It is a truism that everyone created by God has a destiny. In our life’s journey there aredestinations but when we travel along the direction God has planned for us, even before we were born,our destination becomes our destiny. Lack of knowledge, indolence, wrong choices and decisions can cause us to pass through life without achieving the God-given destiny. It implies that we have not been fully utilised for mankind. Our potential has not been exploited.

Your greatest discovery is to know God’s purpose and plan for your life. Knowing your gifts and calling will keep you on the right track. This knowledge will enable you get into a career or vocation that will please God and give you satisfaction and peace of mind. Ignorance of these truths is responsible for most of the crises we experience in life –poverty, unhappiness, lack of job satisfaction, selfishness, greed, corruption, fear, lack of progress, bitterness, envy, criminal tendencies, crazy accumulation of wealth, disease, premature death and so on. These are definitely not the plans and promises for God’s children.

Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plan Ihave for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”Fulfilment of this promise, like other promises, is subject to your personal choices, decisions and will power. Promises are not imposed on anybody. You are free to accept or reject and damn the consequences.

It is God’s pleasure to have you discover your own destiny so that you can walk along it. If you actually desire to know it and ask God, He will help you. After all, the Word of God says that everyone who asks receives; everyone who seeks finds; to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call on me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.”One major clue to your destiny is the desiresof your heart.

Do you have a burning desire? Your desire is what you long for. It is where your heart is and your greatest treasure.God places desires for certain things in your heart to make you know and serve Him. When your desires are godly, you are on the right track to your destiny.“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires”(Psalm 37:4). Your divine desires are pointing towards God’s purpose for your life.

Desires are not mere fantasies or wishes. At one time or the other, some thoughts flash across your mind. You see a beautiful car and you just wish it belongs to you.Your friend receives a free ticket and hotel coupon to enjoy a vacation in Hawaii Islands and you just imagine yourself receiving such a gift, too. Your neighbour completes his residential building and invites you to the house-warming ceremony. Your own project is still on-going and you visualise your own house being completed. These are good thoughts and wishes which vanish soon after.

See also
Discovering Your Talent

With desire is passion. Passion is the excitement and zeal you have for something important to you. Passion is a positive power. Parents should always watch out for passion in their children. They are good pointers to where destiny is taking them. Students that have passion for figures and numbers must be moving towards mathematics and accountancy. Some people are always ready to help others. They hate to see other people in difficulty and are always ready to give a helping hand. Such persons will perform well as social workers and nurses.

In my working life, I never experienced passion for my work until I started my own publishing business. Before then, I did a bit of selling and thereafter spent 5 years in a production department. During that period, I was not particularly satisfied with my work and did not see myself prospering in that area. Then I moved to a marketing company. Despite all the training programmes on sales and marketing which I was exposed to, I was still asking myself where I was heading to. Inside me, I knew the job was not fulfilling and I was wondering how my colleagues were enjoying their work. I thought that the reason I did not derive joy in my work was that, as the marketing manager, I did not sufficiently appreciate the principles and concepts of marketing. Therefore, in order to find pleasure in my work, I attended a 6-week marketing programme of the International Marketing Institute in Cambridge, Mass. USA, in 1978. This programmereally expanded my scope in marketing but it brought disappointment to my boss since he did not willingly approve it for me, neither did he give me any financial support. The breakdown in our relationship caused me to resign my appointment to start publishing Pharmanews in 1979. It was then that I became aware of what God planned for my life. Today,I know I am in the right direction because the passion for my work has continued to intensify.

There is no doubt thatvery many people are in the wrong jobs which cannot offer them any satisfaction. They cannot shine and excel in those jobs because their hearts are not in what they are doing. Many young graduates accept whatever jobs are available, just to be engaged. Their spirits must be witnessing to them that they are only in transit to their calling. Their present jobs are just like bus stops on their route to their destination. They must be praying for God’s plan for their lives to manifest at the appointed time. God’s willis done on earth when everyone operates at their stations.

See also
Faithfulness in employment

It is a truism that everyone created by God has a destiny. In our life’s journey there aredestinations but when we travel along the direction God has planned for us, even before we were born,our destination becomes our destiny. Lack of knowledge, indolence, wrong choices and decisions can cause us to pass through life without achieving the God-given destiny. It implies that we have not been fully utilised for mankind. Our potential has not been exploited.

Your greatest discovery is to know God’s purpose and plan for your life. Knowing your gifts and calling will keep you on the right track. This knowledge will enable you get into a career or vocation that will please God and give you satisfaction and peace of mind. Ignorance of these truths is responsible for most of the crises we experience in life –poverty, unhappiness, lack of job satisfaction, selfishness, greed, corruption, fear, lack of progress, bitterness, envy, criminal tendencies, crazy accumulation of wealth, disease, premature death and so on. These are definitely not the plans and promises for God’s children.

Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plan Ihave for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”Fulfilment of this promise, like other promises, is subject to your personal choices, decisions and will power. Promises are not imposed on anybody. You are free to accept or reject and damn the consequences.

It is God’s pleasure to have you discover your own destiny so that you can walk along it. If you actually desire to know it and ask God, He will help you. After all, the Word of God says that everyone who asks receives; everyone who seeks finds; to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call on me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.”One major clue to your destiny is the desiresof your heart.

Do you have a burning desire? Your desire is what you long for. It is where your heart is and your greatest treasure.God places desires for certain things in your heart to make you know and serve Him. When your desires are godly, you are on the right track to your destiny.“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires”(Psalm 37:4). Your divine desires are pointing towards God’s purpose for your life.

Desires are not mere fantasies or wishes. At one time or the other, some thoughts flash across your mind. You see a beautiful car and you just wish it belongs to you.Your friend receives a free ticket and hotel coupon to enjoy a vacation in Hawaii Islands and you just imagine yourself receiving such a gift, too. Your neighbour completes his residential building and invites you to the house-warming ceremony. Your own project is still on-going and you visualise your own house being completed. These are good thoughts and wishes which vanish soon after.

See also
Know Where You Belong

With desire is passion. Passion is the excitement and zeal you have for something important to you. Passion is a positive power. Parents should always watch out for passion in their children. They are good pointers to where destiny is taking them. Students that have passion for figures and numbers must be moving towards mathematics and accountancy. Some people are always ready to help others. They hate to see other people in difficulty and are always ready to give a helping hand. Such persons will perform well as social workers and nurses.

In my working life, I never experienced passion for my work until I started my own publishing business. Before then, I did a bit of selling and thereafter spent 5 years in a production department. During that period, I was not particularly satisfied with my work and did not see myself prospering in that area. Then I moved to a marketing company. Despite all the training programmes on sales and marketing which I was exposed to, I was still asking myself where I was heading to. Inside me, I knew the job was not fulfilling and I was wondering how my colleagues were enjoying their work. I thought that the reason I did not derive joy in my work was that, as the marketing manager, I did not sufficiently appreciate the principles and concepts of marketing. Therefore, in order to find pleasure in my work, I attended a 6-week marketing programme of the International Marketing Institute in Cambridge, Mass. USA, in 1978. This programmereally expanded my scope in marketing but it brought disappointment to my boss since he did not willingly approve it for me, neither did he give me any financial support. The breakdown in our relationship caused me to resign my appointment to start publishing Pharmanews in 1979. It was then that I became aware of what God planned for my life. Today,I know I am in the right direction because the passion for my work has continued to intensify.

There is no doubt thatvery many people are in the wrong jobs which cannot offer them any satisfaction. They cannot shine and excel in those jobs because their hearts are not in what they are doing. Many young graduates accept whatever jobs are available, just to be engaged. Their spirits must be witnessing to them that they are only in transit to their calling. Their present jobs are just like bus stops on their route to their destination. They must be praying for God’s plan for their lives to manifest at the appointed time. God’s willis done on earth when everyone operates at their stations.



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