SKG Rewards Loyal Trade Partners


–       Launches Rulox tablet

In apparent show of appreciation, SKG Pharma Limited recently organised a trade partners conference to reward its customers for businesses transacted with the company for the year 2016.

The conference, which was recently held at De-renaissance Hotel, Ikeja, Lagos, also witnessed the introduction Rulox, the company’s  brand of antacid tablet into the Nigerian market.

According to the company’s Marketing Manager, Miss Victoria Okon, Rulox antacid, which already has an oral suspension in the market, is used in the management of peptic ulcer, dyspepsia, reflux oesophagitis and gastritis, heart burns (including heartburn in pregnancy) gastrointestinal flatulence and discomfort due to excess stomach gas.

“It is chewable and comes in handy transparent sachet enclosing the pink tablets, making it easier to carry when going out of home,” she said.

Speaking further on the newly introduced product, Okon explained that Rulox should only be administered orally, adding that it should be chewed thoroughly before swallowing.

“Rulox is to be taken between meals and at bed time not exceeding 10 tablets in a 24 hours period for adults and two and half tablets for children,” she said.

In his remarks at the conference, Managing Director, SKG Pharma, Mr Okey Akpa, expressed appreciation to the company’s trade partners for their loyalty in ensuring that the company’s products get to the consumers in all towns and villages in the country despite the nationwide economic meltdown, adding that they were the reason for the company’s continued survival and success.

Akpa noted that the trade partners’ conference is an annual event during which the company appreciates its clients for being in business with SKG Pharma, as well as to get feedback from them about the performance of the company and that of its field force.

“One important thing we gain from this conference is customers’ loyalty. Celebrating our customers every year is part of our scheme to retain loyalty. For us, loyalty is a two-way thing; we remain loyal to them, and they are loyal to us.

“Also, speaking to them enables us to get quality feedback, without which the business is at risk. So, we see this as a very important occasion where we interact, and chart the way forward for the organisation,” he said.

He added that despite the prevailing harsh economic climate, the company remains optimistic about the future of the country and the target markets.

Pharm. Akpa, who is a Fellow of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) and chairman of the Pharmaceutical Group of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (PMG-MAN) however called on well- meaning Nigerians, governments at all levels and various institutions in the country to patronise made-in-Nigeria products, especially pharmaceutical products, noting that as long as the country continues to depend on imported products, the current economic crisis may linger for longer.

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“The only way Nigeria can come out of recession quickly is to produce its way out of recession. For every product imported is a job lost to another country” said the SKG boss who is also chairman of West Africa Pharmaceuticals Association (WAPA).

The workshop facilitator, Mr Victor Ogharanduku of VIOGHA Consult, a renowned economist and researcher took the participants on the topic: “Sustaining and Growing Business in the Context of Economic Recession”.

He said, recession is not new as it is what the Economists described as ‘business cycle’, adding that the country present economic downturn started some years back, but the country entered the recession fully precisely January, 2016.

“The country has been in recession five times in the last thirty years, but the current economy recession is the worst we have witnessed and experienced as a nation, and the reason the previous recessions were not badly felt was because they were properly managed, so management is crucial in business and if it is not properly handled, it can mar the business.”

He further noted that high inflation, which made investors to lose confidence in the nation’s economy, government policy, high rate of unemployment, reduction in capital base, low sales and patronages and poor management were part of the factors responsible for the country’s present economic recession.

The trainer however urged SKG Pharma and its partners to see opportunity in the current recession, saying p the tips to survive the recession is for them to exit other investment and focus on building their businesses, increase their budget and expenses with respect to marketing and advertising, take care of their existing customers, inspire and motivate their employees, be committed to their business, as well commitment to partnership and lifelong learning.

The high point of the event was the presentation of awards and gifts to deserving distributors in various categories. In the national category for the Best Distributor Award, NewHealth Pharmacy and Simba Pharmacy came third and second respectively, while Jonaco Pharmacy, won the Best National Distributor Award.

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In apparent show of appreciation, SKG Pharma Limited recently organised a trade partners conference to reward its customers for businesses transacted with the company for the year 2016.

The conference, which was recently held at De-renaissance Hotel, Ikeja, Lagos, also witnessed the introduction Rulox, the company’s  brand of antacid tablet into the Nigerian market.

According to the company’s Marketing Manager, Miss Victoria Okon, Rulox antacid, which already has an oral suspension in the market, is used in the management of peptic ulcer, dyspepsia, reflux oesophagitis and gastritis, heart burns (including heartburn in pregnancy) gastrointestinal flatulence and discomfort due to excess stomach gas.

“It is chewable and comes in handy transparent sachet enclosing the pink tablets, making it easier to carry when going out of home,” she said.

Speaking further on the newly introduced product, Okon explained that Rulox should only be administered orally, adding that it should be chewed thoroughly before swallowing.

“Rulox is to be taken between meals and at bedtime not exceeding 10 tablets in a 24 hours period for adults and two and half tablets for children,” she said.

In his remarks at the conference, Managing Director, SKG Pharma, Mr Okey Akpa, expressed appreciation to the company’s trade partners for their loyalty in ensuring that the company’s products get to the consumers in all towns and villages in the country despite the nationwide economic meltdown, adding that they were the reason for the company’s continued survival and success.

Akpa noted that the trade partners’ conference is an annual event during which the company appreciates its clients for being in business with SKG Pharma, as well as to get feedback from them about the performance of the company and that of its field force.

“One important thing we gain from this conference is customers’ loyalty. Celebrating our customers every year is part of our scheme to retain loyalty. For us, loyalty is a two-way thing; we remain loyal to them, and they are loyal to us.

“Also, speaking to them enables us to get quality feedback, without which the business is at risk. So, we see this as a very important occasion where we interact, and chart the way forward for the organisation,” he said.

He added that despite the prevailing harsh economic climate, the company remains optimistic about the future of the country and the target markets.

Pharm. Akpa, who is a Fellow of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) and chairman of the Pharmaceutical Group of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (PMG-MAN) however called on well- meaning Nigerians, governments at all levels and various institutions in the country to patronise made-in-Nigeria products, especially pharmaceutical products, noting that as long as the country continues to depend on imported products, the current economic crisis may linger for longer.

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“The only way Nigeria can come out of recession quickly is to produce its way out of recession. For every product imported is a job lost to another country” said the SKG boss who is also chairman of West Africa Pharmaceuticals Association (WAPA).

The workshop facilitator, Mr Victor Ogharanduku of VIOGHA Consult, a renowned economist and researcher took the participants on the topic: “Sustaining and Growing Business in the Context of Economic Recession”.

He said, recession is not new as it is what the Economists described as ‘business cycle’, adding that the country present economic downturn started some years back, but the country entered the recession fully precisely January, 2016.

“The country has been in recession five times in the last thirty years, but the current economy recession is the worst we have witnessed and experienced as a nation, and the reason the previous recessions were not badly felt was because they were properly managed, so management is crucial in business and if it is not properly handled, it can mar the business.”

He further noted that high inflation, which made investors to lose confidence in the nation’s economy, government policy, high rate of unemployment, reduction in capital base, low sales and patronages and poor management were part of the factors responsible for the country’s present economic recession.

The trainer however urged SKG Pharma and its partners to see opportunity in the current recession, saying p the tips to survive the recession is for them to exit other investment and focus on building their businesses, increase their budget and expenses with respect to marketing and advertising, take care of their existing customers, inspire and motivate their employees, be committed to their business, as well commitment to partnership and lifelong learning.

The high point of the event was the presentation of awards and gifts to deserving distributors in various categories. In the national category for the Best Distributor Award, NewHealth Pharmacy and Simba Pharmacy came third and second respectively, while Jonaco Pharmacy, won the Best National Distributor Award.



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