…

Technology is helping pharmacists, physicians, and other health care professionals emerge from the functional “silos” that make it difficult for them to communicate with each other, according to Michele Vilaret, Director of Telecommunications Standards for the National Association of Chain Drug Stores.

“Because miscommunications are dramatically reduced, the point of sale at retail pharmacies becomes a counseling rather than a sales event where pharmacists do what they do best: use their clinical knowledge to explain the particulars of the medication to the patient,” said Karla Anderson, a Managing Director for BearingPoint Life Sciences, one of the world’s largest management and technology consulting firms.

Networks are of course everywhere…

ICT tools get being invented day and night; no one needs to rush to a newspaper stand or the Internet to find out. The regular bolus of adverts alone, spread by manufacturers of devices, by all the means they can is enough for you to know that a new ICT tool is born. And sooner than it is released, it is actively distributed to all parts of the world.

In June 2005, my article: Networking Schools of Pharmacy was published by Pharmanews. The article gained prominence long after then and later became a whole chapter in my book: Pharmacy & Information Technology in the 21st Century. However, what the modern world is teaching me now is that there are or there could be networks, not only in Nigeria, but other parts of the world. However, what matters is their affordability by institutions and individuals.

The Internet is everywhere across the globe. What matters are the prerequisites to it (e.g. computers) and the access to the Internet itself; all of which definitely come at some price.

In the advanced world, they have not only succeeded in networking schools but their entire endeavours of life. The prototype is excellent. I am glad too in Nigeria, we are in the process of networking everything, however the government needs to give more attention to important areas and the citizenry too must put their hearts into it, in order to make it part of the new life.

Networks Push for True Partnerships

The goal is to integrate the many different types of systems available to pharmacists, physicians, HMOs, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies. This includes what many believe is the holy grail of health care technology: electronic health records. When integration occurs, all health care providers will have secure and transparent access to all the information they need to better serve patients. This is likely to have an enormous impact on pharmacists.

“Although all the pieces won’t be in place for some time, with the help of technology, pharmacists are finally becoming full-fledged members of the clinical patient support team,” said Barry P. Chaiken, Associate Chief Medical Officer for BearingPoint, which provides design and implementation of next-generation systems for health care organisations.

“[Pharmacists] possess extraordinary amounts of clinical knowledge,” remarked Chaiken. “They are bright, intelligent, and highly motivated and should be having a tremendous impact on the practice of health care. By embracing technology – as many of them are doing – their ability to become partners with other clinicians should easily be achievable.”

Pharmacists couldn’t agree more. “I didn’t go to pharmacy school to count to 100,” said Richard Ost, pharmacist and owner of the Philadelphia Pharmacy. He employs three pharmacists and fills 750 prescriptions a day, an astounding 292% over the national average, for 3,800 customers each month. Since he has a small staff, he relies on an automated pharmacy workflow system that makes it possible for him to handle his heavy volume. “The more that technology can take over basic operations and facilitate communications with other health care professionals, the better job I can do serving patients,” noted Ost.

Is this network coming to Nigeria?

ScriptPro, in collaboration with TeleManager Technologies, offers advanced functionality for the Refill TeleManager Interactive Voice Response System (IVR) through ScriptPro’s SP Central Workflow System. This product allows patients to access information about the status of their prescriptions and enables pharmacists to know in real time the status and location of every prescription.

With the newly integrated IVR/workflow product, patients can call the pharmacy and input a prescription number, to order a refill. In addition, patients can find out the status of a prescription on the phone (i.e., if the doctor has authorised the refill yet, or if the prescription is ready to be picked up). Pharmacists can view all prescription orders coming through the IVR and see their status on the SP Checkpoint or SP Station workflow screen. With the use of multimedia graphics, pharmacists can view, listen, enter data, or transcribe on the screen. Because SP Central logs all pharmacy calls during the past week, pharmacists can check the log to investigate any discrepancies. In an effort to optimise patient service, the enhanced IVR system will make outbound calls to remind patients to pick up or refill their prescription medications.

What Limits Nigeria?

The price of Internet is not as expensive as we think. Government is largely responsible for procurement of ICT devices in abundant quantities, mostly institutions of learning. However, today, private organisations and companies are making their own contribution for example: the MTN e-library.

Schools are important places and ought to be flooded with computers and ICT devices. In developed countries, they are no longer thinking of computers and internet in the learning environment, as even every single room in students’ hostels is equipped with computer and Internet.

The good score we have is that other endeavours, like school registration, application for employments, among others, are now done online. In general, Nigeria is only limited by lack of abundant tools to make us join the league of global village.

Minister to deduct primary health care requirement funds


Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Senator Bala Mohammed, has directed that henceforth funds meant for the requirements of the Primary Health Care services be deducted at source from the monthly federation allocation meant for the FCT Area Councils.


The Minister gave this directive while meeting with the members of the Implementation Committee of the FCT Polio Immunization Exercise, Development Partners as well as stakeholders recently in Abuja.


Senator Mohammed said that this action has become necessary to underscore the importance of Routine Immunisation Exercise to all the nooks and crannies of the Federal Capital Territory.


The Minister remarked that the FCT Administration remains a practical example of good governance, as his administration has been prompt in releasing all funds from federation account allocated, including 10 percent of Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) accruing to the FCTA to all the six Area Councils.


Senator Mohammed therefore wondered why the Area Councils in the Federal Capital Territory would fail to meet all their statutory responsibilities, despite the magnanimity of the Administration to live up to its own responsibility.


His words: “We, as the FCT Administration, have given the FCT Area Councils all it takes, as required by the law, and therefore cannot accept failure in the area of primary health care services, which is central to the health of rural dwellers in their respective councils because we cannot continue to micro-manage the area councils.”


The Minister instructed that Traditional Rulers and Religious Leaders must be carried along in all the processes of Routine Immunization Exercises in the territory.


He revealed that the issues and gaps noticed in polio eradication exercise will also be tabled at the subsequent meeting of G-7 Security Summit, which is an assembly of FCT and all its contiguous states, to find a practical way of nipping in the bud cases of poliomyelitis in the zone, due to migration of people around the zone.


While calling for serious advocacy and sensitisation amongst all stakeholders, Senator Mohammed appreciated the efforts of Bill Gates and Aliko Dangote, as well as other development partners, in contributing to the total eradication of this menace.


Considering the importance of Routine Immunisation Exercise, the Minister vowed that he would personally go to monitor and supervise the house-to-house immunization exercise, if invited.


Speaking earlier, the FCT Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretariat, Dr. Demola Onakomaiya, lauded the uncommon commitment of the FCT Minister and FCT Minister of State, Senator Bala Mohammed and Oloye Olajumoke Akinjide, respectively for providing the political will to upscale health activities in the Federal Capital Territory.


Dr. Onakomaiya however pleaded with the Area Councils wake up to their responsibilities by contributing their quota as required statutorily.


The meeting was also attended by the FCT Minister of State, Oloye Olajumoke Akinjide, representatives of World Bank, UNICEF, members of the Implementation Committee, as well as stakeholders.



Destructive criticism is one of the most harmful of all human behaviour. It lowers self-esteem, creates poor self-image, and undermines the individual’s performance in everything he or she attempts. Destructive criticism shakes the individual’s self-confidence so that he or she feels inferior, tenses up and makes mistakes whenever he or she attempts anything for which he or she has been criticised in the past. The individual may give up trying at all and simply avoid the area of endeavour altogether.

The average parent criticises his or her children as many as eight times for every time he or she praises them.  Parents criticise their children unthinkingly in an attempt to get them to improve their behaviour.  But exactly the opposite occurs. Because destructive criticism undermines thechild’s self-esteem and weakens his or her self-concept, effectiveness decreases rather than increases. The child’s performance gets worse, not better.

Destructive criticism makes the individual feel incompetent and inadequate. He or she feels angry and defensive and wants to strike back or escape. Performance nosedives. All sorts of negative consequences occur. Especially, the relationship between the parent and child deteriorates.

Children who are criticised for their schoolwork soon develop a negative association between schoolwork and how they feel about themselves. They begin to hate it and avoid it whenever possible. They see schoolwork as a source of pain and frustration. And because of the Laws of Attraction and Correspondence, they begin to associate with other children with the same attitudes.

Often people make the mistake of thinking they are giving “constructive criticism” when they are really just tearing the other person down and calling it “constructive” to rationalise their behaviour. True constructive criticism leaves the person feeling better and more capable of doing a better job in the future. If criticism doesn’t improve performance, by increasing the individual’s feeling of self-esteem and self-efficacy, then it has merely been a destructive act of self-expression carried out against someone who is not in a position to resist.

Destructive criticism lies at the root of many personality problems and of much hostility between individuals. It leaves a trail of broken spirits, demoralisation, anger, resentment, self-doubt and a host of negative emotions.

When children are criticised at an early age, they soon learn to criticise themselves. They run themselves down, sell themselvesshort and interpret their experiences in a negative way. They continually feel, “I’m not good enough,” no matter how hard they work or how well they do.

The whole purpose of criticism, if you must give it, is “performance improvement.” It is to help the other person to be better as a result. Constructive criticism is not done for revenge. It is not a vehicle to express your displeasure or anger. Its purpose is to help, not hurt, or you should refrain from using it at all.

Here are seven steps you can follow to ensure that what you are giving is “constructive feedback” rather than destructive criticism.

First, protect the individual’s self-esteem at all costs. Treat it like a balloon, with your words as potential needles. Be gentle. With my children, I always begin the process of correction with the words “I love you very much,” and then I go on to give them the feedback and guidance they require to be better.

Second, focus on the future, not the past. Don’t cry over spilled milk. Talk about ”What do we do from here?” Use words like “Next time, why don’t you … ”

Third, focus on the behaviour or the performance, not the person. Replace the word “you” with a description of the problem.

Instead of saying, “You are not selling enough,” instead say, “Your sales figures are below what we expect. What can we do to get them up?”

Fourth, use “I” messages to retain ownership of your feelings. Instead of saying, “You make me very angry,” instead say, “I feel very angry when you do that,” or, “I am not happy about this situation and I would like to discuss how we could change it.”

Fifth, get clear agreement on what is to change, and when, and by how much. Be specific as well as future-oriented and solution-oriented. Say things like, “In the future, it’s important that you keep accurate notes and double-check before you make shipments final.”

Sixth, offer to help. Ask, ”What can I do to help you in this situation?” Be prepared to show the person what to do and how to do it. As a parent, or if you are in a position of authority, one of your key jobs is to be a teacher. You can’t expect another to do something different without instructing that person how it is to be done.

Seventh, assume that the other person wants to do a good job and that, if he or she has done a poor job or made a mistake, it was not deliberate. The problem is limited skill, incomplete information or a misunderstanding of some kind.

Be calm, patient, supportive, sensitive, clear and constructive rather than angry or destructive. Build the person up rather than tearing him or her down. There’s probably no faster way for you to build self-esteem and self-efficacy in others than by immediately ceasing all destructive criticism. You will notice the difference at once in all your relationships.

PSN casts a “vote of no confidence” on PIC chairman … Calls for the deployment of PCN zonal head


 Rising from its 2013 Annual General Meeting (AGM), the Lagos State branch of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) has passed a “vote of no confidence” on the chairman of the Pharmaceutical Inspection Committee (PIC) in the state, for what it described as inefficiency in the control and monitoring of illegal pharmaceutical outlets in the state.


In the same vein, the AGM has also recalled the antecedent of the head of the zonal office of the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN) in Lagos, in undermining the activities of PIC, and hereby passed a vote of no confidence in her, as well as called for her immediate redeployment.


The resolution of the branch, which was contained in a six-point communiqué, was jointly signed by Pharm. Akintunde Obembe, chairman and Pharm. M. F. Odeyemi, Secretary.


The communiqué reads “The AGM appraised the activities of PIC in the State over a period of twenty (20) years, 1993 – 2013. And came to the conclusion that the periods: 1994 – 1996, 1999 – 2003 and 2004 – 2009 witnessed tremendous progress in the areas of inspection, monitoring and control of pharmaceutical premises”.


“However, the AGM noted with dismay that since the chairmanship of the Pharmaceutical Inspection Committee (PIC) was ceded to the State Ministry of Health in 2010, no reasonable effort has been made to monitor and control the preponderance of illegal pharmaceutical outlets in the State which are conservatively put at 200,000 outlets”.


“Consequent upon this development, the AGM hereby passed a vote of no confidence on the chairman of Pharmaceutical Inspection Committee (PIC).  In the same vein, AGM recalled the antecedent of the head of the Zonal Office of the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN) in Lagos in undermining the activities of PIC and hereby passed a Vote of No Confidence in her.  AGM hereby called for her immediate redeployment”.


The communiqué further stated that the AGM has mandated the Executive Committee of the State branch to liaise with the national body of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria to address the above situation, as a matter of national emergency, so as to forestall further degeneration of affairs, as whatever happens in the state could have a viral effect nationally.  The AGM also empowered the Executive Committee to seek other avenues in resolving this matter, including legal redress.


Expressing its disappointment at the extremely poor output of the performance of PCN in the last fifteen (15) months, the AGM has appealed to President Goodluck Jonathan, GCFR to reconstitute the Governing Council of the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria, to save pharmacy practice from being further denigrated.


“AGM lamented attempts to manipulate the appointment of a Registrar and imposed a regime of increased statutory fees through illegitimate and unlawful processes and declared that the absence of a legally constituted Governing Council for about seven (7) years now encourages the exploitation of practitioners as pharmacists continue to contend with a “Sole Administrator” who is not interested in a functional inspectorate system and this is detrimental to the public health interest”.


The body therefore urged pharmacists to key into the vision of a group insurance for all members by immediately paying the enabling subscription fees before the March 31, 2013 deadline prescribed by the National Council.  In the same spirit, the AGM called on members who are yet to conclude processes leading to the issuance of membership identification cards and certificates to expedite action.


Earlier on, the group had congratulated the national body on the successful hosting of the first national council meeting of the Society in the year at Ado Ekiti, Ekiti State. And the AGM hereby aligned with the twelve-point communiqué issued at the end of the council meeting.



 It is a truism that everyone created by God has a destiny. In our life’s journey there aredestinations but when we travel along the direction God has planned for us, even before we were born,our destination becomes our destiny. Lack of knowledge, indolence, wrong choices and decisions can cause us to pass through life without achieving the God-given destiny. It implies that we have not been fully utilised for mankind. Our potential has not been exploited.

Your greatest discovery is to know God’s purpose and plan for your life. Knowing your gifts and calling will keep you on the right track. This knowledge will enable you get into a career or vocation that will please God and give you satisfaction and peace of mind. Ignorance of these truths is responsible for most of the crises we experience in life –poverty, unhappiness, lack of job satisfaction, selfishness, greed, corruption, fear, lack of progress, bitterness, envy, criminal tendencies, crazy accumulation of wealth, disease, premature death and so on. These are definitely not the plans and promises for God’s children.

Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plan Ihave for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”Fulfilment of this promise, like other promises, is subject to your personal choices, decisions and will power. Promises are not imposed on anybody. You are free to accept or reject and damn the consequences.

It is God’s pleasure to have you discover your own destiny so that you can walk along it. If you actually desire to know it and ask God, He will help you. After all, the Word of God says that everyone who asks receives; everyone who seeks finds; to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call on me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.”One major clue to your destiny is the desiresof your heart.

Do you have a burning desire? Your desire is what you long for. It is where your heart is and your greatest treasure.God places desires for certain things in your heart to make you know and serve Him. When your desires are godly, you are on the right track to your destiny.“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires”(Psalm 37:4). Your divine desires are pointing towards God’s purpose for your life.

Desires are not mere fantasies or wishes. At one time or the other, some thoughts flash across your mind. You see a beautiful car and you just wish it belongs to you.Your friend receives a free ticket and hotel coupon to enjoy a vacation in Hawaii Islands and you just imagine yourself receiving such a gift, too. Your neighbour completes his residential building and invites you to the house-warming ceremony. Your own project is still on-going and you visualise your own house being completed. These are good thoughts and wishes which vanish soon after.

With desire is passion. Passion is the excitement and zeal you have for something important to you. Passion is a positive power. Parents should always watch out for passion in their children. They are good pointers to where destiny is taking them. Students that have passion for figures and numbers must be moving towards mathematics and accountancy. Some people are always ready to help others. They hate to see other people in difficulty and are always ready to give a helping hand. Such persons will perform well as social workers and nurses.

In my working life, I never experienced passion for my work until I started my own publishing business. Before then, I did a bit of selling and thereafter spent 5 years in a production department. During that period, I was not particularly satisfied with my work and did not see myself prospering in that area. Then I moved to a marketing company. Despite all the training programmes on sales and marketing which I was exposed to, I was still asking myself where I was heading to. Inside me, I knew the job was not fulfilling and I was wondering how my colleagues were enjoying their work. I thought that the reason I did not derive joy in my work was that, as the marketing manager, I did not sufficiently appreciate the principles and concepts of marketing. Therefore, in order to find pleasure in my work, I attended a 6-week marketing programme of the International Marketing Institute in Cambridge, Mass. USA, in 1978. This programmereally expanded my scope in marketing but it brought disappointment to my boss since he did not willingly approve it for me, neither did he give me any financial support. The breakdown in our relationship caused me to resign my appointment to start publishing Pharmanews in 1979. It was then that I became aware of what God planned for my life. Today,I know I am in the right direction because the passion for my work has continued to intensify.

There is no doubt thatvery many people are in the wrong jobs which cannot offer them any satisfaction. They cannot shine and excel in those jobs because their hearts are not in what they are doing. Many young graduates accept whatever jobs are available, just to be engaged. Their spirits must be witnessing to them that they are only in transit to their calling. Their present jobs are just like bus stops on their route to their destination. They must be praying for God’s plan for their lives to manifest at the appointed time. God’s willis done on earth when everyone operates at their stations.

It is a truism that everyone created by God has a destiny. In our life’s journey there aredestinations but when we travel along the direction God has planned for us, even before we were born,our destination becomes our destiny. Lack of knowledge, indolence, wrong choices and decisions can cause us to pass through life without achieving the God-given destiny. It implies that we have not been fully utilised for mankind. Our potential has not been exploited.

Your greatest discovery is to know God’s purpose and plan for your life. Knowing your gifts and calling will keep you on the right track. This knowledge will enable you get into a career or vocation that will please God and give you satisfaction and peace of mind. Ignorance of these truths is responsible for most of the crises we experience in life –poverty, unhappiness, lack of job satisfaction, selfishness, greed, corruption, fear, lack of progress, bitterness, envy, criminal tendencies, crazy accumulation of wealth, disease, premature death and so on. These are definitely not the plans and promises for God’s children.

Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plan Ihave for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”Fulfilment of this promise, like other promises, is subject to your personal choices, decisions and will power. Promises are not imposed on anybody. You are free to accept or reject and damn the consequences.

It is God’s pleasure to have you discover your own destiny so that you can walk along it. If you actually desire to know it and ask God, He will help you. After all, the Word of God says that everyone who asks receives; everyone who seeks finds; to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call on me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.”One major clue to your destiny is the desiresof your heart.

Do you have a burning desire? Your desire is what you long for. It is where your heart is and your greatest treasure.God places desires for certain things in your heart to make you know and serve Him. When your desires are godly, you are on the right track to your destiny.“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires”(Psalm 37:4). Your divine desires are pointing towards God’s purpose for your life.

Desires are not mere fantasies or wishes. At one time or the other, some thoughts flash across your mind. You see a beautiful car and you just wish it belongs to you.Your friend receives a free ticket and hotel coupon to enjoy a vacation in Hawaii Islands and you just imagine yourself receiving such a gift, too. Your neighbour completes his residential building and invites you to the house-warming ceremony. Your own project is still on-going and you visualise your own house being completed. These are good thoughts and wishes which vanish soon after.

With desire is passion. Passion is the excitement and zeal you have for something important to you. Passion is a positive power. Parents should always watch out for passion in their children. They are good pointers to where destiny is taking them. Students that have passion for figures and numbers must be moving towards mathematics and accountancy. Some people are always ready to help others. They hate to see other people in difficulty and are always ready to give a helping hand. Such persons will perform well as social workers and nurses.

In my working life, I never experienced passion for my work until I started my own publishing business. Before then, I did a bit of selling and thereafter spent 5 years in a production department. During that period, I was not particularly satisfied with my work and did not see myself prospering in that area. Then I moved to a marketing company. Despite all the training programmes on sales and marketing which I was exposed to, I was still asking myself where I was heading to. Inside me, I knew the job was not fulfilling and I was wondering how my colleagues were enjoying their work. I thought that the reason I did not derive joy in my work was that, as the marketing manager, I did not sufficiently appreciate the principles and concepts of marketing. Therefore, in order to find pleasure in my work, I attended a 6-week marketing programme of the International Marketing Institute in Cambridge, Mass. USA, in 1978. This programmereally expanded my scope in marketing but it brought disappointment to my boss since he did not willingly approve it for me, neither did he give me any financial support. The breakdown in our relationship caused me to resign my appointment to start publishing Pharmanews in 1979. It was then that I became aware of what God planned for my life. Today,I know I am in the right direction because the passion for my work has continued to intensify.

There is no doubt thatvery many people are in the wrong jobs which cannot offer them any satisfaction. They cannot shine and excel in those jobs because their hearts are not in what they are doing. Many young graduates accept whatever jobs are available, just to be engaged. Their spirits must be witnessing to them that they are only in transit to their calling. Their present jobs are just like bus stops on their route to their destination. They must be praying for God’s plan for their lives to manifest at the appointed time. God’s willis done on earth when everyone operates at their stations.

The role of ageing and Health by NMA


In the face of enormous challenges facing the health sector, the Nigeria Medical Association (NMA) recently marked ‘the Physicians’, a week when doctors appraise the medical profession and Nigeria’s health care system, among other things. The week enabled doctors in the country to offer humanitarian services and, as part of its corporate social responsibility, the association specifically charged its members to focus on strengthening health care services in medical clinics established in the various camps set up for displaced flood victims. At present, a good number of Nigerians have been rendered homeless by floods, with stories emanating from the camps that several pregnant women had delivered babies while in camp. As such, NMA deems it necessary to offer such women and other displaced persons adequate health care services.

The theme of this year’s week is: “Prescription Rights – Its Abuse and Implications for the Health of Nigerians,” while subthemes include: “Medical Tourism and Investment in Nigeria’s Healthcare System; Role of NMA and other stakeholders and Ageing and “Health – the Role of Doctors.”

While other subthemes are of paramount importance, the subtheme on ageing and health has come at an apt time, owing to the fact that elderly persons and also a larger percentage of Nigerians are being faced with high level of poverty and neglect by the government. At present, 70 per cent of Nigerians are living below the poverty line, with about 60 million unemployed persons in the country. Government at the local level, which is supposed to cater for majority of Nigerians, has collapsed and as such there are no facilities, infrastructures or social amenities to cater for rural dwellers. There is no social security system in the country, while there are no homes for the elderly in the country and pension is not being paid as and when due. This state of affairs has resulted in the untimely death of many elder citizens and, as such, the focus of the NMA on ageing and health is a welcome development.

While speaking at the flag off of the physicians’ week, the President of NMA, Dr. Osahon Enabulele, said, “It is the progressive, universal decline in functional reserve in organisms over time and that the populations worldwide are ageing, with the number of older adults expected to increase to 974 million by 2030. Currently, about 59 per cent of older adults live in the developing countries, which also have the largest absolute number and largest percentage increase of older adults.”

The global age distribution of populations is rapidly changing, due to long term declines in fertility rates and worldwide improvements in mortality rates. This demographic transition/transformation is accompanied by an epidemiological transition in which non-communicable diseases are becoming major causes of death and contributors to disease burden and disability.

In Nigeria, though the life expectancy at birth is put at 47.3 for males and 48.3 for females, the population of older adults aged 60 and above is on the increase. The population of this age group of Nigerians currently put at 7.6 million is predicted to increase to 27.7 million by 2050.

According to Enabulele “it is imperative that short, medium and long term plans be instituted to adequately cater for this age group of Nigerians and that anything short of this may lead to catastrophic consequences on health care expenditure, as well as the mortality and morbidity indices of Nigeria.” This is due to the fact that chronic and non-communicable diseases, which afflict most elderly people are major contributors to mortality and morbidity and cause increased utilization of health care facilities and resources.

In Nigeria, not much emphasis has been devoted to the care of the aged in terms of medical, psychosocial and functional needs, while there is a dearth of trained medical personnel dedicated to the care of the elderly.

It is against this backdrop that the association recommended that government at all levels to institute and enforce a policy of free medical care for elderly people. In addition, committed efforts should be made to address the socio-economic and functional needs of the elderly, particularly the prompt payment of pensions.

According to the NMA leader, the association shall partner with relevant government agencies and ministries to intensify the promotion of lifestyle medicine/health promotion campaigns to empower elderly people to live healthier lives. The association also recommended that government should also provide for the health promotional needs of elderly people in Nigeria and to create district and neighbourhood recreation/sports centres for them.

Dr. Enabulele called for training of more doctors in geriatric medicine and that geriatric comprehensive assessment is made a standard practice in all hospitals. The association appealed to government at all levels, corporate and non-governmental organisations and private entrepreneurs to massively invest in hospice care rather that old peoples’ homes. NMA also called on the National Postgraduate College of Nigeria to give greater emphasis to geriatric care and establish subspecialties of geriatric medicine domiciled in the departments of family medicine and internal medicine.

On the controversial issue of prescription rights, which has set it up against the pharmaceutical association, the doctors association called for prescription and enforcement of sanctions for violators of the framework guiding the prescription of drugs and medicines in Nigeria. According to the president, one of the problems plaguing Nigeria’s health care system is the gross abuse of prescription rights facilitated by factors such as poor regulatory and legal framework, poverty and out of pocket financing of health care, poor governance, high level of illiteracy and a weak health system.

The need for a collaborative effort between doctors and other professionals within the health sector was clamoured for by the doctors. For the patients to enjoy uninterrupted services, everyone must be ready to serve and render such service willingly and satisfactory.

The need to have unfiltered service base on approved practices was also echoed by the conference, which must be implemented by the relevance authorities.

An Overview of Health Financing by Dr. ChidiUkandu


The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health financing as the way in which money is raised to fund health activities, as well as how it is used.It is important to note that the way a health system is financed is a key determinant of population health and well being. More than 1.3 billion people worldwide do not have access to essential health interventions, due to weaknesses in health financing and delivery systems. As many as 44 million households worldwide, or more than 150 million individuals, face catastrophic health care expenditures every year; of these, about 25 million households or more than 100 million people are pushed into poverty by health care costs. Health financing thus aims to achieve three goals: generate sufficient and sustainable financial resources; ensure optimal use of such resources; and protect individuals from financial embarrassment, in the process of seeking health care. The attainment of these objectives depends on how effectively the health financing functions of revenue collection, pooling and purchasing are performed.

Revenue collection

Revenue collection is the process by which the health system receives money from households and organisations or companies, as well as from donors. Common methods for revenue collection include general taxation, mandated social health insurance contributions, voluntary private health insurance contributions, community-based health insurance contributions, out-of-pocket payments and donations.


Fig 2.1: Health financing functions

An Overview of Health Financing by Dr. ChidiUkandu

Source: {Schieber,G. 2005}


The mix of collection methods adopted by a country will influence how much money can be mobilised and the patterns of equity, efficiency and the cost of health care services.  Countries often use more than one of these methods to raise funds for the health system but the best mix depends on a country’s income level and its technical and administrative capacity. Literature indicates that many high income countries rely on general taxation or mandated social health insurance contributions, in contrast to low-income countries that depend far more on out-of-pocket payments or donor funding.


Pooling refers to the accumulation and management of revenues in such a way as to ensure that the risk of having to pay for health is borne by all members of the pool rather than each contributor individually. Pooling performs the ‘’insurance function’ by sharing the financial risk that is associated with health interventions for which the need is uncertain. Pooling can be explicit, as with social health insurance, community-based health insurance and private health insurance, where people knowingly subscribe to the scheme, or it is implicit, as with tax based health systems. In either case, pooling enables health services to be received, based on need, rather than ability to pay and removes the need to pay for health services at the point of care, and thus reduces the possibility of individuals failing to receive care because of financial constraints. For pooling to occur, there has to be prepayment. Prepayment allows individuals to pay for health costs in advance, thus relieving them of uncertainty and ensuring compensation should a loss occur. Pooling coupled with prepayment enables the establishment of insurance and the redistribution of health spending between high and low-risk individuals and between high and low-income individuals.


Purchasing is the process by which pooled funds are paid to providers, in order to deliver a specified set of health interventions. The principal methods for paying providers are fee-for-service, per diem or daily payment, case payment, capitation, budget and salaries. The type of method used has implications for cost, access, quality and consumer satisfaction. Purchasing is therefore very important for achieving the health financing goals of universal access, optimum use of resources and financial protection for all.

 Social health insurance (SHI)

SHI is a method of health financing where contributions for health services are collected from workers, self-employed people, enterprises and the government.  Collections through SHI are often mandatory and backed by a legal act. It is sometimes referred to as national health insurance, when it covers the entire population within a country. In this case, SHI may be combined with voluntary schemes, such as community-based health insurance schemes, to cover the self-employed or informal populations.


Literature indicates that about 60 countries all over the world are using SHI as the predominant method for raising money for health services.27 countries have achieved universal coverage for their populations through this method.

In recent times, multilateral and bilateral organisations, such as the WHO, World Bank, German Agency for Technical Cooperation, have been promoting social health insurance as an alternative way to mobilise additional funds for the health system, especially in developing countries. They suggest that social health insurance is a suitable alternative when low-income countries do not have adequate tax revenues to fund health care of reasonable quality for everybody. In fact in 2005, the World Health Assembly adopted a resolution recommending social health insurance as an effective strategy for financing health systems.

Community-Based Health Insurance (CBHI)

CBHI has, in recent times, been advocated as complementary method for mobilising funds for the health system especially, in low-income countries. However, evaluations by the World Bank, the International Labour Organization and others conclude that in low-income settings CBHI schemes make only modest contributions to overall coverage and only as a complement to other formal schemes. Literature indicates that coverage with CBHI rarely exceeds 10 per cent of the population because voluntary contributions of poor people are usually insufficient to make it viable. Other researchers and scholars however argue that, in situations where government taxation is weak, formal mechanisms for social protection for vulnerable populations absent, and government oversight of the informal sector lacking, community health financing provides the first step towards improved financial protection against the cost of illness and improved access to priority health services.

Donor funding

This refers to international financial assistance from other countries, bilateral and multilateral organisations and NGOs. Literature indicates that financial assistance from donors is a major source of funding for health services in low-income countries. In 48per cent of the 46 countries in Africa, donor funding accounted for more than 20per cent of the total health expenditure. In 2004, external sources accounted for 6.25per cent or US$2.23 billion of the US$35.53 billion expended on health in Africa.It is recognised that current health expenditure in Africa are unlikely to meet the required funding to achieve universal access and, as such, increased donor assistance is being canvassed for many African countries.

Out-of-pocket payments       

Out-of-pocket payments refer to payments that are made at the point of accessing health services and could be in the form of direct payments to health providers, user fees or co-payments. Out-of-pocket payments in the form of user fees and direct payments represent a major method for financing health services in low-income countries. Out-of-pocket payments imply the absence of pooling, are not sustainable and are therefore regarded as the most ineffective method for financing health services. Indeed, there is a distinct correlation between the amount of out-of-pocket-payments and the share of people exposed to catastrophic expenditure.


Living with diabetes is not a death sentence – Fasanmade …urges strict adherence to glucose control guidelines



An endocrinologist and specialist in the study and management of the gland and related area, Dr. Femi Fasanmade, has urged people living with diabetes not to see the ailment as a death sentence, but rather something they can live with and enjoy good life.

Speaking at the launch of the ten steps to better glucose control, developed by the Global Partnership for Effective Diabetes Management in Lagos, Fasanmade said a strict adherence to the glucose control guidelines could be all a patient would require to live with the condition in good health.

According to him, the steps to better glucose control helps create awareness on the disease and acquaint patients, doctors and health workers on the best way to achieve a control of the disease through the new guidelines.

Explaining the ten steps, Fasanmade said diabetic patients could reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications and thus improve their quality of life by following the recommendations of the ten steps.

These, he said, require among other things that the patient should strive to monitor his condition regularly and aggressively manage his blood sugar level, as well as blood fat (hyperglycaemia, hypertension and dyslipidemia); and every new diabetes patient should see a specialist, who should initiate appropriate management procedure before referring the patient to a general practice practitioner.

The patient and his/her doctor should not spear any management method to achieve a control. Such methods should include diet, drugs and exercise. “If you can combine these, you will not see any case of stroke, erectile dysfunction, blindness and many other complications diabetes often come with,” he said.

Professor Augustine Ohwovoriole, while launching the ten steps, described the state of the nation’s health care delivery system as too difficult and burdened with a lot of challenges, and could make it difficult for diabetes patients in Nigeria to achieve control. He said, to be able to follow the ten steps, laboratories must be available and well organised to offer necessary monitoring checks for diabetes.

He noted that a few laboratories in Nigeria could provide the HbAIc test recommended in the ten steps, adding that this and other tests were rather too expensive for Nigerian diabetics, who will strive to follow the guidelines effectively.

According to him, diabetes treatment is not as it should be in the country. He therefore, urged the government to, as a matter of urgency, include diabetes among the diseases covered by the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS).

The steps to better glucose control, as developed by Global Partnership, aimed at good glycaemia control include monitoring HbAIc every three months, in addition to regular glucose self-examination, manage hyperperglycaemia, dyslipidemia and hypertension with the same intensity, to obtain the best patient outcome.





Innovation: The African Challenge


By Pharm. Nelson Okwonna


Society as we know it has thrived by the concerted efforts of individuals aimed at attaining the inner quest in man for certain heights of good and nobility. Man, across time and space, has pursued this quest for centuries old. He had overcome obstacles, engaged noble and ignoble means, created and destroyed civilisation and still seeks to attain to a certain place of fulfilment within himself.This man believes in something.

He believes in the nobility of his intentions, the dignity of his acts and the imperfections of his frame. His belief is not one borne out of an original intention but that of a discovery; a discovery of the necessity of faith. He is by nature compelled to believe in the essential worth of certain things and to make their fulfilment his ultimate aim. It is true across all civilisations, therefore, that one cannot do something well except one believes in it and that success is happiness and fulfilment attained by the deployment of our best efforts towards our best beliefs.

Science has not been unanimous in the description of the cause of man and hence, her beautiful dissertations cannot be trusted to define her course but to, at best, explain our view of it. In Africa, majority of us within our own sciencehave explained the cause and course of man — we believe in God as the first cause and believe this well; we believe in the existence of a reality other than us, which had designed and framed our universe and had, by this creation, defined our cause and course. We believe that this Reality had created the universe, as we know it and all that is therein.

Our belief is unique but not novel, though very religious and superstitious, i.e. we believe in spirits, in witches, in omens, demons and angels. We believe in black inferiority, in donor agencies and our helplessness. Despite these, we are not unlike the West, for they too believe, just that we believe in different things. We have believed in everything but in ourselves. We believe in our teachers but not in what is taught.

Africa was taught to write English but not communication. She was taught Algebra but not necessarily to think. Thinking and communication are essential nature of one’s humanity and we are very human. We needed not be taught these things because we knew them well. So, it was not reason that we were taught but rather several aspects of life within which we have not reasoned. Reason teaches that it is a failing to despise oneself because one was taught; one must value one’s teacher but not above the taught matter. The only teacher that is above all is the one who himself is the taught matter.

Europe didnot teach Africa only of European people, she taught her mathematics, foreign languages, logic, prose, governance and other things.She taught her what she knew of the universe, while expanding her knowledge and fill of what she knows of ours. Africa believed what was taught but made the mistake of not understanding that her teachers were, more or less, observers and students like herself. She forgot that it was about meditating more on the precepts than on bowing before the master.

There are precepts; they form the backbone of science and of successful governments. They are not made by man but discovered by man and men who have built by it were more successful than their peers. By this, I mean the precepts that made the kite and the aeroplane fly; that which lights our skies and our homes; that by which our submarine and the shark navigate the deep. There is wisdom in nature from which man has learned a great deal and, by so doing, invented our world. For invention is really a discovery – a discovery from nature, relationships and by sheer perception of the intents of reality.

Our focus was not on these precepts which actually are the laws of God seen in nature, for nature is His. Our focus was on the teachers who had taught us and, by so doing, we became poor imitators of the West; the only people ashamed of their accent. We became religious but not critical. Crude oil laden but not refiners, gold laden yet very poor.

We did not learn the rules of value creation. We did not learn that all materials of value are at their least economic value, until acted upon by an immaterial resource; that processing is the expansion factor in value creation.We did not learn that natural raw materials, at their least economic value, would deplete in value, if not acted upon by an immaterial resource or value system. We did not imbibe the principle that the value potential of every raw material or immaterial resource can be perpetually increased.

Because of these failings, we despised ourselves. We didnot recognise that the most important resource is us and our thoughts, our faith and our ability to develop new processes, products and management. Hence, we sold ourselves for a dime. A generation that strove to win the US lottery; by this we did not please God or ourselves, for His pleasure is indeed pleasurable to man. We did not learn the lesson of the ants.

We didnot learn, like the ants, that the failure of leadership is not enough excuse. We became sluggards who have explained away all our woes, unchallenged by our blindness, unfocused by it, only lost in religious fervour, denying that the greatest solution God had designed is us. To us the preacher cried:

Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways and be wise; which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, (emphasis mine)” – Prov. 6:6-7

One of the best lessons from the ants is the lesson of self-leadership. We mustnot be in government to proffer solutions. Creating and proffering solutions is in itself leadership. An innovator must delist from the sluggard fraternity. He must rid himself of all excuses, as he realises, perhaps for the first time, that his obstacles demand innovative solutions, which he can proffer.

Now, what should the ant study teach us?

Wisdom, I believe. Now, this should be obvious because ant-study, like every scientific endeavour, can fetch you a PhD and not the necessary applicable wisdom; the difference is in the intentionality of the scientist. You see, Africa has studied the ants, but she was not intentional in her study. If she was, then she was not strategic enough.If she was, then she would have treasured wise execution over university degrees, prosperity against mere survival, petrol over crude oil, processing over raw material, collaboration over solo efforts.

You would love the ants. They have a local wisdom. They understand the cause of the anthill, and they’ve made its preservation the greatest aim. They know that local wisdom is borne of local research and local productivity, and the usefulness of local resources for the greater good of the locals (Africans). They understand that their labour is not only wisdom but also Godly.

Now, I have spoken of this African as if he were an individual with a specific self-hating disposition; as if he truly delights in his sorry state; as if he prays for more gloom, more importation of finished products and exportation of crude materials. I have spoken as if we pride ourselves in our corrupt statistics and of inept leadership. I have spoken as if our very failings are completely unique to us.Did I not notice the emerging dismemberment of the fabrics of society in North America, the volatility of the fabric of trade and the failings of corporate governance?

Charity begins at home; human failings are not alien to us, only of a different shade. For indeed, Africa has triumphed in many other things. For one, she has happy people and one of her largest nations could boast of the most evangelical church on earth.

The failing of trade seen in major economic hiccups in Europe and North America is to help us confirm that it is not the teacher that was beautiful and true but the taught material. The beauty of the teacher is a function of her practice of what she taught, or tried to teach. There is a difference between the body of knowledge and the harbinger of it…. “We hold these truths to be self-evident”… “Wehold…”

Truths are God given and are the right picture of reality; the grasp of it is innovation and the practice of it is life. Human failings are borne from the perversion of it and the practice of a perverted logic. Just as we could see in mutants, mutation might confer certain unique and even desirable characteristics, like an increase in proportion but it is either not good for the kind from which it was formed or that it is not of a perpetuating character. The duo of suitability for kind and perpetuity defines the unique characteristics of truth.

Humanity’s failing is from a perversion of truth and this failing is not African, Africa has her blindness but she must not excuse herself. She must make manifest her belief, her faith.

There is therefore this challenge;this call to nobility and truth; to virtue, if I must say, for us to rise beyond the shackles of our mind. To begin today, to not just exist, but to rather engage positively…God being our helper.

Skin Infection


A skin infection is an infection of the skin. Infection of the skin is distinguished from dermatitis, which is inflammation of the skin, but a skin infection can result in skin inflammation. Skin inflammation due to skin infection is called infective dermatitis.


Bacterial skin infections include:

Impetigo is a highly contagious bacterial skin infection most common among pre-school children. It is primarily caused by Staphylococcus aureus, and sometimes by Streptococcus pyogenes.

Erysipelas is an acute streptococcus bacterial infection of the deep epidermis with lymphatic spread.

Cellulitis is a diffuse inflammation of connective tissue with severe inflammation of dermal and subcutaneous layers of the skin. Cellulitis can be caused by normal skin flora or by exogenous bacteria, and often occurs where the skin has previously been broken: cracks in the skin, cuts, blisters, burns, insect bites, surgical wounds, intravenous drug injection or sites of intravenous catheter insertion. Skin on the face or lower legs is most commonly affected by this infection, though cellulitis can occur on any part of the body.


Fungal skin infections may present as either a superficial or deep infection of the skin, hair, and/or nails. They affect about one billion people globally, as at 2010.

Parasitic infestations, stings, and bites

Parasitic infestations, stings, and bites in humans are caused by several groups of organisms belonging to the following phyla: Annelida, Arthropoda, Bryozoa, Chordata, Cnidaria, Cyanobacteria, Echinodermata, Nemathelminthes, Platyhelminthes, and Protozoa.


Virus-related cutaneous conditions are caused by two main groups of viruses–DNA and RNA types– both of which are obligatory intracellular parasites.

Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is a very common infection. The fungus grows best in a warm, moist environment such as shoes, socks, swimming pools, locker rooms, and the floors of public showers. It is most common in the summer and in warm, humid climates. It occurs more often in people who wear tight shoes and who use community baths and pools.

What causes Athlete’s Foot?

Athlete’s foot is caused by a microscopic fungus that lives on dead tissue of the hair, toenails and outer skin layers. There are, at least, four kinds of fungus that can cause athlete’s foot. The most common of these fungi is trichophyton rubrum.

What are the symptoms of Athlete’s Foot?

Signs and symptoms of athlete’s foot vary from person to person. However, common symptoms include:

  • Peeling, cracking, and scaling of the feet
  • Redness, blisters, or softening and breaking down of the skin
  • Itching, burning, or both

Types of Athlete’s Foot

Interdigital: Also called toe web infection, this is the most common kind of athlete’s foot. It usually occurs between the two smallest toes. This form of athlete’s foot can cause itching, burning, and scaling and the infection can spread to the sole of the foot.

Moccasin: A moccasin-type infection of athlete’s foot can begin with a minor irritation, dryness, itching, or scaly skin. As it develops, the skin may thicken and crack. This infection can involve the entire sole of the foot and extend onto the sides of the foot.

Vesicular: This is the least common kind of athlete’s foot. The condition usually begins with a sudden outbreak of fluid-filled blisters under the skin. Most often, the blisters develop on the underside of the foot. However, they also can appear between the toes, on the heel, or on the top of the foot.

How is Athlete’s Foot diagnosed?

Not all itchy, scaly feet have athlete’s foot. The best way to diagnose the infection is to have your doctor scrape the skin and examine the scales under a microscope for evidence of fungus.

How is Athlete’s Foot treated?

Athlete’s foot is treated with topical antifungal medication (a drug placed directly on the skin) in most cases. Severe cases may require oral drugs (those taken by mouth). The feet must be kept clean and dry, since the fungus thrives in moist environments.

How is Athlete’s Foot prevented?

Steps to prevent athlete’s foot include wearing shower sandals in public showering areas, wearing shoes that allow the feet to breathe, and daily washing of the feet with soap and water. Drying the feet thoroughly and using a quality foot powder can also help prevent athlete’s foot.

Jock Itch

Jock itch, also called tinea cruris, is a common skin infection that is caused by a type of fungus called tinea. The fungus thrives in warm, moist areas of the body and as a result, infection can affect the genitals, inner thighs, and buttocks. Infections occur more frequently in the summer or in warm, wet climates. Jock itch appears as a red, itchy rash that is often ring-shaped.

Is Jock Itch contagious?

Jock itch is only mildly contagious. The condition can be spread from person to person through direct contact or indirectly from objects carrying the fungus.

What are the symptoms of Jock Itch?

  • Itching, chafing, or burning in the groin or thigh
  • A circular, red, raised rash with elevated edges
  • Redness in the groin or thigh
  • Flaking, peeling, or cracking skin

How is Jock Itch diagnosed?

In most cases, jock itch can be diagnosed based on the appearance and location of the rash. If you are not certain that the condition is jock itch, contact your doctor. The doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history, and will perform a physical exam. A microscopic exam of the scales of skin can confirm the diagnosis.

How Is Jock Itch treated?

In most cases, treatment of jock itch involves keeping the affected area clean and dry and applying topical antifungal medications. Jock itch usually responds to over-the-counter antifungal creams and sprays. However, prescription antifungal creams are sometimes necessary. During treatment of jock itch, be sure to:

  • Wash and dry the affected area with a clean towel
  • Apply the antifungal cream, powder, or spray as directed
  • Change clothes – especially underwear – everyday


Ringworm, also called tinea corporis, is not a worm, but a fungal infection of the skin. It can appear anywhere on the body and it looks like a circular, red, flat sore. It is often accompanied by scaly skin. The outer part of the sore can be raised, while the skin in the middle appears normal. Ringworm can be unsightly, but it is usually not a serious condition.

Is Ringworm contagious?

Ringworm can spread by direct contact with infected people or animals. It also may be spread on clothing or furniture. Heat and humidity may help to spread the infection.

What are the symptoms of Ringworm?

Ringworm appears as a red, circular, flat sore that is sometimes accompanied by scaly skin. There may be more than one patch of ringworm on the skin, and patches or red rings of rash may overlap. It is possible to have ringworm without having the common red ring of rash.

How is Ringworm diagnosed?

A doctor can diagnose ringworm based on the appearance of the rash or reported symptoms. He or she will ask about possible exposure to people or animals with ringworm. The doctor may take skin scrapings or samples from the infected area and look at them under a microscope to confirm the diagnosis.


A boil is a skin infection that starts in a hair follicle or oil gland. At first, the skin turns red in the area of the infection, and a tender lump develops. After four to seven days, the lump starts turning white, as pus collects under the skin.

The most common places for boils to appear are on the face, neck, armpits, shoulders and buttocks. When one forms on the eyelid, it is called a sty.

If several boils appear in a group, this is a more serious type of infection called a carbuncle.

Causes of Boils

Most boils are caused by a germ (staphylococcal bacteria). This germ enters the body through tiny nicks or cuts in the skin or can travel down the hair to the follicle.

These health problems make people more susceptible to skin infections:

  • Diabetes
  • Problems with the immune system
  • Poor nutrition
  • Poor hygiene
  • Exposure to harsh chemicals that irritate the skin

Symptoms of Boils

A boil starts as a hard, red, painful lump usually about half an inch in size. Over the next few days, the lump becomes softer, larger, and more painful. Soon a pocket of pus forms on the top of the boil. These are the signs of a severe infection:

  • The skin around the boil becomes infected. It turns red, painful, warm, and swollen.
  • More boils may appear around the original one.
  • A fever may develop.
  • Lymph nodes may become swollen.

When to Seek Medical Care:

  • You start running a fever.
  • You have swollen lymph nodes.
  • The skin around the boil turns red or red streaks appear.
  • The pain becomes severe.
  • The boil does not drain.
  • A second boil appears.

You have a heart murmur, diabetes, any problem with your immune system, or use immune suppressing drugs (for example, corticosteroids or chemotherapy) and you develop a boil.

Boils usually do not need immediate emergency attention. If you are in poor health and you develop high fever and chills along with the infection, a trip to a hospital’s emergency room is needed.

Exams and Tests

Your doctor can make the diagnosis with a physical exam. Many parts of the body may be affected by this skin infection, so some of the questions or exam may be about other parts of your body.

Boils Treatment – HomeRemedies

  • Apply warm compresses and soak the boil in warm water. This will decrease the pain and help draw the pus to the surface. Once the boil comes to a head, it will burst with repeated soakings. This usually occurs within 10 days of its appearance. You can make a warm compress by soaking a wash cloth in warm water and squeezing out the excess moisture.
  • When the boil starts draining, wash it with an antibacterial soap until all the pus is gone. Apply a medicated ointment and a bandage. Continue to wash the infected area two to three times a day and to use warm compresses, until the wound heals.
  • Do not pop the boil with a needle. This could make the infection worse.


Leprosy is an infectious disease that causes severe, disfiguring skin sores and nerve damage in the arms and legs. The disease has been around since the beginning of time, often surrounded by terrifying, negative stigma and tales of leprosy patients being shunned, as outcasts. At one time or another, outbreaks of leprosy have affected and panicked people on every continent. The oldest civilizations of China, Egypt and India feared leprosy was an incurable, mutilating, and contagious disease.

However, leprosy is actually not highly contagious. You can catch it only if you come into close and repeated contact with nose and mouth droplets from someone with untreated, severe leprosy. Children are more likely to get leprosy than adults.

Today, more than 200,000 people worldwide are infected with leprosy, according to the World Health Organization, most of them in Africa and Asia. About 100 people are diagnosed with leprosy in the U.S. every year, mostly in the South, California, Hawaii, and some U.S. territories.

What causes Leprosy?

Leprosy is caused by a slow-growing type of bacteria called Mycobacteriumleprae (M. leprae).Leprosy is also known as Hansen’s disease, after the scientist who discovered M. leprae in 1873.

What are the symptoms of Leprosy?

Leprosy primarily affects the skin and the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord, called the peripheral nerves. It may also strike the eyes and the thin tissue lining the inside of the nose.

The main symptom of leprosy is disfiguring skin sores, lumps, or bumps that do not go away after several weeks or months. The skin sores are pale-coloured.

Nerve damage can lead to:

  • Loss of feeling in the arms and legs
  • Muscle weakness

It takes a very long time for symptoms to appear, after coming into contact with the leprosy-causing bacteria. Some people do not develop symptoms until 20 or more years later. The time between contact with the bacteria and the appearance of symptoms is called the incubation period.  Leprosy’s long incubation period makes it very difficult for doctors to determine when and where a person with leprosy originally got sick.

Forms of Leprosy

Leprosy is characterised according to the number and type of skin sores you have. Specific symptoms and your treatment depend on the type of leprosy you have. The types are:

Tuberculoid: A mild, less severe form of leprosy. People with this type have only one or a few patches of flat, pale-colored skin (paucibacillary leprosy). The affected area of skin may feel numb because of nerve damage underneath. Tuberculoid leprosy is less contagious than other forms.

Lepromatous: A more severe form of the disease. It involves widespread skin bumps and rashes (multibacillary leprosy), numbness, and muscle weakness. The nose, kidneys, and male reproductive organs may also be affected. It is more contagious than tuberculoid leprosy.

Borderline: People with this type of leprosy have symptoms of both the tuberculoid and lepromatous forms.

How is Leprosy diagnosed?

If you have a suspicious skin sore, your doctor will remove a small sample of the abnormal skin and send it to a lab to be examined. This is called a skin biopsy. A skin smear test may also be done. With paucibacillary leprosy, no bacteria will be detected. In contrast, bacteria are expected to be found on a skin smear test from a person with multibacillary leprosy.

How is Leprosy treated?

Leprosy can be cured. In the last two decades, more than 14 million people with leprosy have been cured. The World Health Organization provides free treatment for all people with leprosy.

Treatment depends on the type of leprosy that you have. Antibiotics are used to treat the infection. Long-term treatment with two or more antibiotics is recommended, usually from six months to a year. People with severe leprosy may need to take antibiotics longer. However, antibiotics cannot reverse nerve damage.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are used to control swelling related to leprosy. This may include steroids, such as prednisone.

Patients with leprosy may also be given thalidomide, a potent medication that suppresses the body’s immune system. It helps treat leprosy skin nodules. Thalidomide is known to cause severe, life-threatening birth defects and should never be taken by pregnant women.

Leprosy Complications

Without treatment, leprosy can permanently damage your skin, nerves, arms, legs, feet, and eyes.

Complications of leprosy can include:

  • Blindness or glaucoma.
  • Disfiguration of the face (including permanent swelling, bumps, and lumps).
  • Erectile dysfunction and infertility in men.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Muscle weakness that leads to claw-like hands or an inability to flex the feet.
  • Permanent damage to the inside of the nose, which can lead to nosebleeds and a chronic, stuffy nose.
  • Permanent damage to the peripheral nerves, the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord, including those in your arms, legs, and feet.

Nerve damage can lead to a dangerous loss of feeling. A person with leprosy-related nerve damage may not feel pain when the hands, legs, or feet are cut, burned, or otherwise injured.

Approximately 1 to 2 million people worldwide are permanently disabled because of leprosy.


A carbuncle is a red, swollen, and painful cluster of boils that are connected to each other under the skin. A boil (or furuncle) is an infection of a hair follicle that has a small collection of pus (called an abscess) under the skin. Usually single, a carbuncle is most likely to occur on a hairy area of the body, such as the back or nape of the neck. But a carbuncle also can develop in other areas of the body, such as the buttocks, thighs, groin, and armpits.


Most carbuncles are caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, which inhabit the skin surface, throat, and nasal passages. These bacteria can cause infection by entering the skin through a hair follicle, small scrape, or puncture, although sometimes there is no obvious point of entry.

Filled with pus – amixture of old and white blood cells, bacteria, and dead skin cells – carbunclesmust drain before they are able to heal. Carbuncles are more likely than boils to leave scars.

An active boil or carbuncle is contagious: the infection can spread to other parts of the person’s body or to other people through skin-to-skin contact or the sharing of personal items. So it is important to practise appropriate self-care measures, like keeping the area clean and covered, until the carbuncle drains and heals.

Carbuncles require medical treatment to prevent or manage complications, promote healing, and minimise scarring. Contact your doctor, if you have a boil or boils that have persisted for more than a few days.

Risk Factors for Carbuncles

Older age, obesity, poor hygiene, and poor overall health are associated with carbuncles. Other risk factors for carbuncles include:

  • Chronic skin conditions, which damage the skin’s protective barrier
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease
  • Any condition or treatment that weakens the immune system

Carbuncles also can occur in otherwise healthy, fit, younger people, especially those who live together in group settings, such as college dorms and share items such as bed linens, towels, or clothing. In addition, people of any age can develop carbuncles from irritations or abrasions to the skin surface caused by tight clothing, shaving, or insect bites, especially in body areas with heavy perspiration.

Symptoms of Carbuncles

The boils that collect to form carbuncles usually start as red, painful bumps. The carbuncle fills with pus and develops white or yellow tips that weep, ooze or crust. Over a period of several days, many untreated carbuncles rupture, discharging a creamy white or pink fluid.

Superficial carbuncles – whichhave multiple openings on the skin’s surface – areless likely to leave a deep scar. Deep carbuncles are more likely to cause significant scarring.

Other carbuncle symptoms include fever, fatigue and a feeling of general sickness. Swelling may occur in nearby tissue and lymph nodes, especially lymph nodes in the neck, armpit, or groin.

Complications of Carbuncles

Sometimes, carbuncles are caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteria, and require treatment with potent prescription antibiotics if the lesions are not drained properly.

In rare cases, bacteria from a carbuncle can escape into the bloodstream and cause serious complications, including sepsis and infections in other parts of the body, such as the lung, bones, joints, heart, blood, and central nervous system.

Sepsis is an overwhelming infection of the body that is a medical emergency and can be fatal, if left untreated. Symptoms include chills, a spiking fever, rapid heart rate, and a feeling of being extremely ill.

Home Treatment for Carbuncles

The cardinal rule is to avoid squeezing or irritating a carbuncle, which increases the risk of complications and severe scarring.

Warm compresses may promote the drainage and healing of carbuncles. Gently soak the carbuncle in warm water, or apply a clean, warm, moist washcloth for 20 minutes several times per day. Similar strategies include covering the carbuncle with a clean, dry cloth and gently applying a heating pad or hot water bottle for 20 minutes several times per day. After each use, washcloths or cloths should be washed in hot water and dried at a high temperature.

Washing the carbuncle and covering the area with a sterile bandage also may promote drainage and healing and help prevent the infection from spreading. Over-the-counter medications, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, can help relieve the pain of an inflamed carbuncle.

It is important to thoroughly wash your hands after touching a carbuncle. Launder any clothing, bedding, and towels that have touched a carbuncle and avoid sharing bedding, clothing, or other personal items.

Medical Treatments for Carbuncles

See your doctor if a boil or boils do not drain and heal after a few days of home treatment, or if you suspect you have a carbuncle. Also, seek medical evaluation for a carbuncle that develops on your face, near your eyes or nose, or on your spine. Also see a doctor for a carbuncle that becomes very large or painful.

Your doctor may cut and drain the carbuncle, and ensure that all the pus has been removed by washing the area with a sterile solution. Some of the pus can be collected and sent to a lab to identify the bacteria causing the infection and check for susceptibility to antibiotics.

If the carbuncle is completely drained, antibiotics are usually unnecessary. But treatment with antibiotics may be necessary, in cases such as:

  • When MRSA is involved and drainage is incomplete
  • There is surrounding soft-tissue infection (cellulitis)
  • A person has a weakened immune system
  • An infection has spread to other parts of the body

Depending on severity, most carbuncles heal within two to three weeks after medical treatment.


Impetigo is a highly contagious bacterial skin infection. It can appear anywhere on the body but usually attacks exposed areas. Children tend to get it on the face, especially around the nose and mouth, and sometimes on the arms or legs. The infected areas appear in plaques, ranging from dime to quarter size, starting as tiny blisters that break and expose moist, red skin. After a few days, the infected area is covered with a grainy, golden crust that gradually spreads at the edges.

In extreme cases, the infection invades a deeper layer of skin and develops into ecthyma, a deeper form of the disease. Ecthyma forms small, pus-filled bumps with a crust much darker and thicker than that of ordinary impetigo. Ecthyma can be very itchy, and scratching the irritated area spreads the infection quickly. Left untreated, the sores may cause permanent scars and pigment changes.

The gravest potential complication of impetigo is post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, a severe kidney disease that occurs following a strep infection in less than 1% of cases, mainly in children. The most common cause of impetigo is Staphylococcus aureus. However, another bacteria source is group A streptococcus. These bacteria lurk everywhere. It is easier for a child with an open wound or fresh scratch to contract impetigo. Other skin-related problems, such as eczema, body lice, insect bites, fungal infections, and various other forms of dermatitis can make a person susceptible to impetigo.

Most people get this highly infectious disease through physical contact with someone who has it, or from sharing the same clothes, bedding, towels, or other objects. The very nature of childhood, which includes lots of physical contact and large-group activities, makes children the primary victims and carriers of impetigo.

Pilonidal Cyst

A pilonidal cyst occurs at the bottom of the tailbone (coccyx) and can become infected and filled with pus. Once infected, the technical term is pilonidal abscess. Pilonidal abscesses look like a large pimple at the bottom of the tailbone, just above the crack of the buttocks. It is more common in men than in women. It usually happens in young people up into the fourth decade of life.


Most doctors think that ingrown hairs cause pilonidal cysts. Pilonidal means “nest of hair.” It is common to find hair follicles inside the cyst.Another theory is that pilonidal cysts appear after trauma to that region of the body. During World War II, more than 80,000 soldiers developed pilonidal cysts that required a hospital stay. People thought the cysts were due to irritation from riding in bumpy Jeeps. For a while, the condition was actually called “Jeep disease.”


The symptoms of a pilonidal cyst include:

  • Pain at the bottom of the spine
  • Swelling at the bottom of the spine
  • Redness at the bottom of the spine
  • Draining pus
  • Fever

When to Seek Medical Care for a Pilonidal Cyst

A pilonidal cyst is an abscess or boil that needs to be drained or lanced, to improve. Like other boils, it does not improve with antibiotics. If any of the above symptoms occur, consult a doctor.

Exams and Tests

A doctor can diagnose a pilonidal cyst by taking a history (asking about the patient’s history and symptoms regarding the cyst) and performing a physical exam. The doctor may find the following conditions:

  • Tenderness, redness, and swelling between the cheeks of the buttocks just above the anus
  • Fever
  • Increased white blood cells on a blood sample (not always taken)
  • Inflammation of the surrounding skin

Home Remedies

Early in an infection of a pilonidal cyst, the redness, swelling, and pain may be minimal. Sitting in a warm tub may decrease the pain and may decrease the chance that the cyst will develop to the point of requiring incision and drainage.

Medical Treatment for a Pilonidal Cyst

Antibiotics do not heal a pilonidal cyst. Doctors have any of a number of procedures available, including the following treatments.

The preferred technique for a first pilonidal cyst is incision and drainage of the cyst, removing the hair follicles and packing the cavity with gauze.

Advantage– Simpleprocedure done under local anesthesia.

Disadvantage – Frequentchanging of gauze packing until the cyst heals, sometimes up to three weeks.

Marsupialization – Thisprocedure involves incision and draining, removal of pus and hair, and sewing of the edges of the fibrous tract to the wound edges to make a pouch.

Advantages – Outpatientsurgery under local anesthesia, minimises the size and depth of the wound without the need to pack gauze in the wound.

Disadvantages – Requiresabout six weeks to heal, needs a doctor trained in the technique.

Another option is incision and drainage with immediate closing of the wound.

Advantages – Woundcompletely closed immediately following surgery without need for gauze.

Disadvantages – Highrate of recurrence (it is hard to remove the entire cyst, which might come back). Typically performed in an operating room, it requires a specially trained surgeon.

Skin and Molluscum Contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum is a viral skin infection that causes either single or multiple raised, pearl-like bumps (papules) on the skin. It is a chronic infection and lesions may persist from a few months to a few years. However, most cases resolve in six to nine months.


Molluscum contagiosum is caused by a virus (the molluscum contagiosum virus) that is part of the pox virus family. The virus is contagious through direct contact and is more common in children. However, the virus also can be spread by sexual contact and can occur in people with compromised immune systems. Molluscum contagiosum can spread on a single individual through scratching and rubbing.


Common locations for the molluscum contagiosum papules are on the face, trunk, and limbs of children and on the genitals, abdomens, and inner thighs of adults. The condition usually results in papules that:

  • Are generally painless, but can itch
  • Are small (2 to 5 millimeter diameter)
  • Have a dimple in the center
  • Are initially firm, dome-shaped, and flesh-colored
  • Become softer with time
  • May turn red and drain over time
  • Have a central core of white, waxy material

Molluscum contagiosum usually disappears spontaneously over a period of months to years in people who have normal immune systems. In people who have AIDS or other conditions that affect the immune system, the lesions associated with molluscum contagiosum can be extensive and especially chronic.


Diagnosis of molluscum contagiosum is based on the distinctive appearance of the lesion. If the diagnosis is in question, a doctor can confirm the diagnosis with a skin biopsy — the removal of a portion of skin for closer examination. If there is any concern about related health problems, a doctor can check for underlying disorders.


Molluscum contagiosum is usually self-limited, so treatment is not always necessary. However, individual lesions may be removed by scraping or freezing. Topical medications, such as those used to remove warts, may also be helpful in lesion removal.

Note: The surgical removal of individual lesions may result in scarring.


To prevent molluscum contagiosum, follow these tips:

  • Avoid direct contact with anyone who may have the condition.
  • Treat underlying eczema in children.
  • Remain sexually abstinent or have a monogamous sexual relationship with an uninfected individual. (Male and female condoms cannot offer full protection as the virus can be found on areas not covered by the condom.)



Shingles (herpes zoster) results from a reactivation of the virus that also causes chickenpox. With shingles, the first thing you may notice is a tingling sensation or pain on one side of your body or face. Painful skin blisters then erupt on only one side of your face or body along the distribution of nerves on the skin. Typically, this occurs along your chest, abdomen, back, or face, but it may also affect your neck, limbs, or lower back. The area can be very painful, itchy, and tender. After one to two weeks, the blisters heal and form scabs, although the pain often continues.

The deep pain that follows after the infection has run its course is known as postherpetic neuralgia. It can continue for months or even years, especially in older people. The incidence of shingles and of postherpetic neuralgia rises with increasing age. More than 50% of cases occur in people over 60. Shingles usually occurs only once, although it has been known to recur in some people.

What causes Shingles?

Shingles arises from varicella-zoster, the same virus that causes chickenpox. Following a bout of chickenpox, the virus lies dormant in the spinal nerve cells. But it can be reactivated years later when the immune system is suppressed by:

  • Physical or emotional trauma
  • A serious illness
  • Certain medications

Medical science doesn’t understand why the virus becomes reactivated in some people and not in others.

Chicken Pox

Chickenpox (varicella), a viral illness characterised by a very itchy red rash, is one of the most common infectious diseases of childhood. It is usually mild in children, but adults run the risk of serious complications, such as bacterial pneumonia.

People who have had chickenpox almost always develop lifetime immunity (meaning you can’t get it again). However, the virus remains dormant in the body, and it can reactivate later in life and cause shingles.

Understanding Chicken Pox

Because the chickenpox virus can pass from a pregnant woman to her unborn child, possibly causing birth defects, doctors often advise women considering pregnancy to confirm their immunity with a blood test.

What Causes Chickenpox?

Chickenpox is caused by the herpes zoster virus, also known as the varicella zoster virus. It is spread by droplets from a sneeze or cough, or by contact with the clothing, bed linens, or oozing blisters of an infected person. The onset of symptoms is seven to 21 days after exposure. The disease is most contagious a day before the rash appears and up to seven days after, or until the rash is completely dry and scabbed.


Reports compiled by Adebayo Folorunsho-Francis with addition information from webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments and wikipedia.org/wiki/Skin_infection

Personal Success (March 2013)



Review Your Goals Daily


It is a psychological law that whatever we wish to accomplish we must impress on the subjective or subconscious mind.


Sometimes I ask my audiences, “How many people here would like to double their incomes?” Not surprisingly, everyone raises his or her hand. I then go on to say, Well, I have good news for you, Everybody here is going to double their income-guaranteed-if you live long enough!”

If your income increases at the rate of 3 percent to 4 percent per year, the average annual cost of living increase, you will double your income in about twenty years. But that is a long time to wait!

So the real question is not about doubling your income. The real question is, How fast can you do it?


Double the Speed of Goal Attainment

Many techniques can help you to achieve your personal and financial goals faster. In this chapter, I want to share with you a special method that has taken more people from rags to riches than any other single method ever discovered. It is simple, fast, effective, and guaranteed to work – if you will practise it.


Earlier, I said, “You become what you think about most of the time.” This is the great truth that underlies all religion, philosophy, psychology, and success. As a teacher of mine, John Boyle, once said, “Whatever you can hold in your mind on a continuing basis, you can have.” This is the key.


Positive Thinking versus Positive Knowing


Many people today talk about the importance of “positive thinking.” Positive thinking is important, but it is not enough. Left undirected and uncontrolled, positive thinking can quickly degenerate into positive wishing and positive hoping. Instead of serving as an energy force for inspiration and higher achievement, positive thinking can become little more than a generally cheerful attitude towards life and whatever, happens to you, positive or negative.


To be focused and effective in goal attainment, positive thinking must translate into “positive knowing.” You must absolutely know and believe in the depths of your being that you are going to be successful at achieving a particular goal. You must proceed completely without doubt. You must be so resolute and determined, so convinced of your ultimate success, that nothing can stop you.


Programme Your Subconscious Mind

Everything that you do to programme your subconscious mind with this unshakeable conviction of success will help you achieve your goals faster. This method I am going to share with you can actually multiply your talents and abilities and greatly increase the speed at which you move from wherever you are to wherever you want to go.

One of the important mental laws is, Whatever is impressed, is expressed. Whatever you impress deeply into your subconscious mind will eventually be expressed in your external world. Your aim in mental programming is to impress your goals deeply into your subconscious mind so that they “lock in” and take on a power of their own. This method helps you to do that.

Systematic versus Random Goal Setting

For many years, I worked at my goals, writing them down, once or twice a year and then reviewing them whenever I got a chance. Even this was enough to make an incredible difference in my life. Often, I would write down a list of goals for myself in January for the coming year. In December of that year, I would review my list and find that most of the goals had been accomplished, including some of the biggest and most unbelievable goals on the list.

I then learned the technique that changed my life. I discovered that if it is powerful for you to write down your goals once a year, it is even more powerful for you to write down your goals more often.


Some authors suggest that you write down and review your goals once a month, others once a week. What I learned was the power of writing and rewriting your goal every single day.


Write Down Your Goals Each Day

Here is the technique. Get a spiral notebook that you keep with you at all times. Each day, open up your notebook and write down a list of your ten to fifteen most important goals, without referring to your previous list. Do this every day, day after day. As you do this, several remarkable things will happen.

The first day you write down your list of goals, you will have to give it some thought and reflection. Most people have never made a list of their ten top goals in their entire lives.


The second day you write out your list, without reference to your previous list, it will be easier. However, your ten to fifteen goals will change, both in description and order of priority. Sometimes, a goal that you wrote one day will not appear the next day. It may even be forgotten and never reappear again. Or it may reappear later at a more appropriate time.

Each day that you write down your list of ten to fifteen goals, your definitions will become clearer and sharper. You will eventually find yourself writing down the same words every day. Your order of priority will also change as your life changes around you. But after about thirty days, you will find yourself writing and rewriting the same goals every day.

Your Life Takes Off

At about this time, something remarkable will happen in your life. It will take off! You will feel like a passenger in a jet hurtling down the runway. Your work and personal life will begin to improve dramatically. Your mind will sparkle with ideas and insights. You will start to attract people and resources into your life to help you to achieve your goals. You will start to make progress at a rapid rate, sometimes so fast that it will be a little scary. Everything will begin to change in a very positive way.

Over the years, I have spoken in twenty-three countries and addressed more than two million people. I have shared this “Ten-Goal Exercise” with hundreds of thousands of seminar participants.  The exercise that I give them is a little simpler than the exercise that I am giving you here. Here it is.


Culled from GOALS! by Brian Tracy


The killing of health workers in Kano


 On 8th of February, some female health workers who were administering polio vaccines during the National Programme on Immunisation (NPI), were attacked by unknown and yet to be apprehended gunmen at different locations in Kano State.

According to the Medical and Health Workers’ Union of Nigeria (MHWUN), nine of the women, namely: Sadi Mohammed, Jamila Yusuf, Naja’atuSalisu, Hadiza Ibrahim, RamatuAbdullahi, HauwaAbdulrazaq, BintaSalisu, Rabi Abubakar and Hadiza Ibrahim, died immediately in the attacks, while the last victim, who was seriously injured, died later.

These women were mindlessly murdered, while trying to help to ‘kick out polio’ from Nigeria. To kill harmless women trying to save Nigerian children from polio, an acute viral infectious disease that is maiming and killing hundreds of children, is to say the least quite sad.  It is even more pathetic because this disease is now only endemic in three countries – Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria.

This heinous and evil crime is not just a setback for the polio eradication campaign in Nigeria but also a great threat to the global polio eradication campaign.

This is because Nigeria is not just burdened by this vaccine preventable health condition but the country is now infamous for been responsible for spreading polio to other countries.

Condemnation has since trailed the killings in Kano.  While President Goodluck Jonathan described it as dastard terrorist attacks and ordered security agencies to provide maximum security to health workers engaged in administering polio vaccines to children, the Nigeria Government Forum (NGF) vowed that the killings would not deter the resolve to eradicate the polio virus from the country.

However, this is not the first time polio vaccination is running into troubled waters in the northern part of the country.  About ten years ago, there was an uproar in the north based on spurious allegations that the vaccine is contaminated with anti-fertility agents, HIV and cancerous agents.  It is clear that this opposition to polio immunisation in the north is a major reason eradicating the condition has been difficult in Nigeria. This opposition should have been properly dealt with then. The implication for not doing that is that, ten years down the line, it seems we are still on the same spot in our quest to eradicate polio.  How will this not happen, when we take two steps forward and two steps backward? We are perpetually in motion, without making progress.  This is sad and unacceptable.

We believe that, beyond the grandstanding and rhetoric of government officials on this senseless, tragic and barbaric act, the Nigerian government owe it to these fallen and unsung heroines killed, not only to fish out their killers and prosecute them, but to quickly and ultimately eradicate polio from this clime.

It must be stated that it is quite pathetic that, while polio has been eradicated from most parts of the world through successful immunisation campaigns, Nigeria is grappling with opposition to polio vaccines.

A few years ago, India was among the countries with endemic polio.  India, however, last year, exited the infamous league, leaving only Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria.

The success of India shows that exiting the league of polio endemic nations is not rocket science.  The fact that India, a country that is so huge and diverse, can achieve this success, clearly tells us not only that it can be done but also, how to do it.

India owes its accomplishment on polio eradication to consistent and strong political will, backed by local stakeholders and international partners.  This is the way to go.

According to Dr. David Okello, the WHO representative in Nigeria, the country “is now the largest contributor of polio burden– nearly60 per cent.  Nigeria is also the only country in the world to have all three types of polio virus – Type 1, Type 3, and also circulating vaccine-derived Type 2 viruses.”  This is quite shameful.

The Nigerian government must double its efforts on enlightenment to educate Nigerians on the benefits of accepting the immunisation campaign,aimed at eradicating polio and saving children from paralysis and deaths.

The barbaric and mindless killing of the health workers in Kano must, more than any other thing,galvanise this country to eradicate polio.  It is perhaps the greatest tribute the nation can pay to them.  It is not just the smart thing to do.  It is the right thing to do.

Is Your Work Your Calling?


Most of us are engaged in various types of work usually described as vocation, job, profession, career, occupation like dressmaking, teaching, pharmacy, law, medicine, agriculture, painting, shoemaking, carpentry, military etc. These are what we have been trained to do for the purpose of earning a living. People choose to do whatever they like, sometimes with the advice of parents, counsellors or peers. Some of these occupations demand many years of serious training in the university.

The big question is: what has God planned that you would do for Him in your lifetime? Is it that your vocation?  In other words, is that your calling? In this context, a calling may be defined as God’s personal, individual invitation to carry out the unique task He has for you. This calling is your true purpose in life.

Discovering God’s call for your life is crucial. It is not just like choosing a career or profession. You do not choose or decide your call, which is divinely determined. However, your call may be closely connected to your career or business, or may not be connected, in any way. Definitely, a job is not the same as a calling. Let us remind ourselves of some Bible characters who were fishermen, farmers, physicians, shepherds, tax administrators, lawyers, carpenters, etc whose calling departed remarkably from what they chose as their vocation. Undoubtedly, these people were providing essential services but they were destined to do something else, in order to fulfil their calling.  Some people, at one time or the other, change their jobs.  This is because the job is not a calling.

Your work will help you to carry out your calling by developing you and providing material and financial benefits. For example, the life purpose of Moses was to deliver the Israelites from bondage in Egypt. That was why God preserved his life, even from birth. All the services he rendered in Pharaoh’s   palace and even the years he took care of the sheep of his father-in-law, Jethro, were only preparing him for his calling. As a matter of fact, the unique role he was expected to play did not manifest until he was eighty years old.

You may be called in the area of your vocation. If that happens, there must be a demonstration of special gifts and abilities to fulfil that calling. I know some talented musicians who were famous in worldly music but their music changed to Christian songs when they experienced spiritual transformation. It was then that their music pleased God.

In Exodus 31, when artisans were needed to do delicate and highly skilled work in the temple building, God called only two of them for that purpose, which no other person could have achieved. Verse 3 says, “I have filled him (Bezalel) with  the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, to design artistic works, to work in gold, in silver, in bronze, in cutting jewels for setting, in carving wood, and to work in all manner of workmanship.” God also appointed and anointed Aholiab to work with Bezalel. This shows that skills of people are important to God.  Discover and develop whatever skill you have. Don’t neglect it or envy other people with different skills. As we use our talents and gifts, God reveals our calling gradually over the years.  When you discover it, carry it out passionately and creatively. Bezalel and Aholiab were already trained artisans but became extraordinary and excellent when their services were specially needed.

You may not be called to perform pastoral functions but God requires your services in other areas of your ability. Out of hundreds of artisans hanging around for the work in the temple, God selected only Bezalel and Aholiab for this sophisticated work. He called them and equipped them. Definitely,  Bezalel and Aholiab could not have executed that masterpiece on their own. That was why God anointed them. If you truly respond to your calling, you cannot do it on your own, but by the Spirit of God. The call is always more than you can fulfil on your own.

When God calls you, you think you are unworthy and incapable. Don’t worry.  Just remember how the following people felt when they were called: Gideon, Timothy, Jeremiah, Moses, Isaiah, Peter, and so on. As a matter of fact, they were not capable of carrying out their assignments without the power of God.

Many people may be unknowingly responding to their calls in their routine work. That is why you should endeavour to perform well, whatever your responsibility or assignment may be. Colossians 3:23-25 says, “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance, for you serve the Lord Christ. But he who does wrong will be repaid for what he has done, and there is no partiality.” This should be everyone’s philosophy for work. We should take our business as service to God and not to man. As an employee, you are working for God and not your so-called employer.  If you serve Him well, you will be rewarded accordingly. On the other hand, you will suffer, if you fail to serve well.

The call of God is for everyone. But not everyone is responding. Therefore, they are not chosen. “Many are called but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14).  God’s calling demands personal relationship with Him.





Zimbabwe: Government to Recruit 1,000 Nurses


Treasury has lifted a freeze on 1,000 posts in the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare, with effect from next month.

This would see the recruitment of nurses to ease the workload in Zimbabwe’s health institutions, an official has said.

Health and Child Welfare acting secretary Dr Davis Dhlakama said the decision to lift the freeze was with effect from March.Dr Dhlakama said this while giving oral evidence before a Senate Thematic Committee on HIV/AIDS.

“We have a challenge of human resources because of job freeze.The Ministry of Finance has unfrozen 1,000 posts, as of March this year and it will give us further space,” said Dr Dhlakama.

He said the decision to export nurses was conceived after a realisation that they could not absorb them, owing to the job freeze directive by Treasury.


Ghana: TB Kills 154 in Bolgatanga


Tuberculosis (TB) is said to be a silent killer in the Upper East Region. The disease has claimed 154 lives in the Bolgatanga Municipality alone, between 2006 and 2012.

The period also recorded 1,397 cases. The Bolgatanga Municipal TB and HIV Coordinator, Mr. Williams Amankwa, made these revelations on a weekly health programme on A1 Radio recently.

According to him, TB cases often went up whenever HIV cases went up, because the humane system of the affected persons also went down. For instance, he said, when the Municipality topped the rest of the regional capitals in the HIV prevalent rate in 2011, TB cases also went up to 261, with 13 deaths.

Though 2011 recorded the highest number of cases, it also recorded 13 deaths, which was the lowest number of deaths, as compared with the death toll in other years.

Other years and their cases and death tolls included 2006: 181 cases, 24 deaths; 2007: 182 cases, 17 deaths; 2008: 169 cases, 35 deaths; 2010: 248 cases, 20 deaths and 2012: 212 cases, 16 deaths.

Dr. Samuel Aborah, Head of Public Health Unit at the Regional Hospital and TB Coordinator, also revealed that the hospital recorded 625 cases between 2010 and 2012, with 16 deaths.

The two observed that TB cases were high in the region, because there was still the high incidence of stigmatisation against persons who were diagnosed of TB. They also dismissed the assertion that TB was a curse.

They said the treatment of the disease was free of charge, and urged residents to report to the hospitals when they experienced prolonged cough, weight loss, and night fever, for TB tests to be conducted.

TB kills one and a half million people worldwide, mostly in developing countries. This year’s World TB Day fell on 24th February.

Malawi’s Never-Ending Drug Shortage Problem


Lilongwe — Malawi is again experiencing a crisis in the delivery of essential medicines, with understaffed clinics and erratic drug supplies preventing many dangerously ill patients from accessing treatment.

Frequent drug shortages and stock-outs have plagued the country’s health system in recent years. According to a 2012 report by the UK charity Oxfam, only 9 percent of local health facilities (54 out of 585) had the full Essential Health Package list of drugs for treating 11 common diseases. Additionally, clinics were often out of basic antibiotics, HIV test kits and insecticide-treated mosquito nets, and in many facilities, stocks of vaccines were dangerously low. According to news reports, public hospitals had run out of 95 percent of essential medicines by the end of January.

In early February, President Joyce Banda met with health department officials and healthcare workers to address the crisis.

The situation was brought to light when doctors at Kamuzu Central Hospital in the capital, Lilongwe, wrote an open letter to Banda, calling for an urgent solution to the shortages, which included lack of intravenous fluids, antibiotics, syringes and plasters.

“We have been struggling to provide these supplies, using our private funding donated by friends and families, but we have come to realise that the situation, already dire, is not improving, and our current strategy is neither sufficient nor sustainable. In the meantime, we are experiencing the deaths of patients from treatable diseases (diarrhoea, pneumonia and malaria), which is heart-breaking. Talking to our colleagues, the situation is the same in all public hospitals,” the letter said.

Kamuzu Central Hospital administrator, Naureed Alide, said the doctors decided to write the open letter to the president only after exhausting all other avenues. “There has not been any positive response befitting the current situation,” he said.


Uganda: Fake traditional healers threatening African medicine


Tucked away about 20 metres from the Kampala-Masaka highway at Busega is Kityo Herbal Research Project, a haven for those who want to rid themselves of dental cavities and halitosis (bad breath).

Tracing Kityo’s clinic was no easy job, as he was new in the area and unfamiliar to many. In fact, one motorcyclist said he had heard that a witch-doctor had invaded the area.

When I finally traced the place, the diminutive Dr Kityo, as he prefers to be called, donning black socks, khaki trousers and pale white shirt loosely hanging over the trousers, welcomed me. However, I was supposed to remove my shoes. I felt a bit of indignation, as I looked at the floor dotted with ash, broom sticks and black seeds.

My stomach felt strange and my palms were clammy. Having the motorcyclist’s view stamped on my mind, I was terrified. Of course, it’s not really a fear of being in a shrine; it’s the view of what happens there – facelessvoices talking to me. My sense of security was screamingly absent.

Smoke and heat swirled around the room, as I made my way in. A charcoal stove kept aglow all the time for easier melting of a few grammes of ghee, one of the ingredients Kityo employs. Inside were two youthful clients that had issues with their teeth. I watched their treatment.

Kityo grabbed a small black pot and cleaned it with a few broom sticks and water to remove any contamination from the last user. He then dropped herbs into the pot before adding a hot piece of charcoal and the ghee. He quickly crowned the pot brim with a circular woven lid with a little opening, through which clients inhaled the odour.

The odour was choking. Throughout the procedure, coughing, spitting and squinting of teary eyes were highlights. The inhaling took 15-20 minutes until the fire died out. He uncovered the pot and, using a pair of hooked metal, removed a tiny brown or pale white substance that had collected at the bottom.

“This is the dirt from your teeth,” he told a client, urging her to go home and rest and call him later, to confirm whether her teeth had healed. The client, with a happy face but bloodshot eyes from the piercing smoke, parted with Shs 50,000 and started chewing on a green apple she had carried along.

Kityo said he has been at this job for 10 years and his medication caters for all age group.

Rwanda: Scores to get Free Cleft Lips Surgery


Over 100 people with cleft lips are set to benefit from free reconstructive surgery to be conducted at the University Central Hospital of Kigali (CHUK).

The free surgical programme, which started on February 22, was organised by Operation Smile, a non-profit volunteer medical services organisation providing free reconstructive surgery.

A cleft lip is a malformation where the lip has not fused together and fully formed and looks like a gap in the upper lip, while a cleft palate is a hole in the roof of the mouth.

Out of every 1,000 babies born in the region, one is born with a cleft lip or palate, according to Kia Guarino, the Operation Smile Programmes Manager in Africa.Operation Smile will be operating on people with this deformity for the fourth time since 2010.

According to Guarino, more than 500 people found with cleft lips and palate were operated upon in 2010, when the organisation first came to Rwanda.

Currently, there’s no national data showing the status of this disease in Rwanda but Guarino said they are working together with the Ministry of Health to ascertain the number of people who have this deformity.

She added that Operation Smile team won’t only provide surgery but also provide basic life support training to Rwandan medics.

“So far, 256 local medical professionals have received this training, 10 medics have also been trained as trainers and others as Aesthesia Technicians. We want to build capacity, such that in the near future, many Rwandan medics will be in position to carry out these surgical procedures,” she said.

Dr Immaculate Kamanzi, the head of the dental surgery department at CHUK, explained that people are usually born with this disease and in most cases, the cause is unknown.

“Although most times the causes of this deformity are unknown, other causes could be pollution or genetic, for instance, if parents had the genes then their children are likely to suffer the same,” she said and urged parents to ensure proper feeding on balanced diet, as one of the preventive measures.


Africa: New drug puts malaria under the pump


Researchers have discovered how a new class of antimalarial drugs kills the malaria parasite, showing that the drugs block a pump at the parasite surface, causing it to fill with salt.

In work conducted at the Research School of Biology (RSB) at The Australian National University (ANU), and published in the latest edition of Cell Host & Microbe, Dr Natalie Spillman showed that the malaria parasite has, at its surface, a protein that serves as a molecular salt pump, pushing sodium ions out of the parasite.

“It was within a week or two of our identification of the pump protein that a paper came out reporting the discovery of the spiroindolone antimalarials,” Dr Spillman said.

“The authors of the spiroindolone study identified the pump protein as being of particular interest, from the point of view of how the spiroindolones might work, but the exact mechanism was a mystery.

Linking up with members of the spiroindolone-development team in Singapore (Novartis Institutes for Tropical Diseases) and the US (Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation), Dr Spillman showed that spiroindolones block the parasite’s salt pump, causing the cell to fill rapidly with salt.

“We believe the spiroindolones kill the parasite by causing a salt overload,” Dr Spillman said.

RSB Director Professor Kiaran Kirk, the senior author on the study, says this vulnerability in the parasite’s physiology can be exploited to develop much needed new antimalarial drugs.

“The malaria parasite’s salt pump would seem to be an Achilles heel for the parasite, particularly vulnerable to attack. Knowing this, we can now look for other drugs that block this pump. We can also start to investigate how the parasite might be able to change the shape of the pump and thereby develop resistance to this class of drugs. Both of these aspects are going to be very important in our ongoing battle with the parasite.”

The spiroindolones are the first genuinely novel class of chemicals to be tested in malaria patients for over 20 years.

“We desperately need new antimalarials and the spiroindolones, now in advanced clinical trials, are looking extremely promising,” Professor Kirk said.

“Understanding how these compounds kill the parasite gives us a tremendous advantage.”

The malaria parasite is a single-celled organism that invades the red blood cells of its human host, killing more than a million people each year. It is becoming increasingly resistant to most of the antimalarial drugs that are currently in use.



Experts explain health benefits of coffee – As Ignite holds 2013 stakeholders parley


Leading health experts, amongst whom were Dr. Brai Bartholomew, a researcher from the Nigerian Institution of Medical Research (NIMR), Lagos, Dr. KemiOdukoya, a public health physician from LUTH and Dr. D. A. Olusegun-Joseph, a consultant cardiologist from LUTH, have dispelled the notion by many that coffee consumption is bad for health, saying coffee is a beverage which can be part of a healthy diet.


The experts spoke during a forum tagged: Ignite 2013 Stakeholders’ Parley, held at Protea Hotel, G.R.A, Ikeja, Lagos, recently.


According to Dr. Batholomew, coffee the second most drunk beverage after water, is the most researched food substance, with over 20,000 publications on the topic: Coffee and Health.


The NIMR researcher said that coffee has natural bioactive compounds with beneficial properties and is naturally rich in antioxidants from the chlorogenic acid family, adding that the total antioxidants represent about 25 per cent of coffee solids in instant coffee.


On the health benefits of coffee, Dr. Batholomew said that coffee enhances mental and physical performance and helps lower risk of colon cancer, type 2 diabetes, hepatic diseases, alzheimer’s disease, parkinson’sdiease and inflammation.


He argued that science proves that moderate coffee consumption, which is about 2 – 5cups daily, can be beneficial to health.


Also speaking on the health benefits of coffee at the event, Dr. KemiOdukoya said that coffee is a rich source of antioxidants, which helps to protect the body from wear and tear.


She stated further that antioxidants help protect cells and tissues by turning harmful free radicals into neutral species and by stimulating the production of natural antioxidant defenses.


On claims that coffee causes addiction, Dr. Odukoya said that the WHO has stated that there “is no evidence whatsoever that caffeine use has even remotely comparable physical and social consequences associated with serious drugs of abuse.”


She stated that coffee consumption helps reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, liver cancer, ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, kidney cancer and prostrate cancer.


According to Dr. D. A. Olusegun-Joseph, even though coffee is the most pleasurable hot beverage in the world, it is also the most controversial beverage globally with a long history of being blamed for many ills.


He, however, noted that recent researches indicate that coffee may not be so bad after all and may in fact impact positively on life expectancy.


The cardiologist explained that a number of chronic conditions are directly or indirectly linked to lifestyle, especially unhealthy diet habits, use of tobacco, physical inactivity and psychosocial stress. He added that a major aspect of the lifestyle modification target is promotion of healthy eating habits, which includes consumption of healthy drinks.


He said recent articles point to coffee as one of the good healthy beverage choices, adding that research over the past few years suggests that coffee consumption may protect against heart failure, type 2 diabetes, parkinson’s disease, liver cancer, liver cirrhosis, gall bladder disease, etc.


He, however, warned that coffee drinking is not intended to replace other health lifestyle behaviours like exercise, smoking cessation, reduced salt and fatty meals.

Swiss Biotab makes donation to Bayelsa State


Bayelsa State Governor, Seriaki Dickson,has lauded a pharmaceutical company, Swiss Biotab Limited, for donating anti-bacterial and water treatment drugs worth millions of naira.

The Governor, who was represented by his Health Commissioner, Dr. AnapurereAwoli, expressed gratitude to the company for identifying with the government and people of the state in their time of need. He added that the drugs will go a long way in cushioning the highly envisaged post flood demands of displaced persons in rural communities across the state.

While assuring the company of government’s desire to adequately distribute the drugs to various relief camps and communities where they will be needed, he renewed his call on organisations within and outside the country to support the relief efforts of government. He noted that the magnitude of the floods and anticipated problems were beyond the capacity of the state government alone.

Earlier, while presenting the drugs, the Regional Sales Manager, south-south of the company, Mr. Amadi Eric, described the donation as the company’s modest contribution to government efforts at mitigating the devastating effects of the flood.

He explained thatthe management of the company took the decision to come to the aid of the flood victims after receiving an extensive briefing on the plight of the people from the Chief Historian and Archivist of the State, Dr. TemeghaOlali, and calls by government for assistance.

Zimbabwe: Doctors, Neurosurgeons Go For Hydrocephalus Surgery Training


Twelve doctors, including five neurosurgeons, have been trained on conducting hydrocephalus surgery in a cheaper and safer way. Hydrocephalus is a condition which results in accumulation of water in the brain and is usually seen through an enlarged head at birth or at a later stage.

Zimbabwe Association of Neurosurgeons secretary, Professor Kazadi Kalangu, said the training conducted by Spanish and Kenyan experts would see doctors diverging from implanting a shunt into the brain to drain excess water.

The surgeons would now use another procedure called neuroendoscopic ventriculostomy.

“A shunt is associated with many complications, such as infections, and is very expensive, compared to the new procedure,” Dr Kalangu said.He said it costs an average of US$4,000 to have the operation done in private institutions and about US$700 in Government hospitals.

However, with the advent of neuroendoscopic ventriculostomy, Dr Kalangu said, costs are anticipated to go down by more than half.The team operated on 10 cases, mainly children, during the training.

Mr Kalangu said his association, in partnership with the government, University of Zimbabwe and the Neurosurgical Education Development Foundation, have since secured equipment for use in future operations.He said Zimbabwean neurosurgeons will start using the technique.

“This procedure was only available at Parirenyatwa Hospital because that is where the machines were available and it was only accessible to a few patients because the machine was only one. It was not available, not even in private service,” he said.

Director of clinical services at Parirenyatwa Hospital, Mr Sydney Makarawo, said the new procedure would assist disadvantaged children to get treatment.

“We are going to be able to do this operation on more babies who cannot afford to buy a shunt, which costs US$250, as well as paying for the expensive operation. With this procedure,there is nothing implanted in the system,”he said.

Zimbabwe: Malaria Claims Ten in Manicaland


A serious malaria outbreak in Manicaland province has claimed 10 lives, while more than 22,000 people were treated of the disease in one week alone. Statistics from the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare shows that of the 22,480 cases reported last week, 3,546 and one death were children under the age of five years.

Health and Child Welfare Deputy Minister Douglas Mombeshora said a team of health experts had since been dispatched to the affected areas to contain the outbreak.

Minister Mombeshora said last week’s figures bring the total number of malaria cases to 62,587 and 32 deaths nationwide.

“We have already started recording an increase in malaria cases this year, following the incessant rains and some floods,” Minister Mombeshora said.

Last year, the country recorded 8,547 cases and 13 deaths of malaria, nationally. The outbreak in Manicaland has largely affected Buhera and Mutare districts but some deaths were also recorded in Mutoko and Harare. Zimbabwe has a long history of malaria outbreaks because of its high altitude.

Areas above 1,500m, such as Harare, are usually malaria free, while areas below 900m are normally a high risk to malaria, particularly in the north where the altitude is between 900 and 1500m.

In Zimbabwe, malaria endemic areas include Mutare, Gokwe, Mutoko, Dande, Chikombedzi, Mudzi, Hwange and Mt Darwin. After HIV and AIDS, malaria is the biggest killer of children under five in Zimbabwe and pregnant women, as well as newborns.

Malaria is increasingly becoming resistant to existing drugs. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of reported outbreaks, specifically linked to flooding. These include diarrhoeal outbreaks and malaria.

The sensitivity of the disease to certain environmental conditions suggests that climate change may influence the nature of the disease and the size and severity of outbreaks

Kenya Celebrates International Childhood Cancer Day


Kenya marked the International Childhood Cancer Day on February 15, 2013 with hopes to raise awareness. The day was observed at a time when Kenya is grappling with an upsurge of child related cancers.

Kenyatta Hospital had a forum to give information on cancer, while the cancer association held an art auction at the village market to help support needy children with cancer. The theme of the event was “see cancer through a child’s eye”.