World Congress on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Innovations in Pharma Industry 2017


Following the tradition of successful Congresses held in several European countries, Dubai, Spain, Italy, India, South Africa and USA, the Organizing Committee of Conference Series LLC is pleased to invite all the participants across the globe to attend the 11th world Congress on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Innovations in Pharma Industry slated on February 27- 28, 2017 at Amsterdam, Netherlands.

The conference is a specially organized two day event which will provide a multi-channel communication platform that brings together both “producers” and “consumers” of pharma world of generic sector. It includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions. It is a perfect platform for researchers, scientists and, delegates to share experience, foster collaborations across industry and academia, and evaluate emerging technologies across the globe.

Motives to attend:

  • Keynote presentation along with interactions to galvanize the scientific community.
  • Workshop and symposiums to reach the largest assemblage of participants from the Pharma community.
  • A wide track of exhibitors to showcase the new and emerging technologies.
  • Platform to global investment community to connect with stakeholders in Pharma sector.
  • Young Scientist/ Investigators Award geared towards best budding young research.
  • Links to the political marketing resources  in order to expand your business and research network.
  • Triumph of Awards, Certificates and CPD Credits recognizes your commitment to your profession to encourage the nascent research.

Target Audience:

  • Scientists
  • Pharmacists
  • Scholars from Pharmaceutical backgrounds
  • Business Tycoons
  • Students, Scientists, Researchers, and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universities and Medical Colleges
  • Researchers from Pharmaceutical Companies, Pharmacy Associations and Societies
  • Health professionals
  • Business development professionals, Consultants and Pharma service providers
  • Quality control specialist
  • Graduates and post graduates in industrial pharmacy
  • Medical Devices Manufacturing Companies, CRO
  • Data Management Companies.
  • Pharmaceutical legislators and regulators

Market Analysis

Globalized growth of Pharmaceutical Research

Pharmaceuticals are one of the world’s most beneficial ventures. Amid the most recent 30 years, the industry has burned through billions of dollars on research and procured billions consequently. In 2008 alone, the pharmaceutical business sold $773 billion in items around the world a number that has reliably developed for as long as 8 years and is anticipated to increment again by 2.5 to 3.5 percent in 2017, as per the medication statistical surveying firm IMS Health.

In any case, the procedure that transforms look into dollars into pharmaceuticals is a moderate and regularly strenuous one. It now takes a normal of 12 to 15 years and up to $1.7 billion for a medication to go from revelation to advertise, as indicated by The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. Also, regardless of constantly and cash contributed, just a modest bunch of medications are affirmed by the FDA every year.

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The laborious medication endorsement prepare uncovers a focal truth about Big Pharma: it’s a standout amongst the most seriously controlled businesses on the planet. The U.S. Nourishment and Drug Administration (FDA) and its European Union partner, the European Medicines Agency (EMEA), represent each part of a medication’s improvement from chemicals utilized as a part of the medication and clinical study directions, called conventions, to bundling segments and showcasing materials. This strict oversight is intended to ensure persistent wellbeing, and pharma organizations consider administrative oversight important. The consistent weight to hold fast to government commands shapes each part of a pharma company’s association, operations, and culture. For instance, sedate organizations keep up capable administrative undertakings divisions-the offices that arrangement with government offices and they have a tendency to be hazard disinclined.


The Pharmaceutical industry’s long successful strategy of placing big bets on a few molecules, promoting them heavily and turning them into blockbusters worked well for many years, but its R&D productivity has now plummeted and the environment’s changing. There are few trends which are reshaping the marketplace.

Escalating demand for medicines

The global pharmaceutical market is growing steadily, with sales reaching $1.08 trillion in 2011 – a year-on-year increase of 7.8%. The mature economies proved very sluggish, but the growth economies were another matter. Sales in the BRIC countries (Brazil, China, India and Russia) rose by 22.6%, while sales in the other 13 growth countries (the ‘fast followers’, as we call them) rose by 7.2%.9 If this pattern continues, the market for medicines could be worth nearly $1.6 trillion by 2020. 10 Indeed, it could be worth even more. Demand for pharma’s products is rising dramatically, as the global population increases, ages and becomes more sedentary. In 2010, there were an estimated 6.9 billion people. By 2020, there will be more than 7.6 billion.11 And, if present trends are any guide, many of them will have health problems In short, there are more people – and more sick or elderly people – in the world today than ever before. More people have access to affordable healthcare than ever before. And, by 2020, access to healthcare may well be regarded everywhere as a basic human right.

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Poor scientific productivity

Take the vexed issue of the industry’s scientific productivity. Although the number of new medicines  reaching the market picked up in 2011, pharma’s annual output has effectively flat lined for the past 10 years . Developing new medicines is becoming an increasingly expensive business, too, although precisely how expensive is the subject of fierce debate. In 2006, the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development put average costs per molecule at $1.24-1.32 billion.22 Various commentators have since challenged these figures, claiming that the real cost is anything from $75 million to $4 billion, although most people lean towards the higher end of the range.



So where does the industry now stand? It’s proved remarkably resilient, given the many problems it’s dealing with. But, in essence, it faces two overarching challenges. Tomorrow’s challenge is to develop new medicines that can prevent or cure currently incurable diseases. Today’s challenge is to get to tomorrow – and that’s a tall order in itself. Fortunately, there are a number of steps senior executives can take to help their companies reach 2020 and ready them for the opportunities the next decade brings.

Major Pharmaceutical Associations & Societies in Europe :

Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland

The International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE)

The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA)

The European Generic Medicines Association (EGA)

The European Personalised Medicine Association EPEMED

European Association of Employed Community Pharmacists in Europe (EPhEU)

European Pharmaceutical Union (EPU)

Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU)

Past Conference Report

Pharmaceutica 2016

Pharmaceutica 2016 Report

We gratefully thank all our wonderful Speakers, Conference Attendees, Students, Media Partners, Associations and Exhibitors for making Pharmaceutica 2016 Conference the best ever!

The 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutics & Novel Drug Delivery Systems, hosted by the Conferenceseries LLC was held during March 07-09, 2016 at Melia Avenida America, Madrid, Spain based on the theme Challenges and Advances in Novel Drug Delivery Systems. Benevolent response and active participation was received from the Organizing Committee Members along with Scientists, Researchers, Students and leaders from various fields of Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Systems, who made this event a grand success.

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Conferenceseries LLC expresses its gratitude to the conference Moderator, namely Dr. Volkmar Weissig for taking up the responsibility to coordinate during the sessions. We are indebted to your support.

Similarly we also extend our appreciation towards our Poster judges namely, Dr. Volkmar Weissig, Dr. Amiram Goldblum, and Dr. B B Barik.

A very special Thanks to our Exhibitors and Sponsors to have bestowed and their faith and invested in us to make this event a fruitful one. We hope you continue your support in our future endeavours.

The conference was initiated with the Honourable presence of the Keynote forum. The list includes:

  • Volkmar Weissig, Midwestern University, USA
  • Csilla Keyges, Solvo Biotechnology, Hungary
  • Felix Kratz, CytRx Corporation, Germany
  • Amiram Goldblum, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
  • Joel Richard, IPSEN, France
  • Kang Choon Lee, SungKyunKwan University, Republic of South Korea

Conferenceseries LLC offers its heartfelt appreciation to organizations such as CiMUSUniversity of Santiago de Compostela, Ministry of Health, KSA and our esteemed Media Partners (NIA, FIP, PharmaVision, BREC, Bentham Science, The Pharma Review), and other eminent personalities who supported the conference by promoting in various modes online and offline which helped the conference reach every nook and corner of the globe. Conference Series LLC also took privilege to felicitate the Keynote Speakers, Organizing Committee Members, Chairs and Exhibitors who supported this event.

With the grand success of Pharmaceutica 2016, Conference Series LLC is proud to announce the  World Congress on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Innovations in Pharma Industry” to be held during Feb 27- March 1, 2017 at Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Best Poster Awards:

  • David Veale, Reckitt Benckiser Health Care Ltd., UK
  • Nataliya Storozhylova, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
  • Shayan F Lahiji, Yonsei University, Republic of South Korea
  • Anton Aleksashkin, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
  • Abdulaziz Al Mahallawi, Cairo University, Egypt
  • Mohamed Yehia Abouleish, American University of Sharjah, UAE
  • Ahlam Zaid Alkilani, Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Jordan



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